Special masters on campus

Chapter 379 Double Happiness?

Chapter 379 Double Happiness?

Su Hong originally stood beside Li Jianye with her head bowed and said nothing. She was worried about Shanshan's safety in her heart, and hoped that Chen Dong would come soon and end all this.

Amid the fiery gazes and discussions, Su Hong suddenly raised her head, her face turned pale, and she narrowed her eyes to look at Li Jianye!
Su Hong had something on her mind just now, and she didn't listen to what Li Jianye said at all.Now seeing that all the people present were looking at her with expressions of surprise or envy, she suddenly came back to her senses!
"You!" Su Hong's face turned pale, but just as she was about to point her finger at Li Jianye, Li Jianye's thugs immediately held her hand in his palm.

Su Hong only felt a shiver all over her body, as if she had fallen into an ice cave for thousands of years, her body was cold from the soles of her feet to her scalp!

"Yes, I will announce to the whole Donghai City now! You, Su Hong, will become my Li Jianye's woman!" Li Jianye held Su Hong's white right hand with his left hand, and raised Su Hong's hand!

After the audience was quiet for a few seconds, bursts of warm applause suddenly broke out!

"Congratulations! Chairman Li! Congratulations to Chairman Su!"

"This news is really explosive! Today is not only the day when the young master of the Tenglong Group and the Canghai Group got engaged! The heads of the two major groups also announced their relationship in public! The media in Donghai City are probably going crazy!"

"Thank you for your blessings, right Xiaohong?" Li Jianye looked at Su Hong with a smile on his face.

Su Hong's hand was firmly held by Li Jianye. She tried to break free but found that Li Jianye's hand was holding her hand like an iron claw, and there was no way to break free at all.

It was Li Jianye who announced his relationship with Su Hong just now, but Su Hong never made a statement.Now Li Jianye means to let Su Hongzhong express his opinion!
"Chairman Su..." Everyone looked at Su Hong, including Li Jianye, who also looked at Su Hong with a smile on his face.In the eyes of outsiders, this is Li Jianye's tenderness towards Su Hong, but only Su Hong knows in her heart that Li Jianye is really telling herself to let herself know what to say!It's good to admit the relationship, not admitting it is just a face-saving relationship for Li Jianye, but for Su Hong it is losing his sister!

"Li Jianye, you are despicable and shameless!" Su Hong hated Li Jianye so much in her heart, but she had to force a smile for Shanshan.

"I..." Su Hong just wanted to speak.

"Chairman!" Suddenly, a bodyguard in a black suit and white shirt ran into the banquet hall.

Because the bodyguard ran in in a hurry and there was a lot of noise, everyone in the banquet hall turned their heads to look at the door for a while, which made Su Hong breathe a sigh of relief.

I saw the bodyguard rushing in, ignoring the eyes of the surrounding guests, but running straight to Li Tenglong.

"Chairman." The bodyguard said in a low voice.

With a calm face, Li Jianye motioned for the bodyguard to stand aside first.

The bodyguard understood and quickly stepped aside.

At this time, Li Jianye glanced at Su Hong, who was pale and panicked, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

"My friends, obviously our Miss Su is a little shy about this kind of thing! After all, if she is a girl, she must be a little embarrassed to hand over to such a bad old man like me. But since she doesn't refute, everyone should understand what she means. Right?" Li Jianye looked at the crowd and said.

"Understood! After all, Chairman Su Hong seems to be talking about marriage for the first time."

"That's right! When a strong woman has a little woman, let alone in front of Chairman Li, she will definitely appear like a little woman."

"But Miss Su Hong doesn't refute, everyone can understand her intentions, right?"


These people in the banquet hall are all high-ranking people from all walks of life in Donghai City, and they will not be fools if they can have today's status and wealth.Even if some people could see something was wrong, no one would say it out. Everyone looked blessed, and they all agreed with Li Jian.

"Haha! Well, Mr. Li once again thanked everyone for coming to Tenglong Building and attending this banquet. I have prepared delicious food and wine for everyone, please enjoy yourselves and have a pleasant chat!" The smile on Li Jianye's face remained the same.

"Crack!" Uncle Liu, an official standing behind Li Jianye, clapped his hands.



Following Uncle Liu's clapping, the doors on the left and right sides of the banquet hall opened, and young waiters and waitresses in black uniforms and white shirts with bowknots on the neckline pushed dining carts into the banquet hall.Behind them, many waiters carrying drinks followed in.

At the same time, the music in the banquet hall sounded. This is Mozart's Violin Concerto in D major, which is commonly used by European royal families, and it also shows the noble status of the banquet host.

"Thank you Chairman Li for your thoughtful arrangement."

"Bless the two lovers of Tenglong Group and Canghai Group to get married..."

The guests in the banquet hall slowly dispersed, began to enjoy food and wine, and chatted in small groups.

Li Jianye held Su Hong's hand and first kept returning salutes to those who came to bless him. The smile on his face showed his absolute confidence and calmness.Su Hong, who was held by Li Jianye and couldn't break free and dared not break free, kept her head down, trying hard to control her emotions.

"How's the situation?" Li Jianye didn't ask until the guests who came to congratulate him had returned their gifts one by one.

I saw the bodyguard who just ran in from outside the banquet hall hurriedly took a few steps closer.

"The target has appeared and entered the monitoring range, and is rapidly approaching the group headquarters building!" the bodyguard whispered.

"Target!" Su Hong, who had kept her head down and remained silent, suddenly raised her head.

"That's right! The target is Chen Dong, whom you have been waiting for. It seems that you care about him a lot?" Li Jianye sneered at the panicked Su Hong.

"What do you want? Chairman Li, if you want to do business, I can promise that Canghai Group will give up 50.00% of the market share in the luxury goods industry in Donghai City. As for Chairman Li, we can also ask for other things. Let's talk." Su Hong bit her lip and said.

"Oh? Chairman Su wants to use 50.00% of Donghai City's luxury goods market in exchange for a little boy's life? It seems that he is really important to you?" Li Jianye smiled slightly, but his The smile makes people shudder!

"This matter has nothing to do with others..." Su Hong turned away from looking at Li Jianye, Li Jianye's smile made her feel sick.

"Oh? It has nothing to do with others? What if I say it does, and it has a lot to do with it?" Li Jianye smiled.

"Li Jianye, what on earth are you trying to do!" Su Hong's tone was a little uncontrollable, causing some nearby guests to turn their heads to look here.

 The third one!

(End of this chapter)

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