Special masters on campus

Chapter 364 Unfathomable Li Jianye

Chapter 364 Unfathomable Li Jianye
Li Jianye looked up and looked in the direction of the door.

"Come in!"

The heavy and luxurious mahogany door of the office opened, and Uncle Liu, an official, walked in, still wearing black clothes, white shirt and black tie.

"Chairman, they are here."

"Please come in." Li Jianye said expressionlessly.

"Yes!" The official Uncle Liu nodded and left the office.

After a while, the official Uncle Liu came in with two figures.

These two people are one tall and one short, one black and one white, standing together so conspicuous and yet so incompatible, they are the black and white deacons among the nine masters of the Dragon Head Association!
"You two are here." Li Jianye's tone was completely different from the polite tone when they first met. This time he didn't even stand up.

"Boss Li looks so good!" The dwarf in white had a gloomy expression, and he could naturally see that the other party was dissatisfied with his two brothers.

"Haha! Li's complexion these days is really not good, but he is still out of breath." Li Jianye smiled.

"Boss Li is being humble. Others don't know about your strength. We brothers naturally know your strength. Even if you are placed in the Dragon Head Meeting, your position among the nine masters is absolutely impossible to be inferior to our brothers." The dwarf in white also smiled.

"Haha! Mr. Li has been out of the arena for many years now, and I am just a first-tier businessman or employer. Please sit down, Uncle Liu." Li Jianye smiled and stretched out his hand to signal the black and white deacons to sit down. .

"Yes, Chairman, please sit down, gentlemen." Uncle Liu said to the black and white deacon.

"Thank you, Boss Li." The black and white deacon didn't hesitate to sit on the sofa.

"I think you two should know why Li invited you here today?" Li Jianye said.

"Of course I know. Our Dragon Head Association has sent nearly a hundred killers above C level to look for the boy surnamed Chen and Bai Feng." The dwarf in white said.

"Oh? I don't know if there is any news about those two people?" Li Jianye asked with interest.

"This boy surnamed Chen seems to have evaporated from the world. There is no news about him yet. We also investigated his background and found that he has no background information, as if he appeared in Donghai City out of thin air." The dwarf in white said.

"Oh? Is this what your Dragon Head Association is capable of? Letting an unknown junior come and go freely, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to do business after the Dragon Head Association.

"You!" The black and white duo wanted to get angry, but after they became famous, few people would dare to talk to them like that.But they were at a loss for words.The Dragon Head is known as the giant of the dark world, no one can escape the pursuit of the Dragon Head, but Chen Dong and a defected killer disappeared for three days without doing anything, which really made their faces dull.

"Haha! You two don't need to think too much. I, Li Jianye, have no other intentions. Since I spent the bounty to invite you to come to the Dragon Shouhui, it means that I still believe in your strength." Li Jianye's mouth flashed a trace that is difficult for ordinary people to detect. He sneered, because he knew the nine masters, and the black and white deacons, these were nothing but the apparent strength of the Dragon Shouhui.Although the black and white freak brothers are good in strength, they can only be said to be handymen in front of the real high-level leaders of the Dragon Beast Association.

"Thank you, Boss Li, for your trust. I have asked the headquarters to send more people. Even if the entire Donghai City is turned upside down, I have to dig three feet to find that boy surnamed Chen!" The dwarf in white said with an ugly expression.

"Haha! Good! It's really hard for you two. But have you ever wondered why this Chen Dongzai didn't have any background before he came to Donghai City? It's like appearing out of thin air. Is his past a blank sheet of paper?" Li Jianye said with a smile.

"I also find this point very strange. According to common sense, this junior surnamed Chen is also considered to be the best among the juniors in the cultivation world with his strength in the mid-stage of qi refining. Although he cannot compare with those masters who have been famous for many years, he is still It is absolutely impossible for him to be an unknown person. But I can't find a trace of his past, even if someone deliberately erases his past experience, it is impossible to leave such a trace!" The dwarf in white said with a gloomy expression, this is true. It made him puzzled, he couldn't find anyone who could have such a great ability to make a person's past completely blank, and there was no clue to look for.

"As long as he is a human being, it is impossible for him not to have a past. If he is indeed an ordinary person, that would be fine! He is also a mid-stage Qi-refining cultivator. Not only can he kill a famous master like the white-browed poisonous scorpion in a row, but he can also make the people who have always been The Frozen Enchantress, who is famous in the killer world for killing men, directly gave up the task of killing him! It is impossible for this person to have a past! Then there is only one possibility left!" Li Jianye said in a cold voice.

"What?" The black and white deacon looked at Li Jianye at the same time.

"His past was erased by a certain person! And this person's strength and identity are absolutely extraordinary, he can make all the people who have met Chen Dong and know Chen Dong shut up, or just wipe them out!" Li Jianye Squint your eyes.

"What!" The black and white deacons stood up almost at the same time. If this is really the case, then the background behind Chen Dong will be strong enough to compete with the Dragon Shouhui!

"Hehe, I wonder if Longshou will break the contract because of the other party's background?" Li Jianye looked at the black and white deacon with a smile.

"Haha! Boss Li, are you looking down on our Dragon Summit? Whoever pays enough rewards in the dark world is the guest of our Dragon Summit! Once you have signed the business, you will never break the contract! Otherwise, our Dragon Head Association would have been disbanded long ago!" The dwarf in white suddenly laughed.

"Okay! I, Mr. Li, did not find the wrong person. Then I will invite the two of you to watch something." Li Jianye said with a smile.

"Oh?" The black and white deacon obviously didn't know the meaning of Li Jianye's words.

Li Jianye picked up the remote control on the table and pressed the switch.

The large screen on the side wall of the president's office lit up.

"Viewers and friends, we are now interrupting a piece of news. According to the latest news that our station has received..."

The TV screen on the big screen was the scene of the black and white deacons chasing and killing Chen Dong frantically on the main road of Donghai City that night, and was finally thrown away by Chen Dong with a drift.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the black and white deacons became more and more ugly. The two masters who had been famous for many years chased and killed an unknown junior. The greatest shame on both of them!
Seeing this, Li Jianye turned off the big screen and looked at the black and white duo.

"I think you should know why Chen Dong has been hiding and not showing up? Now we are in the open and he is in the dark. It may not be easy to find one or two people among the nearly ten million people in Donghai City."

"Indeed, it's completely reversed now. In the past, we were in the dark, and the target was in the light!" The dwarf in white's face was already livid, and now he felt his face was burning, and all of this was thanks to Chen Dong. At this moment, even if there is no bounty from the Li family, he will turn Chen Dong into bones!
"So, we have to let Chen Dong appear by himself!" Li Jianye said.

"What can Boss Li do?"

"Please fuck him!" Li Jianye sneered and his eyes were filled with murderous intent!
(End of this chapter)

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