Special masters on campus

Chapter 390 Yes, I'm a Student

Chapter 390 Yes, I'm a Student


A scream came from the entrance of the banquet hall, and a mass of black figures in black suits flew in from outside the banquet hall!

The entire banquet hall suddenly fell silent, and all the guests looked towards the door.And when he saw the large group of bodyguards lying at the door, the only thing left in the lively banquet hall was the sound of music.


And when everyone in the banquet hall was stunned, a figure was thrown in from outside the banquet hall again.


There was a scream accompanied by a crisp sound, and a bodyguard slammed heavily on a solid wooden table, smashing the solid wooden table abruptly, and the fruit, dishes, and drinks on the table were scattered all over the place. land!
"Ah! Someone was beaten!"

Only then did these guests react, and the crowd immediately exploded.When have these noble-born celebrities seen such a scene since they were young?When encountering such a situation, everyone was terrified and panicked, and they were all at a loss!

"Ah!" But seeing the screams from the crowd, people began to push each other, and some people fell down from time to time. The whole scene was like a busy market. How could it be like the high-end banquet just now?
"Bang bang!" At this moment, there were still bodyguards flying in from the door of the banquet hall, and then fell heavily on the floor, screaming in pain.

"Ah!" The screams of the bodyguards mixed with the exclamation of the guests made the entire Li family banquet hall in a mess, not like a high society banquet but more like a market in a slum.

In less than a while, the entire banquet hall near the door was already full of bodyguards who were thrown in.These bodyguards either had a broken leg or a broken arm, lying on the floor covered with red carpet one by one, screaming.The originally noble and elegant banquet hall was full of ghosts and wolves. From the outside, it sounded like a slaughterhouse rather than a banquet.

After a while, no bodyguards were finally thrown in, and a figure strolled into the banquet hall from outside the door.

All the people in the banquet hall looked in the direction of the door.I saw a young man in his 20s who walked in.He can be 1.8 meters tall, wearing an ordinary gray sportswear with a hood, and has short hair. He can't be said to be very handsome, but he has a manly taste. He looks like a college student.

The young man held an electric baton in his left hand, and a bulging sack in his right, which looked a bit nondescript.

I saw him walking into the banquet hall slowly, and first looked around the banquet hall.Then, holding the sack in his hand with a smile on his face, he walked from the bodyguards all over the floor towards the banquet.

"Who is this young man?"

"So many bodyguards were beaten by him, right?"

"No way, this young man looks like a student, how could he beat these Li family's bodyguards like this?"

When everyone saw Chen Dong's appearance and attire, everyone frowned. It was hard for them to believe that such a young student could beat so many professional bodyguards of the Li family like this!
Under the suspicious eyes of everyone, Chen Dong walked towards the middle of the banquet hall with a smile on his face.

And as Chen Dong continued to approach the middle of the banquet hall, those successful people from all walks of life in Donghai City who came to today's banquet stepped back one after another. No one knew who Chen Dong was, whether he beat these people, the most important thing No one dared to take this risk. Once this young man really came to commit murder, his own life would be in danger!
Chen Dong smiled, didn't say anything, but went straight to a table that hadn't been smashed with the sack and put the electric baton on the table.

Everyone was stunned and didn't know who this young man of unknown origin was and what he was here for.

I saw Chen Dong reached out to pick up a goblet, then raised the glass and drank the foreign wine in the glass.

"Good wine!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"The Li family is really rich and powerful, they can bring out centaurs at a banquet." Chen Dong looked at the wine glass in his hand and said.

"Little brother... who are you..." At this time, a middle-aged man in a white suit asked Chen Dong tentatively.

"I am an unknown person, just an alumnus of Li Tenglong, son of the Li family." Chen Dong smiled and put the wine glass on the table.

"Hey, I was scared to death! I thought you were some kind of killer assassin! It turns out that you are Mr. Li's classmate, just a student, and you should also come to the banquet to grab some food and drink!" Another middle-aged man on the side let out a sigh of relief. .

"It's hard to beat me, so I'm a student..." The other guests also began to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes, I'm just a student..." Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"No! No! Then what's the situation with these bodyguards of the Li family? Who beat them like this! What kind of professional bodyguards of five or 60 people must be able to beat them all so ruthlessly?" At this time Suddenly someone responded.

"Could there be someone behind!" Everyone subconsciously stepped back.

But these high-ranking people were nervous for a long time, but no one came in from the banquet hall, only those bodyguards who were in distress were still lying on the floor, rolling and screaming.

"Isn't that right? It's impossible for these bodyguards to beat themselves like this? They must have been beaten by others!"

"But what about people?"

Everyone was confused, what happened?A good high society banquet was completely disrupted by this mutation, but no one knows who made it yet!
"Little brother, is there anyone else behind you?" At this moment, a male guest looked at Chen Dong and asked.

"Others? No more?" Chen Dong smiled slightly and looked towards the golden gate to the north of the banquet hall.

"No one left? Who beat these bodyguards?"

"That's right! Who beat these bodyguards like this? It must be a particularly powerful person or the other party is also a group of people!"

These guests who had just been frightened and still confused talked one after another.

"Don't you just ask them?" Chen Dong smiled, and ignored the upper-class guests invited by the Li family.Instead, he picked up the electric baton on the table again and continued walking towards the golden gate behind with the sack in his right hand.

"Yes! Ask these bodyguards!" Everyone suddenly realized.

A male guest walked up to a bodyguard who was not too seriously injured, knelt down and asked, "Who beat you like this?"

"Yes..." Seeing the pain on the face of the bodyguard, he raised his hand with difficulty, and pointed in one direction tremblingly.

"It's him!"

(End of this chapter)

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