Special masters on campus

Chapter 328 A Letter from 1 Years Ago

Chapter 328 A letter from 20 years ago

At this time, there was still white light shining inside the ice coffin, which made Chen Dong's face turn pale.

I saw a black box the size of a basketball in the middle of the ice coffin, and on top of the box was a piece of paper, a piece of frozen hard kraft paper.

The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up. Don't even think about it, this is also the trick of the old man.

Chen Dong picked up the kraft paper, opened it, and his face immediately changed.

"Little Dongzi, when you wrote this letter, you still couldn't crawl, and now your mistress is breastfeeding you..."

"I'm going! What's going on? I'm still breastfeeding and I can't crawl? Old bastard, your joke is a bit too much!" Chen Dong's face darkened, this old man really has no morals and no limits.

"You pulled your trousers today, and made my hands full of shit! Don't worry, kid, I will raise you well. For your shit, I am going to make my sect no one has been able to practice successfully for many years. I will give you the top-level exercises! This way, we will be cleared!"

"You old bastard! I finally understand why you asked me to practice the Nine Suns Collection, a fucking exercise. It turned out that I pulled a shit out of you when I was young! It's just a pile of shit, why do you hold grudges so much?" Chen Dong finally understood Why did the old man let himself practice the Nine Suns Collection? The reason is so absurd. I have never seen such a cheating apprentice before!
And when Chen Dong continued to look down, his expression became serious again.

"When you read this letter in the future, don't resent me. Because it is your parents' wish to let you practice this exercise!"

"My parents' wish!" Chen Dong narrowed his eyes. He was raised by his master Yang Tianding since he was a child, and his master never mentioned anything about his parents.It was only once when I was pressed by myself that I told myself that my parents were law enforcement officers in the realm of comprehension.But when he wanted to ask more clearly, the old man started to pretend to be confused, no matter how much he threatened and lured him, he just refused to reveal half a word, so he had no choice but to give up in the end.

Thinking of this, Chen Dong hurriedly looked down.

"If you can see this letter one day, it means that everything is going well with me and your parents 20 years ago. And if you can see this letter, it means that your cultivation of the Nine Suns Book of Skills exceeds The third level, you already have some ability to survive in the realm of comprehension."

"The plan with my parents 20 years ago!" Chen Dong's eyes flashed, which showed that his previous guess was completely correct. He came to Donghai City, and even the people and things he encountered after coming to Donghai City were all planned by the old man. Among them!It's just that I didn't expect this plan to be related to my parents, and it was made 20 years ago! "I don't know why Chen Dong doesn't like the feeling of being arranged by others, even if the arranger is the closest and most trustworthy person.

"When you read this letter, if everything goes well, my teacher and your teacher's wife should be vacationing at the seaside of an island country in the South Pacific..."

"You shameless old man, are you trying to annoy me on purpose?" Chen Dong's forehead darkened, and sometimes he really felt that his sometimes indecent behavior was learned from his master.

"The box is something your parents left you. If you are confident that you can control it, open it. It can make you stronger or it may cause you to kill yourself."

The letter ended here, and there seemed to be some things that the old man wanted to write later, but he didn't come for some reason, and he stopped writing in a hurry after finishing writing.

Chen Dong folded the letter paper and put it in his trouser pocket, looking at the wooden box inside the ice coffin.

"This box is left to me by my parents? What will it be inside?" Chen Dong frowned slightly. Now he felt that some of the mysteries in his heart had gradually become clear, but he found that the doubts in his heart were more serious. too much!What exactly was the plan of my parents and master 20 years ago?The old man's real purpose for letting himself come to Donghai City.And whether the sudden suspension of junior sister Lin Wan's school was part of their plan or an accident.Then there are their parents, who are they?He left something for himself.

"Now all the clues are in this box!" A flash of determination flashed in Chen Dong's eyes, he must open this box today!

Chen Dong stretched out his right hand and put it on the box, while his left hand was lying in front of him, ready to strike at any time, because according to the old man, whether he had the ability to open the box was a test, and it might even bring him a fatal disaster!
This wooden box is about a foot long, wide and high.The whole body is pitch black with some weird patterns engraved on it. It doesn't look like modern craftsmanship, but something from a certain age.

It may be that it has been placed in this ice coffin for too long, and the entire wooden box is very cold. Chen Dong tried it first but failed to open the wooden box.

"Could it be that the cold light just now came from this wooden box?" Chen Dong thought, if it really came from this small wooden box, then he was really careful.

"Huh!" But seeing Chen Dong let out a long breath, an invisible mass of pure Yang power gushed out from his right hand!

"Crack!" The wooden box slowly opened under the power of pure yang!
"Boom!" And at the moment when the wooden box was opened, a dazzling cold light burst out from the wooden box again, heading towards Chen Dong!

"Sure enough!" Chen Dong's eyes flashed, and the pure yang power in his left hand exploded!
"Calm down!" But Chen Dong greeted the cold light with a fist!
"Boom!" Chen Dong felt as if his punch had hit a glacier in Antarctica, and his entire left hand froze instantly!This is when Chen Dong is protected by the power of pure yang!

"What the hell is in here! It's so cold that it freezes the power of pure yang!" Chen Dong's face turned pale, he knew that his power of pure yang could be said to be the most powerful in the world. When Yang is really angry, the only thing that can compete with the power of pure Yang is the most Yin thing!
"This box must be filled with the most yin and coldest things!" Chen Dong's body was pushed back and forth, and the icicles spread upwards from his left hand, and it spread to his arm in the blink of an eye. Still continuing to spread upwards, freezing quickly!
"Hmph! Is this the murder that the old man said? That's a bit too contemptuous of me, Chen Dong!" His signature smile appeared on Chen Dong's face as he kept retreating.

"Nine Suns God Fist!" At this moment, a dazzling golden light flashed out from above Chen Dong's right fist!

Nine Suns Treasure can be cultivated to the fourth stage to compress the pure Yang power in Chen Dong's body, and then burst out, the power is more than ten times stronger!This punch alone almost emptied almost all the pure yang power in Chen Dong's body!


 Thanks to the two brothers who fight Snow Leopard again and Ah Ah Ee Ee for their rewards!A chapter is ten cents, Yudou is eager for everyone to support the genuine version!Try not to look at piracy and use free coins, then Yudou will keep writing for nothing without paying a penny for the manuscript.Yudou's child is about to be born, I am writing a book to earn some money for milk powder...

(End of this chapter)

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