Special masters on campus

Chapter 333 Put down your weapons!

Chapter 333 Put down your weapons!

"What's the matter, Xu Jiaying, if you have something to do, you just say it's okay, why are we being so polite?" Chen Dong said casually, yes, why are you being polite with me? Touched, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

"Between us..." But Chen Dong didn't expect that Xu Jiaying's face would turn red to the base of her ears with such a casual sentence, because she remembered the scene of herself and Chen Dong in the bathroom of her home before.When she thinks that she is almost transparent in front of Chen Dong, can she not be shy...

Seeing that Xu Jiaying blushed and hurriedly ran towards the stairs, she didn't care about Chen Dong who was standing there in a daze.

"Eh? Xu Jiaying, you haven't said what you want from me?" Chen Dong said hastily.

Seeing that Xu Jiaying stopped, lowered her head again, she seemed to muster up her courage before she said, "Chen Dong...my father said, can you come to our house again next weekend..."

"Go to your house again next weekend?" Chen Dong's face turned awkward, he finally understood why Xu Jiaying reacted so strongly just now, it turned out that he wanted to go and treat her again...

"I..." Chen Dong didn't know what to say for a while, after all, although he didn't mind spending a little bit of anger, Xu Jiaying was a girl after all, so he still had to speak up about such things.

"My father also said that he has one more important thing to tell you..." Xu Jiaying said again as softly as a mosquito.

"Your father has something important to tell me?" Chen Dong frowned, except that the old man said 20 years ago that only a person with a pure yang body could save his daughter, he couldn't think of anything important about Xu Jiaying's father Talk to yourself.

"Could it be that he knew that I was the one with the pure yang physique?" Thinking of this, Chen Dongyou shook his head. Xu Jiaying's father was not a cultivator, so how could he know that he had the pure yang physique?

"If Chen Dong is in trouble, I..." Xu Jiaying's voice was a little lost, and Chen Dong didn't speak, making her think that Chen Dong didn't want to go, but in fact, Chen Dong was very happy to do such good things to help others and himself.

"No, no..." Chen Dong said hastily, "Student Xu Jiaying, please don't worry, I will be there next weekend as scheduled."

"Thank you!" Xu Jiaying turned around quickly after hearing what Chen Dong said, bowed to Chen Dong, and then turned and ran away with a blushing face before Chen Dong had time to say anything.

"Um... It's really difficult for this girl..." Chen Dong thought to himself, after he had dealt with the grievances and grievances of the Li family and the Longshouhui first, he must find a chance to treat her again.

"Is that you, Superman!" At this moment, another gentle and pleasant voice came.

Chen Dong was taken aback, thinking that Xu Jiaying ran down the stairs?But when he turned his head and took a look, the one who shouted at him was a body that didn't match the voice at all.

"Xiao...Xiaorui..." Chen Dong's face was frozen, and he thought that fortunately it was Xu Jiaying who begged him to treat her instead of this one in front of him.No!It's the one in front of me...

"Superman, you're here again!" Nurse Xiaorui seemed very friendly when she saw Chen Dong.

"Super...Superman..." Chen Dong was taken aback, when did he have such a domineering name?

"It's the abbreviation for a super strong man, Superman!" Nurse Xiaorui covered her mouth and smiled.

"Eh..." Chen Dong got goosebumps all over his body when Nurse Xiaorui laughed. If that man falls into the hands of this one in front of him, he will definitely regret being a man, and a super strong man...

"Oh! I'm here to see a friend. I'll talk to you when I have a chance. I'll go in first!" Chen Dong smiled unnaturally, and hurriedly walked towards Feng Bingbing's ward.

"Hey! Superman, we agreed to talk again when we have a chance, and Jiani, the three of us will be together..." Nurse Xiaorui's round face trembled.

"Three together... Oh my god... I won't react at all..." Chen Dong was afraid for a while.

"Right now, we should take Feng Bingbing out of the hospital first, before the second wave of killing at the Dragon Summit comes..." Chen Dong calmed down again, and walked to the door of the ward where Feng Bingbing was.

But just when Chen Dong was about to enter the ward, the two armed policemen standing at the door of the ward stopped Chen Dong from behind at the same time.

"Sorry, you can't go in!" one of the armed police said.

"I'm a friend of the patient in this ward." Chen Dong said.

"Sorry, you can't go in!" Another armed policeman repeated.

The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up. It seemed that the two chief and deputy captains of the criminal police brigade cared about Feng Bingbing, the hostage, very well.Anyone who wants to go in has to go through these two armed policemen with 95-type automatic rifles in their hands. Obviously, in a place like a hospital, it is difficult for ordinary people to enter the ward quietly under the noses of these two armed policemen.

"I'm her friend, and I saved her, so I have the right to visit her." Chen Dong knew that these armed police were acting on orders, so he didn't seem to make things difficult for them, but he still had to take Feng Bingbing away, because the hospital couldn't Guarantee her absolute safety.

"Sorry, you can't go in!" This time, two armed policemen said at the same time.

"You..." Chen Dong frowned, wondering if you should be so professional and able to speak properly?

"It seems that I really want to go in!" At this moment, the corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up, and he continued to walk into the ward instead of retreating.

"Sorry, I have to go in!" Chen Dong smiled.

"There is a suspicious person trying to enter the ward!" The two armed policemen pointed their Type 95 automatic rifles towards Chen Dong almost at the same time!
While the two armed policemen raised their guns quickly, both of them felt that their hands were empty. When they realized it, two 95-type automatic rifles had already appeared in Chen Dong's hands!

The two well-trained and capable armed policemen didn't even see what happened, and the weapons in their hands were taken by their opponents!

"This..." These two armed police officers were obviously the first to encounter such a situation. They were all taken aback for the first time, but they all reacted quickly, took out their pistols from their holsters, and pointed them at Chen East.

"Please put down your weapons immediately!" The two armed policemen stared at the student-looking young man in front of them and said. The two of them have not even figured out why they ran to him in the blink of an eye when the gun was clearly in their hands. in his hands.

"If you don't lay down your arms, we have the right to fire!"

"lay down your weapon!"

The two armed policemen shouted sharply, their voices were full of majesty, as if they might shoot at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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