Chapter 329

Accompanied by a roaring sound, two rays of light, one white and one yellow, collided instantly, illuminating the entire room like daytime!
One side is the power of pure yang, which is the most rigid and yang, and the other is the pure yin and cold light, which is the most yin and cold!Two forces with diametrically opposite attributes collided instantly!
However, after the initial burst of dazzling light and roar, the whole room suddenly became quiet again.There is no such a destructive impact force as imagined, and there is no deafening loud sound.

Gradually the cold light disappeared, and Chen Dong squatted on the ground panting heavily.

"Huh! Huh!" Chen Dong raised his head and looked at the ice coffin. Although he had broken through to the fourth level of the Nine Suns Book, his cultivation realm was still in the middle stage of Qi refining. All infuriating.And if it wasn't for Chen Dong's cultivation of the Nine Suns Treasure Art, the true qi in his body was extremely deep, three times that of people in the same realm, and Chen Dong would have been pumped out just because of that punch just now!
Chen Dong took a few breaths, calmed down his breathing, and slowly stood up again.

Now he is even more curious about what is in the small box his parents left him that can have such a powerful power, a chill comparable to the power of pure yang!
I saw Chen Dong walking back to the ice coffin and looking into the ice coffin.But he saw that the lid of the wooden box had been opened by Chen Dong, and there was a palm-sized ice cube lying in the wooden box.

"This is it!" Chen Dong could feel the cold air emanating from this ice cube. Fortunately, he had the power of pure yang to protect his body. Otherwise, anyone present would probably be frozen into an iceman in an instant!
Whether to take it or not, Chen Dong must make a decision as soon as possible.

"The old man said in his letter that if he got this thing, he would become stronger! And he continues to become stronger now! So even if it is in danger, he has to take a risk!" Chen Dong was never an indecisive person. After making up his mind, pure yang power gushed out from his hands and grabbed onto the ice.Fortunately, this time there was not a lot of cold air gushing out like before, and Chen Dong easily took out the ice cubes from the wooden box!

And when Chen Dong took out the ice cubes, a strange phenomenon happened. There was a blue flame inside the palm-sized hexagonal ice!

Because the ice itself was light blue, Chen Dong didn't notice the flame at first.It wasn't until Chen Dong took this piece of ice in his hand just now that the blue flame inside jumped suddenly that Chen Dong didn't notice that there was still a fire inside, and the flame was still burning!
There is actually a burning flame in this frighteningly cold ice!One extremely yin and one extremely yang can now be perfectly combined!But this thing is by no means an ordinary thing!
"Could it be the legendary Tianhuo Xuanbing!" Chen Dong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of the name.

Tianhuo Xuanbing, a legendary treasure from the ancient era of comprehension.It is the only thing in this world that can achieve the unity of yin and yang and the nature of all laws!Legend has it that this thing is not a human thing, but a real fairy world!Of course, all these are legends, Chen Dong never believed that such a treasure really existed!
But today this legendary treasure is in front of him, and it was left to him by his parents 20 years ago!

"But even if this thing can combine yin and yang, so what? What I need now is spiritual energy, spiritual energy that can improve my strength!" Chen Dong frowned, and he must become stronger as soon as possible, because the next thing he will face The opponent can only be stronger than the white-browed poisonous scorpion!
"Although the old man is not serious often, he won't talk nonsense about such things. He said that this thing can make me stronger, so it shouldn't be a lie." No one knows the old man Yang Tianding better than Chen Dong, He has a hobby of collecting girls' underwear, but he also has a more tragic feature of fear of guilt. You can imagine what kind of old man he is.

"Could it contain spiritual energy?" Chen Dong's heart moved, and the Nine Yang Kung Fu in his dantian began to circulate.

"Huh!" At the same time, Chen Dong could only feel a torrent of spiritual energy being instantly attracted by his dantian, rushing towards his body madly!

In just a moment, this spiritual energy instantly filled Chen Dong's dantian meridian like a monstrous sea!
"This!" Chen Dong's eyes lit up!This is so much stronger than the aura of the two low-grade spirit stones I crushed today!This is simply not an equivalent!Moreover, the aura in this ice cube is much purer than that in the spirit stone. This is the difference between the bottled spring water and the big river water!

"No! One more second and I'm going to explode!" Chen Dong quickly stopped the movement of his dantian, and the wave of spiritual energy calmed down.

"Good guy!" Chen Dong wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his hand, but fortunately he stopped the movement of his dantian, otherwise he would be blown away!

"Just the blink of an eye can instantly saturate the aura in my body! The old man has been reliable for a while! What kind of old man is he, Master! Don't worry, Master, I will never tell my wife that you stole it!" The underwear of that girl Liu Daman at the foot of the mountain..." The corners of Chen Dong's mouth twitched, he rarely showed a smile from the heart these days, with this rare treasure, Chen Dong can slowly refine it, and it will be a period of time before he becomes stronger .

"Now I understand what the old man meant by saying that I will get killed!" Chen Dong calmed down instantly.

In the world of comprehension, let alone such a rare treasure that contains countless auras and is as pure as a high-grade spirit stone.Even an ordinary low-grade spirit stone may cause a bloodbath, which is why the poisonous scorpion, who is a strong late stage Qi refiner, lost his life for two spirit stones.

Spiritual stone aura is the only way for a cultivator to become stronger, and this resource is so rare that it is more expensive than any gemstone!In order to become stronger, Xiuzhen is willing to give everything!
"A low-grade spirit stone full of impurities can cause a bloodbath in the cultivation world, and it has no price on the black market! Not to mention this rare treasure that is comparable to the top-grade spirit stone! If you don't become stronger as soon as possible, then once you If a strong person comes to the door, I will definitely die! This is the real meaning of the murderous disaster that the old man said in the letter!" Chen Dong's face became serious, and he put the Tianhuo Xuanbing in his hand into the wooden box again, and closed it. the lid.

When Chen Dong closed the lid, the spiritual energy and cold air permeating the room instantly decreased a lot.

"Fortunately, there is this wooden box of unknown origin that can cover up the aura and coldness of this piece of black ice, otherwise I will really become the target of public criticism, and the meat in the fly's nest will be fast!" Chen Dong let out a long sigh of relief.

"Bang bang!" And at this moment there was a knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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