Special masters on campus

Chapter 323 Junior sister is in the Li family?

Chapter 323 Junior sister is in the Li family?
But just when Chen Dong wanted to keep Li Tenglong behind, the key Uncle Liu who looked old and weak reached out his hand at the same time.

"Boom!" Chen Dong's hand directly grabbed Uncle Liu's wrist, and then it was bounced away in an instant!

At the same time, Uncle Liu stretched out his other hand, grabbing the soulless Li Tenglong onto the plane like lifting a chicken.

"At least in the late stage of Qi refining!" Chen Dong stared at Li Tenglong again.

"Huh!" Uncle Liu snorted and threw both fists at Chen Dong at the same time!

"Bang bang!" The two clasped their hands several times, and Chen Dong stepped back. He had consumed a lot of energy and physical strength just now, and he didn't take advantage of the old man's attack just now.

"Take off! Go back to the group!" Uncle Liu said to the helicopter pilot as if he had changed into a different person.

"Hula Hula!" The helicopter's propellers began to spin, creating gusts of strong wind.

Chen Dong hurriedly backed away, because not only the old man was on the other side, but there might be a gunman in the helicopter, so he had to make sure that Feng Bingbing was no longer in danger.

"Hehe! I'm old. It's true that Quan is afraid of being young. The young man, our chairman, admires you very much. By the way, there is also your junior sister. But it's a pity that you hinder our plan, and the chairman can only reluctantly give up! "The helicopter took off slowly, and the old man looked at Chen Dong and said something meaningful.

"The Li family! Junior sister!" Chen Dong's eyes lit up. It seemed that the disappearance of his junior sister was indeed related to the Li family!
"Tenglong Group!" Chen Dong looked at the helicopter flying farther and farther with his eyes staring into the stars, and it was imperative to kill the Tenglong Group!

"Didi...didi..." At this moment, sirens sounded from downstairs, and dozens of police cars were rushing towards the villa.He didn't need to look at Chen Dong to know that it was Situ Xiadan who called the police brigade.

But what if they came?

Chen Dong looked solemn, turned around and hugged Feng Bingbing again, the most innocent person in the whole thing was Xiao Jiajia, and the one who made him feel the most guilty and sympathetic was the female killer in his arms.

"Didi! Didi!" The urgent sound of the siren made this remote and remote villa in the wilderness suddenly lively.Dozens of police vehicles and nearly a hundred police forces surrounded the entire villa. The scene was quite spectacular.

"Listen, people inside! You are surrounded! Put down your weapons now! Release the hostages!"

"Listen, people inside! You are surrounded! Put down your weapons now! Release the hostages!"

There was a cordon around the villa.An old-fashioned shout came from the police horn, and it was repeated mechanically, just like a scene in a police movie.

But there was no movement in this abandoned villa. No matter what the police shouted, there was no one in sight, let alone a hostage release.

"Let go of me and let me in!" At this moment, there was a loud noise from a place more than ten meters away from the main entrance of the villa.

It turned out that it was Situ Xiadan who wanted to enter the villa, and she was too worried about Chen Dong's comfort.But several male policemen stood in front of Situ Xiadan and prevented her from entering the villa.

"Deputy team, you can't go in. The suspects inside all have guns. If you go in alone, it will be dangerous if they shoot!"

"Yes! Deputy Situ, you can't go in now!"

Now the Donghai City Police Department has basically confirmed the facts of the case, and the hostages were taken by illegal personnel in this abandoned villa.The police force of the entire police station was mobilized, and this was not an uncommon major case in the history of Donghai City.And Situ Xiadan is the deputy captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Donghai City Police Department. If a person goes in and something is dangerous, ordinary police officers like them cannot afford this responsibility.

"I order you to get out of the way according to the order of the deputy captain of the criminal police brigade!" Situ Xiadan shouted. Just now she had to evacuate the villa for Wu Jiajia's safety, but Chen Dong's safety is always a stone hanging in her heart. She has seen How powerful is that man named Poisonous Scorpion!That is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people!Now she finally believed that Chen Dong had spoken to her. He was not an ordinary person, but a cultivator!
But the more she knew that all of this was true, the more frightened she became!
"Are you all going to disobey the order? I order you to get out of the way!" Situ Xiadan shouted out of control. She had never done this for any boy. She didn't know why she did this, and she didn't want to know why. Now she It's like rushing in and standing with Chen Dong!
"This..." For a moment, the young police officers around were all embarrassed, because it was rumored that the boyfriend of Deputy Situ was also in the villa, and now his life and death were uncertain.

"What's going on?" And just when these police officers looked embarrassed, a middle-aged man came over. It was none other than Zhao Hu, Captain Zhao of Donghai City Criminal Police Brigade.

"Captain Zhao, Vice Captain Situ is going to enter the villa!" These police officers looked as if they had been pardoned when they saw Captain Zhao approaching.

"Comrade Situ Xiadan, please explain." Captain Zhao looked at Situ Xiadan and said.

"Captain Zhao! Let me go in. Chen Dong is still inside, and he is facing a very strong opponent. Just now you saw a helicopter flying away. Maybe Chen Dong is facing more than one suspect now!" Situ Xiadan said Said anxiously.

"Comrade Situ Xiadan, I know you are very anxious! I am also anxious when Chen Dong is inside, but the number of suspects and the firepower are still unknown. If you go in and you are in danger, not only will you not be able to help Chen Dong, but you will also let him go." Chen Dong was distracted for you!" Captain Zhao was an experienced policeman after all, so he kept calm and rational at this moment.

"Your anxiety is different from mine! Even if I die, I will stand with him!" Situ Xiadan had a firm expression on his face, and he was about to walk towards the villa after speaking.

"Hey! Situ Xiadan!"

"Deputy Team Situ!"

And just when everyone in the criminal police brigade wanted to catch up and stop Situ Xiadan, a figure stepped out of the villa.

I saw that the upper body of this figure was not wearing any clothes, revealing a body of strong muscles.Holding a pale girl with her eyes closed in her hands.

"Chen Dong!" Situ Xiadan wept with joy and rushed forward.

"Chen Dong, are you injured?" Situ Xiadan ran up to Chen Dong and looked at Chen Dong nervously.

"As I said, I will stand in front of you intact, but it seems that you are going to prepare new clothes for me." The corners of Chen Dong's mouth curled up, revealing his standard smile.

Situ Xiadan was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Chen Dong's strong muscles, his face suddenly turned slightly red.

"What time is it and you're not serious yet!" Situ Xiadan falsely said angrily.

"She is..." Situ Xiadan pointed to Feng Bingbing in Chen Dong's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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