Chapter 324
"Killer." Chen Dong looked at Feng Bingbing who was still unconscious and said with a sigh.

"What! Killer! Killer, you're still holding her!" Situ Xiadan's expression changed, and he became vigilant.

"Don't be so nervous, she used to be a killer but now..." At this point, Chen Dong was suddenly at a loss for words, he didn't know how to introduce Feng Bingbing to Situ Xiadan.Do you want to tell her that this female killer is willing to be her little classmate?Chen Dong really didn't know if the policewoman in front of him would send him to prison for some weird charges.

"What's the matter? What's the matter now?" Situ Xiadan asked quickly when he saw that Chen Dong stopped talking and suddenly stopped talking.

"Now she is my classmate. She will not kill me, but came to help me. That's why she was injured. The most important thing now is to call an ambulance to take her to the hospital first." Chen Dong said with a serious face.

"Okay! Xiao Wang immediately called an ambulance!" Situ Xiadan hurriedly said to a young police officer beside him.

"It's the deputy captain!" The policeman replied, and then ran away quickly.

"Chen Dong!" Captain Zhao also ran up at this time.

"Captain Zhao." Chen Dong nodded to Team Zhao.

"How is the situation inside now? Are there any other hostages?" Captain Zhao asked.

"There are no more hostages." Chen Dong said calmly.

"Okay, Comrade Xia Dan, Chen Dong and this hostage will be handed over to you. The remaining people will enter the villa from four directions according to the original plan to arrest them!" Captain Zhao shouted, pulling out his gun.

"Yes!" At the command of Captain Zhao, dozens of well-armed police officers quickly entered the villa from the main entrance and windows on all sides at the same time!
"Good guy..." Chen Dong was taken aback for a moment, he hadn't finished what he said just now, there were no hostages or gangsters inside...why are you so nervous?What are you doing so professionally...

"Chen Dong, the poisonous scorpion inside is so powerful, will Team Zhao and the others be in danger?" Situ Xiadan saw the power of a cultivator for the first time today, although she knew that no one would believe a cultivator even if she told it. exist.

"It's okay, their job to go in is to collect the corpses and protect the scene. Ahem..." Chen Donggang began to cough violently after speaking, protruding a mouthful of blood.

He had consumed too much zhenqi just now, and without recovering, he forcibly squeezed and exploded two low-grade spirit stones to absorb them directly. At this time, his dantian and meridians are like ice filled with countless cracks, which may shatter at any time!

"Chen Dong! Don't scare me, Chen Dong!" Situ Xia Dan, a police flower who was always fierce and hot, became like a frightened deer at this moment, and hurriedly saved Chen Dong.

"Ahem... It's okay, a small injury..." The corners of Chen Dong's mouth were the same, this kind of injury has died countless times for ordinary people.

"What a small injury! You're vomiting blood!" Situ Xiadan's eyes were red with anxiety. In her opinion, if it wasn't for her, Chen Dong wouldn't have known Xiao Jiajia, and she wouldn't have almost died because of Xiao Jiajia. The important thing is that she already has the shadow of this sunny boy in her heart.

"It's really fine, but if you don't let go of me, I might suffocate to death... Ahem..." It turned out that Situ Xiadan was too nervous just now and hugged Chen Dong directly, because she Chen Dong's body was too hot, and Chen Dong, who was squeezed and seriously injured, had some difficulty breathing.

"Oh..." Situ Xiadan, who came back to his senses, quickly let go of his hand and took a step back.

"It's touching..."

"That's right, Deputy Situ's boyfriend is really amazing and can turn Deputy Situ into a normal woman..."

The remaining police officers who were on guard outside the villa started talking in low voices.Originally, in their eyes, Situ Xiadan was just a boss who had a perfect figure but was stricter than a man.

For Chen Dong, who was able to conquer Situ Xiadan at such a young age and turn her into a little woman, all the male police officers looked at him with admiration.

"What are you looking at! Everyone pay attention to vigilance!" Situ Xiadan yelled at the surrounding police officers who cast admiring glances.



"They are all human beings, so how can they be treated so differently?"

"You! What are you muttering about?" Situ Xiadan looked at the policeman sharply.

"Yes! Lieutenant Situ!"

"Why hasn't the ambulance arrived yet! Didn't you see any wounded in need of emergency treatment?" Situ Xiadan asked.

"Report to Deputy Team Situ, the ambulance will arrive in 5 minutes." A police officer said quickly.

"This efficiency is too slow!" Situ Xiadan turned his head to look at Chen Dong.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Situ Xiadan saw that Chen Dong was staring at him in a daze, and quickly lowered his head to look at himself.

"'s nothing, the wind is blinding my eyes..." Chen Dong swallowed, thinking that this girl is more hot and normal, this kind of picture is right...

5 minute later.

"Didi..." At this moment, the siren of an ambulance came from a distance.

"Report to Deputy Team Situ, the ambulance has arrived."

"Chen Dong take your female classmate to the car first!" Situ Xiadan deliberately said the word "female classmate" very emphatically.

"Eh... it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, get out quickly!" Chen Dong's eyes flashed, and he made a decisive decision.

I saw Chen Dong getting into the ambulance with unconscious Feng Bingbing in his arms, and drove towards the downtown area of ​​Donghai City.

Situ Xiadan, as the deputy captain of the criminal police brigade, had to stay at the scene of the crime, so naturally he couldn't evacuate with the wounded hostages first.

"If it weren't for the fact that you were seriously injured after saving Jiajia, I must ask clearly! Female classmate? You are fooling a ghost! I study criminal investigation!" Situ Xiadan pinched his waist and looked at the ambulance going away.

"Hache!" Chen Dong sneezed in an ambulance driving towards the downtown area of ​​Donghai.

"Now send Feng Bingbing to the hospital first. Although I have forced out the toxicity in her body, she is still in a coma. She needs to be given nutrient solution, otherwise even a healthy person will not be able to hold on."

"The next step is to heal myself! The strength of the Li family is indeed very strong. The old man should be a servant of the Li family, but he also has the strength of the late stage of Qi refining. The strength of the head of the Li family is hard to say, even the realm of Qi Sea!" Chen Dong His gaze is like a star.

Chen Dong was not a fool, he couldn't easily take risks when he knew that the other party had set up a trap waiting for him to enter, and the situation between the enemy and us was unknown.

"And the words that the servant of the Li family said were obviously weird. How did he know that I had been looking for the junior sister? If the junior sister was really in the hands of his Li family, would he take the initiative to tell me? Is it true? False still needs to be investigated!" Chen Dong smiled, the Li family really regarded him as a fool.

"The Li family! Don't worry! I, Chen Dong, swear to destroy Tenglong Group!" Chen Dong's eyes flashed coldly!
(End of this chapter)

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