Special masters on campus

Chapter 332 The Pervasive Pursuit

Chapter 332 The Pervasive Pursuit

"Who did Feng Bingbing mess with? Someone wants to kill her!"

"But this is a hospital, even if someone wanted to kill her, they wouldn't do it in the hospital!"

Zhang Xing's words immediately caused a burst of exclamation from the people present.In the minds of these students, the word "kill" often only exists in TV dramas and gangster movies.Who would have thought that such a thing would happen to them, no wonder they would have such a big reaction.

"Then what happened afterwards? Is Feng Bingbing okay?" Zhang Yaxi, as the instructor teacher of Class 1 of this year's medical school, is naturally responsible for the safety of the students in this class.

"It's okay. At that time, a man had already pulled out a knife. Fortunately, the fat man and I found out in time and blocked the door. We tried our best not to let him in. Later, the police were alerted, and the man escaped." Zhang Xing said.

"That's right, if I hadn't been a bit heavier and held the door firmly, he would have kicked the door open!" said the fat man on the side.

"I didn't expect the pursuit to come so fast!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, as he expected, it was indeed the pursuit of Feng Bingbing.Needless to say, the mastermind behind the scenes is also the Dragon Head Meeting!

"It's so scary! It's going to kill someone!"

"Didn't Feng Bingbing just come to Donghai City? How could he get involved in such a scary thing?"

For a while, the students in Class 1 started discussing again.Feng Bingbing came late, did not participate in military training with everyone, and he had a good car and did not live in the student dormitory.So even the girls in Class 1 don't know much about Feng Bingbing.The impression Feng Bingbing left on everyone was the kind of girl who was high above and difficult to get close to.

"Chen Dong." Zhang Yaxi looked at Chen Dong at this time, she knew that Feng Bingbing's incident might have something to do with Chen Dong.Because according to the notification she received today, among the people Chen Dong rescued was another student from Class 1 of the medical school, Feng Bingbing.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I will handle this matter properly." Chen Dong nodded to Zhang Yaxi.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, everyone, you should go back first, I will arrange the matter of Feng Bingbing." Chen Dong looked at the crowd and said, the reason why he said this was that he didn't want other people to be implicated unnecessarily .

"But Brother Chen, will you be in danger?" Chu Shanshan asked with a worried expression on her face. Ever since she heard that someone was going to kill someone, her entire face has turned pale.

"That's right, Brother Dong! Let's be more powerful together!" Zhang Xing said.

"Yes, boss! Besides, it is my duty to protect the goddess of Bingbing, Bai Bufan." Fatty Bai is rarely such a man, of course, the main reason is because Feng Bingbing is his goddess.

Everyone looked at Chen Dong. Although Chen Dong surprised them time and time again, this time was different after all, and it had already involved human life.

"Everyone, don't worry, Mr. Zhang, please take everyone back to school first, it's not safe here now!" Chen Dong said to Zhang Yaxi.

"Okay!" After this incident, Zhang Yaxi knew that her little landlord and student was definitely not an ordinary person, and what he said would definitely be correct.

"Brother Chen, you must be fine, my sister asked me to invite you to visit my house on weekends!" Chu Shanshan blinked at Chen Dong with her big water-blue eyes, filled with worry.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely be there this weekend!" Chen Dong raised his lips.

"Okay!" Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong and nodded. In her mind, Chen Dong had become the person closest to her besides her sister Su Hong.

Speaking of Su Hong, Chen Dong hadn't seen that beautiful chairman for a few days. She had a smell that Chen Dong couldn't describe, which made him almost lose control of himself several times.

"Okay. Let's go back to school with the teacher first, and leave this place to the police and Chen Dong." Zhang Yaxi greeted everyone.

"Yes." The students in Class 1 agreed one after another. Chen Dong's status in the hearts of these students in Class 1 was no longer as simple as an ordinary student. So far, there is nothing Chen Dong can't do.

"Chen Dong, be careful yourself..." Zhang Yaxi looked at Chen Dong and said, although she knew about Chen Dong's special identity, Zhang Yaxi was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, don't you know who your student is? After finishing this matter, I will go home, take a hot bath, and sleep on the sofa." Chen Dong smiled.

"On the sofa..." Zhang Yaxi suddenly thought of what happened on the sofa in the living room with this big boy the night she met Chen Dong for the first time.

"No seriousness..." Zhang Yaxi's face turned slightly red and pale, Chen Dong turned around with a glance and led the students from Class 1 towards the hospital entrance.

"Boss! You must help me protect my goddess!" Fatty Bai said with an expression on his face. In his words, Feng Bingbing is a hundred times better than the heroines in porn.

"Brother Dong, be careful!" The other boys in Class 1 also said one after another.

"Don't worry everyone, I won't allow anyone to touch half of her hair for the goddess of our class!" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Brother Dong is mighty!" The boys in Class 1 shouted in unison.

"Hey! How many of you are talking about? This is a hospital, why are you yelling!" At this moment, a figure even taller than the fat man came from the other end of the corridor.No matter how she looks in that pink nurse's uniform, she has a feeling of torture...

"My mother..."

"Is this a nurse?"

The boys in Class 1 were startled by the voice, and when they turned their heads to see this figure, they all closed their mouths in unison.

"Fatty! Is this your sister?"

"Bullshit! My sister is very skinny and only weighs 150 catties. This girl is at least 200 catties away!" The fat man said angrily.

"Xiaorui..." Chen Dong's forehead darkened, it seemed that he and this nurse Xiaorui were really destined...

"Xiaorui?" All the boys looked at Chen Dong with smirks on their faces.

"Smiling fart! Hurry up and leave! Waiting to be slapped to death!" Chen Dong said.

"Let's go!" As soon as Chen Dong said this, the boys all ran away.

Looking at the backs of this group of boys, Chen Dong smiled. Sometimes he really wanted to be an ordinary student like these boys, but unfortunately he shouldered too many responsibilities.

"Chen Dong..." And at this moment, a voice came from behind Chen Dong, the voice was very soft, if it wasn't for Chen Dong's earphone, he might not have heard it at all.

Chen Dong turned his head and saw that it was Xu Jiaying standing behind him with her head down.

"Student Xu Jiaying, is your condition better?" Chen Dong said with a smile. Xu Jiaying's character and appearance belong to the type of beauty and wisdom, just like those ladies in ancient times.

"Okay...it's better...thank you, Chen Dong..." Xu Jiaying said with a flushed face.

"Hehe, you don't have to be so polite. We are classmates. If you say thank you again, you will be offended." Chen Dong smiled. In fact, he took advantage of enough treatment by himself, so he should be the one who said thank you.

"That..." At this moment, Xu Jiaying lowered her head and blushed, hesitated to speak, as if she was a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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