Special masters on campus

Chapter 322 Strange Phenomena

Chapter 322 Strange Phenomena

If it weren't for the fact that Chen Dong had practiced "Nine Suns Treasure", a top-notch exercise that is as rigid as Yang, under the lure of the old man Yang Tianding since he was a child, and because Chen Dong himself had a once-in-a-thousand-year pure yang physique, Chen Dong might be at this moment. It has been torn to pieces by the terrifying torrent of spiritual energy!
"It's now!" Chen Dong's face was determined, and now he had reached his limit, and Feng Bingbing's injury could not wait any longer, the black on her left arm was about to break through the true energy he had left in Feng Bingbing's body just now!

I saw Chen Dong's two palms pressed together on Feng Bingbing's shoulders, and at the same time, two streams of pure yang power poured into Feng Bingbing's body instantly through Chen Dong's hands!
"Yeah!" Feng Bingbing, who had her eyes closed and fell into a deep coma, snorted reflexively. Whether she could wake up depends not only on whether Chen Dong can persist in sending out true energy, but also on her own will to survive!

Only a moment later, the veins on Chen Dong's arms were already bulging, and the criss-crossing blood vessels could be seen bulging out terrifyingly.In fact, this kind of aura impact was not only a test for Chen Dong himself, but also a way of cultivation!Only when the meridians become stronger and the dantian becomes wider, can you have stronger strength!
Time passed by every minute and every second.Chen Dong's body was already dripping with sweat, and the sweatpants on his lower body were completely soaked in sweat.For him, this short period of time was tantamount to sitting in the crater of a volcano.

Looking at Feng Bingbing again, although her complexion has improved a little, but because of the poison spreading in her body during the few minutes of delay, she still has no signs of waking up.

Seeing this situation, Chen Dong's face became more and more ugly, because the spiritual energy of the two spirit stones was almost exhausted!
Half an hour later, the spiritual energy in the two low-grade spirit stones was completely exhausted and turned into nothing.

"Hoo hoo!" Chen Dong panted heavily. It was also a great challenge for him to have such a majestic aura penetrating into his body in a short period of time.Like a torrential river pouring into a small stream, almost every one of Chen Dong's 36 major meridians would burst at any time!
Without taking a break, Chen Dong quickly tested Feng Bingbing's pulse.

"The pulse is stable, the breathing is smooth, and the toxicity has been completely forced out..."

But Feng Bingbing was still in a deep coma and did not wake up.

"It's strange why the scorpion poison in Feng Bingbing's body has been completely forced out by my pure yang power, but she still hasn't woken up!" Chen Dong clenched his fists tightly, his eyes like stars.

"Could it be that there is something special about the scorpion's poison that can make people unconscious?" Thinking of this, Chen Dong shook his head again, obviously it was impossible.Even so, Feng Bingbing didn't have any poison in his body now, but he still didn't wake up.

"That's very likely caused by the combination of her own cold poison and scorpion poison..." Chen Dong knew that Feng Bingbing had suffered from cold poison before, and even had to take the antidote once a month.

"Li Tenglong! The Li family! I, Chen Dong, will definitely crush the Tenglong Group!" Chen Dong picked up the sniper rifle on the ground, picked up Feng Bingbing who was still in a coma, and walked towards the stairs leading to the roof of the building.

At the same time, it was on the roof of the villa in the wilderness by the sea.

A white private helicopter is parked on the simple helipad on the roof.

Li Tenglong was standing under the helicopter with a gloomy expression.

At the same time, in addition to the helicopter pilot, there was also an old man with gray hair in the helicopter, who was Uncle Liu, the housekeeper of the Li family.

The fierce battle between Chen Dong and the poisonous scorpion just now caused the whole villa to tremble, but now it suddenly became calm.Li Tenglong was uneasy, wondering whether the poisonous scorpion won or whether Chen Dong won again and defeated or even killed the poisonous scorpion.

"Impossible! Chen Dong can't win this time! Poison Scorpion's strength is far above Chen Dong! Father once said that even if you lose Bingfeng and Baimei together, you can't beat Poison Scorpion! Damn Bingfeng! What ice Feng Yaoji died because of the countless men she injured! I think she is a stinky bitch! She even gave up on the mission! So what's so good about Chen Dong! Why does Chu Shanshan like him? Even this cold-blooded female killer voluntarily gave up killing him !" Li Tenglong looked gloomy, but he was willing to believe that Chen Dong would still win.

"Master, we should go." At this moment, the gray-haired old man in the helicopter stretched out his head and said.

"Why are you leaving! I'm going to wait for the poisonous scorpion to come up and tell me that he killed Chen Dong!" Li Tenglong said coldly.

"No matter what the result is, the young master should get on the plane first. Because no matter how good a hunting dog is, he is still a hunting dog. The battle between him and his prey has nothing to do with the hunter. The hunter only needs to wait for the result before deciding whether to collect the prey Reward the hunting dog, or buy another hunting dog to deal with the prey." The old man said.

"This..." Li Tenglong was taken aback. Uncle Liu had been in their Li family for decades and had always been his father's confidant. Although he was the housekeeper, he had a high status in Li's family, so Li Tenglong didn't dare to disrespect him.

"This is what the chairman asked me to tell you, young master." The butler Uncle Liu said.

"Hounds, hunters and prey!" Li Tenglong stared at the door leading to the roof on the third floor of the villa with a gloomy face.He understood the meaning of his father's words, but he just couldn't swallow this breath. As long as Chen Dong survived for a day, he would feel that he was being trampled under his feet and unable to turn over.

"Bang!" At this moment, the iron door leading to the rooftop on the third floor was pushed open from the inside.

"Haha! Uncle Liu! What do I say! The poisonous scorpion is worthy of being a strong man that my father hired with a big price! The late stage of Qi refining was simply crushing Chen Dong in the middle stage of Qi refining! It feels like stepping on my feet!" Li Tenglong laughed out loud, because in his opinion, only the poisonous scorpion will come to the rooftop if he wins, and if Chen Dong wins, he will walk out of the villa downstairs. After all, he has a helicopter. If Dong was lucky enough to win, he would never dare to come to the rooftop, otherwise the gunmen on the helicopter would beat him to pieces.

However, before he could laugh enough, he saw a figure holding a girl and walking up to the rooftop from the door.

"Chen...Chen Dong! That's impossible! Where's the poisonous scorpion! Where's the poisonous scorpion!" Li Tenglong's face turned pale, and he stepped back several steps until he leaned against the helicopter It stopped on the tripod.

"Master! It seems that the poisonous scorpion has failed! Get on the plane!" At this moment, the butler Uncle Liu stretched out his hand to signal Li Tenglong to get on the plane quickly.

"Want to leave? Starting today! This is the first step towards the Li family's destruction!" Chen Dong slowly placed Feng Bingbing on the roof.

After a few steps, he came to the Li family's helicopter!

"I said, I will kill Tenglong Group headquarters! Stay here!" Chen Dong snorted coldly, and stretched out his hand to grab Li Tenglong!
"Destroy my Tenglong Group? Young man, do you think you have no opponent after defeating the poisonous scorpion?" It was Uncle Liu, the housekeeper of the Li family, who spoke!

(End of this chapter)

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