Special masters on campus

Chapter 365 Banquet Invitation

Chapter 365 Banquet Invitation

Tenglong Group Headquarters.

At the same time that Chen Dong was frantically attacking his meridians and frantically making himself stronger.

Li Jianye, chairman of Tenglong Group, and two top masters from the Dragon Head of the International Underground Assassin Organization are trying to lure Chen Dong to appear.

"Ask him to come by himself?" The black and white duo were taken aback for a moment. Now that Chen Dong knew they were going to kill him, how could he appear before he could hide?
"That's right, please take the initiative to send him to die." Li Jianye said with a smile.

"But he is not stupid. He knows the strength of our two brothers. How could he come to seek death?"

"It's possible, we just need to give him a reason enough to come!" Li Jianye laughed.

"Oh? Boss Li, please advise." The dwarf in white knew that Li Jianye was not an ordinary businessman, and his own strength was also unfathomable. Now it seemed that he couldn't see through it even more.

"It's strange that since he is so strong, why doesn't he do it himself? Does he have any concerns?"

"Although Chen Dong's experience before coming to Donghai City has been erased, there are traces of his experience after coming to Donghai City." Li Jianye continued.

"That's natural. We have investigated this before. He entered Tunghai University together with a girl surnamed Chu. On the surface, he is currently a student in Class 1 of Tunghai University's medical school." The dwarf in white said.

"Since this is the case, let's arrest all his classmates, teachers, and that employer chick, are we afraid that the kid will not submit?" This is the black deacon "Wu Tong" who has been silent all this time, said in a cold voice.

"Second Brother, Donghai City is not an underground world here. And if we go to the school to arrest people in a big way, it will definitely make a big fuss. Once those guys intervene, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to achieve our goal." The dwarf in white sneered Said in a loud voice, the two brothers are obviously headed by the elder brother, a dwarf in white clothes, and the second child, Wutong, is not smart enough to play the role of a thug.

"Then what should we do? Could it be that the younger generation is allowed to slip away like this? Then how can we brothers hold our heads high in the road?" the black deacon "Wu Tong" said loudly. Stronger, but unfortunately the brain is not bright.

"Sneak? Hehe, as long as he is still alive, he will not be able to escape the pursuit of the Longshouhui in the ends of the earth! Boss Li can speak directly if he has any good ideas." The dwarf in white looked at Li Jianye.

"Hehe, what Mr. Bai Guzi said is right. We need to be able to make Chen Dong take the initiative to commit suicide without making too much noise. It will be difficult to handle things if we disturb those big shots. But although we can't catch those Students and teachers, but we can invite them in a fair manner!" Li Jianye smiled.

"Please? How do you please? As far as I know, his employer has been taken home by his family and stayed at home for 3 days, and none of the students and teachers of Donghai University have left the campus." The dwarf asked.

"As the chairman of the Donghai City Chamber of Commerce, I invite Miss Su Hong, the chairman of Canghai Group, and her younger sister, Miss Chu Shanshan, to participate in the Donghai City Business Forum. At that time, most of the celebrities in the business circle of Donghai City will come. Of course, if Miss Su Hong If you still don’t want to show your face, I will invite the two sisters to be guests! Then I will invite Miss Chu Shanshan’s classmates and teachers to the banquet in the name of Gouzi and Miss Chu Shanshan’s engagement. I, Tenglong Group and Canghai Group The marriage of two business giants in Donghai City, I believe that the media in Donghai City will definitely not miss this news! In this case, Chen Dong will see this news no matter where he is, do you think he will come?" Li Jianye smile.

"Maybe not? In the eyes of most cultivators, life is the most important thing, followed by spirit stones. As for friendship and family affection, they are all farts!" said the black-clothed deacon "Wu Tong".

"No, that Chen Dong will not hesitate to fight against Longshouhui for a female assassin who assassinated him. From this point of view, this is his biggest weakness! As long as we have someone he thinks is important in our hands, he will definitely I will send it myself!" The white dwarf "Bone Bones" said with a smirk.

"Hehe! Senior Bai Guzi really has insight into people, and he saw the opponent's weakness at once!" Li Jianye laughed.

"Haha! Boss Li is still very intelligent! Boss Li is really extraordinary!" the dwarf in white laughed.

"Haha! Mr. Bones is absurd! Then let's just wait for him to send the **** himself!"

"Okay! As long as this kid appears and enters this building, I guarantee that I will never let him get out alive!" The black and white deacon hates Chen Dong even more than Li Jianye now, because this unknown junior let the two of them Lost face.

"Before he dies, keep him alive. After I ask what I want, I can do with you two!" Li Jianye said with a smile.

"make a deal!"

"Haha!" A gloomy laugh came from the president's office.

In the next few hours, the bodyguards and killers that the Li family and Longshou would send to various places to investigate Chen Dong's whereabouts all disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

The tense atmosphere that surrounded the campus of Tunghai University disappeared all of a sudden, and the students and teachers of Class 1 of the School of Medicine never found anyone following them.But even so, Zhang Yaxi still prudently asked all the students in Class 1 to live on campus and not to leave the campus without the company of their parents. This was also Chen Dong's request.

In the urban area of ​​Donghai City, another landmark building, Canghai Group, Canghai Building.

Canghai Building and Tenglong Building are only a few streets apart, and they are also 49-story high-rise buildings.

As the only other business giant in Donghai City that can rival Tenglong Group in financial strength, the headquarters of Canghai Group is also very impressive.

Unlike Li Jianye who set the president's office on the ninth floor of No.40, Su Hong's president's office is on the No.19 floor.

At the moment, there are only sisters Su Hong and Chu Shanshan in the office of the CEO of Canghai Group.Ever since Su Hong took Chu Shanshan out of school, the sisters have been living in the Canghai Building and never went home.Because it is far safer in a bustling commercial area like Canghai Building than at home.Moreover, there are many guards and bodyguards guarding the building, so that Su Hong can feel relieved.

"Sister, do you think Brother Chen is going to be okay? It's been the third day and there's no news at all!" Chu Shanshan ran to Su Hong's side and asked worriedly.

Su Hong sat on the big wine red leather chair with a sad expression on her face.

"Trust your Brother Chen, he will never have anything to do."

"Okay, but I'm still very worried..." Chu Shanshan pouted and sat on the sofa beside her.

Su Hong looked at an invitation letter in her hand. It was an invitation letter for a banquet at the Donghai City Chamber of Commerce sent by the chairman of Tenglong Group, Li Jianye!

To go or not to go?
(End of this chapter)

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