Special masters on campus

Chapter 391 Today is a Feast

Chapter 391 Today is a Feast

Everyone looked in the direction of the bodyguard's finger, and then although some people were all taken aback, they couldn't believe it!

Because the direction the bodyguard was pointing at was Chen Dong's back, that is to say, all the bodyguards who were disabled in their area were done by him alone!
And I was still chatting with this person!I even asked him who beat these bodyguards!He also said he was a student!
"Oh my god!" The men who talked to Chen Dong just now were terrified. What did they do just now?Are you chatting with someone who can maim fifty or sixty professional bodyguards?Haven't you put such a poor student in your eyes?What the hell did I just do?If that person had made a move just now, he would have been much worse off than these bodyguards!

Everyone looked at Chen Dong dumbfounded.Who is this harmless young man who claims to be a student and what is his real identity? He can do all this by himself!
At this time, Chen Dong was walking towards the golden door leading to the 47th floor of Tenglong Building under the incredible eyes of everyone, as if he didn't notice the attention of everyone behind him at all.

"Go ahead, drink what you should drink, eat what you should eat, today is already a feast!" Chen Dong said as he walked towards the golden gate.

"Feast?" Everyone looked at each other, obviously they didn't understand what Chen Dong said. It was obvious that Chen Dong had hurt so many people because of Li's family. He was here to spoil today's banquet. How could it be a feast today?
"That's right! A feast to commemorate the collapse of Tenglong Group!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched, but he still didn't look back.

"What! The Tenglong Group is destroyed!" Everyone exclaimed in surprise. It is impossible for an ordinary student to say such words!
"Also, that Li Tenglong is just from the same school as me, at best he can be regarded as an alumni. To be my classmate? He doesn't have the qualifications yet!"

"Boom!" At this moment, Chen Dong kicked the door open!
The resplendent door opened, and there were already killers in black suits standing inside the door.These killers didn't seem to be surprised by Chen Dong's appearance, as if they had been waiting for Chen Dong here for a long time.

The reason to say that these people are killers is because Chen Dong can feel some murderous aura from these people.This kind of murderous aura can only be possessed by those who have really killed people or been on a real battlefield!The murderous aura on Chen Dong's body was much heavier than theirs, but because Chen Dong was stronger, he restrained this murderous aura, and reached the state of being able to retract freely.

"It seems that Li Jianye's arrangements are very thoughtful, so many A-level killers have paid a lot of money!" Chen Dong smiled, and Chen Dong could tell from the aura displayed by these people.These people are different from those downstairs. They are all masters of internal energy, and some of them have even touched the threshold of cultivation.

Any one of them coming out may make the conquest of some small countries helpless!And there are twenty of these characters standing here. The Li family has spent a lot of money this time!
"Humph!" At this moment, a bald man standing in front of the group of A-level killers snorted coldly. Chen Dong could tell that this person's strength was close to the early stage of Qi refining, which meant that he was about to step into the realm of self-cultivation. .This person should also be an ace-level killer in the Dragon Head Meeting, so it is normal for him to stand at the forefront of this group of A-level killers.

"Notify the two deacons, black and white, that the prey has appeared, and ask the two deacons to give instructions!" The bald killer said in a cold voice.

"Yes!" I saw a killer standing at the back nodded, and went up the stairs with a few steps.

"Black and white deacon?" Chen Dong smiled, "Has your black deacon not seen anyone all day?"

"You... how do you know?" The bald killer's expression changed.

Chen Dong weighed the sack in his hand, his signature smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he looked at the bald head and said, "Of course I know, and I also know where he is."

"Do you know where Black Butler is?" The bald killer frowned, with disbelief on his face.

"Brother Tie, it's true that Black Deacon hasn't seen anyone for a day." At this time, an assassin behind the bald head whispered in the bald head's ear.

"Nonsense, don't I know better than you?" the bald head said coldly.

"Boy! You said you know where Black Butler is? Why should I believe you?" The bald man said while looking at Chen Dong.

"You don't have to believe it." Chen Dong smiled.

"You're looking for death! Close the door! Don't disturb Chairman Li's distinguished guests!" The bald man's face changed, and his eyes became murderous.

"Yes!" The two killers quickly circled behind Chen Dong and closed the door again.

Which of the high-level distinguished guests invited by Li Tenglong in the banquet hall has seen this kind of scene, and who dares to say a word?Who dares to stay here longer when the door is closed again?This is the Li family's own business, and has nothing to do with them!
How can these well-dressed distinguished guests care about their image?For a moment, there was a chaotic mess, and they all ran towards the outside of the banquet hall.

"No one can see now, brother, I will give you a chance to tell the whereabouts of the black deacon. If it is true, I may be able to plead with you and let you die with dignity." The bald killer walked up to Chen Dong Dong looked at Chen Dong and smiled.

"Pleading? A dog wagging its tail in front of its owner is not pleading, it's flattering at best." Chen Dong also looked at the bald head.

"You! Courting death!" This bald head is one of the ace killers of the Dragon Head Club, Iron Hand. When would anyone dare to talk to him like that!
But seeing the iron hands filled with inner strength, they patted Chen Dong's ears at close range!The reason why this bald head is nicknamed Iron Hand is that this person is obviously very good at palming skills, and this stroke is a blow to both ears!Even if an ordinary expert uses this move to hit the opponent's powerful internal force, it can directly burst the eardrums, but if hit by this iron hand, even a master of internal skills will undoubtedly die!

The most important thing is that his attack was too sudden, and the distance between him and Chen Dong was too close, so he couldn't even see his attack clearly!

"Boy! You don't need to order from Deacon Bai, I will send you on your way first!" The iron palms had already reached Chen Dong's ears, and the strong palm wind made Chen Dong's hair blow .

"Brother Tie's ultimate move! Blowing the wind with both ears! This kid is sure to die!"

"How capable am I to be this kid? The two deacons have given priority to fighting! Look at him, he didn't even have a reaction!"

"Haha! By the time he reacts, it may be too late!"

The A-level killers around them all sneered, and dispatched twenty A-level killers at once, which is rare even in the Dragon Capital, and this time the target was Chen Dong.

But now it seems that this time is really killing chickens with a sledgehammer, this poor boy is too weak, he doesn't even have the most basic reaction of a master!

(End of this chapter)

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