Special masters on campus

Chapter 378 Chapter 414 Breaking News

Chapter 378 Chapter 414 Breaking News

In the banquet hall of Tenglong Group, Su Hong looked at Li Jianye with eyes full of resentment, and the whole scene suddenly became quiet.

Happy?Su Hong even wants to kill Li Jianye now!It's just that now that Shanshan is in his hands, he has no choice but to follow his wishes.

"Happy! Of course I'm happy. It's also a blessing for my sister to marry into the Li family..." Su Hong said with a blank expression.

"Haha! Whatever Chairman Su said, this is also a blessing for a dog!" Li Jianye laughed loudly. He knew that Su Hong would not dare to go against his will, because she should know the consequences of doing so!
"This should be a blessing to the business community in Donghai City!"

"That's right! This is a blessing for the business community in Donghai City!"

There was another echo and applause in the banquet hall.

"By the way, Chairman Li, didn't you just say that you have something important to announce?"

"That's right! Chairman Li, please don't keep it to yourself! Why don't you hide something good while friends from all walks of life in Donghai City are here, just tell it and let everyone be happy together!"

Someone started booing in the banquet hall, and everyone's interest was aroused.The invited reporters from major media outlets in Donghai City also worked hard enough to point their cameras and microphones at Li Jianye.You must know that although Li Jianye is No.1 in the business circle of Donghai City, he rarely appears in public. This time he publicly said that he would announce an important matter, which might be even more sensational than the marriage of Tenglong and Canghai!
"Okay! Since everyone is so interested, I don't want to spoil everyone's interest." Li Jianye said with a smile on his face as he watched everyone wave his hands.

The originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet, and no one wanted to miss the possible big news.

Seeing that the audience became quiet, Li Jianye looked at Su Hong with a smile, "Then I will make an announcement. I don't think Ms. Su Hong will have any objections?"

"You..." Su Hong's heart skipped a beat, she didn't know what Li Jianye was going to say, Li Jianye couldn't tell her, and even if she knew, she wouldn't dare to say anything, because Shanshan was in his hands!
"I have no objection." Su Hong said expressionlessly.

"Why do I feel that Chairman Su is a little unhappy? Is he unwilling?" Li Jianye smiled all over his face, but only Su Hong knew that his smile was full of murderous intentions!
Now everyone's eyes are focused on Li Jianye and Su Hong on the red carpet. Su Hong knows that as long as she dissatisfies Li Jianye a little bit, Li Jianye may really attack Chu Shanshan. The strength of the black and white duo today is hers. I have seen it before, it is not a normal person at all!

"No, I'm very happy and willing!" Su Hong quickly stabilized her emotions, and said with a smile, she knew in her heart that no matter what happened, she must endure it, and try her best to delay the time so as not to anger Li Jianye.I hope this can leave enough time for Chen Dong, this is the only way she can count on now!

"Okay! Since Ms. Su Hong has said so, then I won't keep it to myself." Li Jianye had a smile on his face, obviously Su Hong's performance made him very satisfied.

For a moment, everyone in the banquet hall looked at Li Jianye. The entire banquet hall was surprisingly quiet, and everyone held their breath.All cameras, cameras, microphones, and tape recorders were all aimed at Li Jianye.

"Everyone knows that I haven't taken it since my wife passed away 20 years ago." Li Jianye looked at everyone and said.

"Chairman Li did not marry for 20 years because of his son. Such a loving father is touching!"

"Now the dog's lifelong event has been decided, and he will marry Ms. Chu. I have fulfilled my responsibilities, and I will remarry before I am completely old!" All the female guests felt the taste of a man trembling in their hearts.

"What! Chairman Li wants to marry again!"

"Chairman Li of Tenglong Group continues to make strings, this may be the biggest news in the business community of Donghai City this year!"

"I'm so touched that my son didn't marry for 20 years. After his son got engaged, he remarried!"

As soon as Li Tenglong's words came out, it caused a sensation in the audience. Compared with the marriage of the two young masters, Li Jianye's announcement of remarriage was obviously more sensational.

"I don't know which lady is going to marry Chairman Li, it's really enviable!"

"That's right! Tenglong Group is the largest enterprise in Donghai City. It controls the economy of Donghai City. Chairman Li is the richest man in Donghai City and the top three in Binhai Province! Whoever has such a fortune can join the Li family!"

"Having money is secondary. The main thing is that Chairman Li's appearance is also the best. If I can marry such a man, I won't be willing to spend a penny!"

Apparently, the ladies present reacted more strongly than the men. The women in Donghai City were the ones who didn't want to marry into the wealthy Li family?

"Hello, Chairman Li, I'm a reporter from the entertainment channel of Donghai TV Station. May I ask if you announced your remarriage, is your fiancée also in Donghai City?" At this time, a reporter asked first. But the once-in-a-lifetime big gossip news!
For a moment, the banquet hall, which was full of discussions, became quiet again. Everyone's biggest curiosity now is to know who is able to marry into the Li family.

"Of course it's in Donghai City!" Li Jianye smiled.

"Then is it convenient for Chairman Li to disclose the identity of the woman?" another reporter asked.

"Of course, and it's an honor, we also hope to get everyone's blessing." The smile on Li Jianye's face became more masculine.

"Who is that woman?" All the people present widened their eyes and pricked up their ears.

"The woman is not only in Donghai City, but also at the scene." Li Jianye said with a smile as usual.

"What woman is here? This is really explosive news!"

"Who is it?"

"It's at the scene, I'm so curious which lady is going to marry Chairman Li."

"No matter who it is, I think she must be happy to die now..."

But at this moment, Li Jianye looked at Su Hong who was on the side with a smile on his face.

Everyone's eyes followed suit to Su Hong.

"Oh my god! Chairman Li's fiancée is Miss Su Hong, the chairman of Canghai Group!"

"Maybe it's true! Just now Chairman Li specifically asked Chairman Su if she would like to announce it herself! So it was to announce their marriage!"

"It's amazing! If Miss Su Hong is really going to marry Chairman Li, wouldn't it mean that the two sisters of the Canghai Group have all married into the Li family! This is definitely the biggest news of the year, and it will definitely occupy the major media headlines!"

All the people present stared at Su Hong excitedly, especially the reporters from major media whose voices began to tremble with excitement.

 Second more!

(End of this chapter)

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