Special masters on campus

Chapter 366 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 366 The Uninvited Guest

Su Hong looked at this invitation letter and hesitated for a long time.Li Jianye is the chairman of the Donghai City Chamber of Commerce. According to common sense, the people present at this banquet must be well-known celebrities in the business circle of Donghai City. He should not dare to do anything to his sister.And this kind of high-level banquet is also very common among the upper class business circles in Donghai City.

But the timing of Li Tenglong's invitation made Su Hong very vigilant.Three days ago, Chen Dong was hunted down by members of the Li family, and his life and death are still uncertain. At this time, Li Jianye invited his sisters to a business banquet. It's hard to say what purpose he has in mind!

"Li Jianye invites me to some banquet at this time, and he also brings Shanshan with him. He will definitely not feel at ease. So he must not go!" Su Hongliu frowned slightly. She, a girl, can be the chairman of Canghai Group. And being able to make the Canghai Group and the Tenglong Group on an equal footing must have her excellence.

"Secretary Shen, come in." At this moment, Su Hong picked up the phone and said.

Soon the office door opened, and a female secretary in a black and white professional suit walked in.

"Chairman, you call me."

"Well, go tell Tenglong Group that Canghai Group will not participate in this banquet." Su Hong said.

"Yes, Chairman." The female secretary agreed and left the office.

"Xiaodong, that's all I can do. Try not to let Shanshan and me become the cards for the Li family to blackmail you." Seeing the female secretary leave, Su Hong often let out a sigh of relief.

"Bang bang..." At this moment, there was another knock on the door.

"Who?" Su Hong's eyes lit up. Everyone in the Canghai Group knew that no one was allowed to enter the president's office area without her permission.

"Squeak!" No one agreed outside the door, and without Su Hong's permission, the door was pushed open!
I saw two figures walking into the office.The two are tall and short, one tall and tall, wearing a black suit and a pair of sunglasses, looking full of heroism.The other was short and stooped like a dwarf, with a wrinkled face and most of the hair on top of his head was bald.In short, these two people standing together are particularly eye-catching and incompatible.

"Who are you? Who allowed you to come in?" Su Hong pulled Chu Shanshan behind her, and said in a stern voice.

"Sister, these two people are so weird..." Chu Shanshan poked her head out from behind Su Hong and carefully looked at the two people at the door.

"Don't be afraid if you have a sister in Shanshan." Although Su Hong was also very nervous, she tried her best to comfort Chu Shanshan.

"This must be Ms. Su Hongsu, the chairman of the Canghai Group?" At this time, the short dwarf in a white coat said sullenly.

"Who are you guys? How did you get here?" Su Hong became more and more frightened. These two weirdos were able to pass through the guards of the security guards and bodyguards below to the CEO's office. , even outlaws!

"Hehe! Chairman Su doesn't need to be so nervous? Canghai Group is a big company, so it's impossible for us to come in with so many security guards downstairs." The dwarf in white smiled and closed the door, walked to the middle of the office, The tall and handsome man in sunglasses followed behind him all the time.

"Then you are..." Su Hong had an ominous premonition.

"Hehe, it's very smooth to take the elevator all the way down from the top." The dwarf laughed.

"Above!" Su Hong's pupils suddenly shrank, Canghai Building is 49 stories high, how did they get up there!
"No matter who you are! How did you get in, Canghai Group doesn't welcome you, please leave!" Su Hong said solemnly.

"Boss Su, don't be nervous. We don't mean anything malicious, but we sincerely invite you to be our guest!" But instead of leaving, the dwarf approached Sister Su Hong again.

"I don't know you, and I won't agree to any invitation from you!" Su Hong said sharply.

"Haha! We are indeed meeting for the first time, but Chairman Li and Ms. Su should be old friends, right?" Bai Guzi looked at Su Hong with a smile.

"Chairman Li...you mean Li Jianye of Tenglong Group!" Su Hong knew that these two weirdos were not doing well. She just rejected Li Jianye's banquet invitation a minute ago, and they rushed in. She should have thought of this a long time ago. The two of them came here at the instigation of Li Jianye!

"Chairman Su is really smart, no wonder a woman can support such a large family business of the Canghai Group, and seeing her today really deserves her reputation!" said the white-boned man with a yin and yang.

"I'm sorry, please go back and tell Chairman Li that I have something to do this time and I can't attend the banquet. My secretary has already replied to Tenglong Group just now." Su Hong said.

"That's right! Is there something important to do? But I still advise Chairman Su to think carefully. I personally think that this banquet is more important than anything else!" The bone-boned woman took a few steps closer to Sister Su Hong again, He has come to the front of the president's desk.

"Sister..." Chu Shanshan who was behind Su Hong saw a person with such a strange appearance approaching him, her face turned pale, and she tightly held Su Hong's arm with both hands.

"Please leave, or I will call the police!" Su Hong said again.

"Haha, call the police? Do you think we will be afraid of the police?"

"Brother, what are you doing with this bitch? Why don't we just take them away?" Black Deacon Wutong who was standing behind obviously didn't have that kind of patience.

"Hey! Second brother! These two young ladies are of noble status, with golden branches and jade leaves! We want to invite you!" The dwarf laughed sinisterly.

"You guys!" Su Hong's complexion changed, and she quickly picked up the phone, "Hello! Secretary Shen, Secretary Shen, immediately call the security guard to come to the CEO's office! Secretary Shen?"

But Su Hong talked for a long time but no one answered on the other end of the phone.

"You mean the little girl who walked out just now? Don't worry, I just let her be quiet for a while. Hehe..." The dwarf stood in front of the president's desk, which was not even as high as the desk, but his laughter made people shudder !

"You! You!" Su Hong's expression was extremely ugly.

"Sister..." Chu Shanshan was obviously also frightened.

"Come here! Come here!" Su Hong yelled towards the door.

But no matter how she shouted, no one heard and responded.

"How... how could this happen?" Su Hong's heart skipped a beat. You must know that there are seven or eight secretaries in the CEO's office, and it's impossible for all of them to be there!

"Oh! I forgot to tell you Chairman Su, those people outside are sleeping very soundly." Bai Guzi laughed, he seemed to enjoy this feeling of playing with others.

"That is to say, we will take you away from here without anyone noticing! Even if they find out, the two of you will already be at Chairman Li's banquet!" The dwarf's bone-boned voice turned cold!
(End of this chapter)

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