Special masters on campus

Chapter 401 It Was a Dog

Chapter 401 It Was a Dog

Chen Dong's actions obviously exceeded everyone's expectations, and the bodyguards who had been circling around Chen Dong quickly looking for an opportunity to shoot Chen Dong were a little dazed.

And at the moment when they were stunned, they felt the carpet under their feet suddenly pulled forward!
"Not good!" By the time the group of bodyguards realized what Chen Dong wanted to do, they could no longer control their bodies.A strong inertia caused their bodies to fall backwards one after another!

And at the same time as these bodyguards fell backwards one after another, Chen Dong moved again!

But seeing that Chen Dong first slapped the official Uncle Liu's back with a palm, although both of them are at the late stage of Qi refining, Chen Dong's true energy is obviously superior.In addition, Uncle Liu, the butler, was old and weak and had no defenses. He passed out after being hit on the back with such force by Chen Dong.

I saw the gray-haired butler, Uncle Liu, slumped on the floor weakly.Although this blow could not kill him, it definitely injured him severely.

And Chen Dong took advantage of the situation and squatted on the carpet, grabbed the carpet with his left hand and grabbed it upwards!
"Hiss!" The carpet woven of red brocade cloth should have been extremely strong, but it was like a piece of white paper in Chen Dong's hands, and was torn to pieces by Chen Dong with a hiss!

"I'll give you a big quilt to sleep together!" Chen Dong smiled, grabbed the carpet in his hand and took a step towards the bodyguards of the Li family who were falling backwards!
"Huh!" In the blink of an eye, Chen Dong had already arrived in front of them, and the bodies of these bodyguards were still in the process of falling backwards uncontrollably!

"Let's go!" Chen Dong swung the end of the carpet in his hand towards these bodyguards!
"Hoo hoo!" The entire carpet rolled up the bodyguards together like a red wave!

"Ah! How dare you hit me!"

In the panic, these bodyguards who were rolled together by Chen Dong with the carpet were in a mess, they only felt that the world was spinning and it was dark in front of them.Some people accidentally wiped their guns and misfired, but unfortunately they hit their own people.

"Don't panic!"

These bodyguards are not ordinary people, once they are given a chance to breathe, they will definitely react.Naturally, Chen Dong would not give them such a chance to breathe!
But with a flash in Chen Dong's eyes, he jumped up and kicked the carpet that wrapped many bodyguards together!Chen Dong realized that even a tree as thick as a bowl had two knots, and the person who was unfortunately mentioned probably had at least a few bones broken.

"Ah!" But there was a scream coming from inside the carpet, half of the red brocade carpet wrapped the group of bodyguards and was suddenly kicked down the stairs by Chen Dongsheng!


"Boom! Boom!" The carpet wrapped the bodyguards and rolled down the stairs like a big ball. Some of the bodyguards that fell halfway and got stuck on the stairs were caught up by Chen Dong and kicked a few times. go down.

For a while, there were screams and collisions, and the sound of silenced pistols firing could be heard endlessly. The whole scene looked quite funny.These professional bodyguards may have never been played with like this in their life, just like a group of three-year-old urchins being played by a strong man while applauding.

"If this is not the downtown area of ​​Donghai City, I can consider Situ Xiadan's police station, and you will not just be kicked downstairs." Chen Dong patted the dust on his hands, then turned around, fainting Uncle Liu, the housekeeper on the ground, picked it up, and walked to the door of the CEO's office in a few steps.

"Li Jianye! It's time for us to end all this face to face!" Chen Dong took a look and kicked towards the mahogany gate.

At this time, it was in the office of the president of Tenglong Group.

Li Jianye was sitting on the president's chair with his back to the door, holding a cigar in his hand, looking out of the building with a calm expression.

At this moment, the downstairs of the Tenglong Building is already full of police and ambulances.

"DiDi! DiDi!"

A long and piercing siren came from the police car downstairs.

Dozens of criminal policemen in police uniforms and dozens of armed policemen in camouflage uniforms have already arrived at the downstairs of the Tenglong Building. They are moving quickly and well-trained to enter the Tenglong Building.

It is impossible for the police and armed police not to hear the news that Chen Dong broke into the headquarters of Tenglong Building by himself and made such a big commotion.

The most important thing is the guests of the Li family who ran out of the banquet hall of Tenglong Group.These people are considered prominent figures in Donghai City. These people were so frightened that they called the police, and the police station would naturally arrive at the scene as soon as possible.

"The policemen will come up in 10 minutes, but 10 minutes is enough for me to get what I want!" Li Jianye smiled at the corner of his mouth, took a puff of his cigar, and then slowly exhaled a smoke ring.

He seemed to be very clear that even the black and white deacons couldn't stop Chen Dong, and those hot guys downstairs couldn't stop Chen Dong either.But it seems that everything is under his control, or maybe he has absolute certainty, that's why he is so calm and calm.

"Bang!" At this moment, the solid wood door of the CEO's office was kicked open from the outside with a bang.

However, the door lock broke directly, and the door made of a whole piece of mahogany was also cracked into several pieces by Chen Dong's kick, and then fell on the floor of the office.

Chen Dong walked in with the unconscious butler Uncle Liu slowly walking over the broken pieces of wood.

Chen Dong looked up and saw that Li Jianye was sitting on a big leather chair with his back facing him, smoking a cigar.

"Chairman Li, you invited me here with such a big wrinkle, is that how you welcome me?" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and the corners of his mouth slightly said the same.

"Hehe! Chen Dong, right, I've wanted to see you for a long time, thank you for taking care of the dog these days!" At this moment, Li Jianye slowly turned the chair and turned around.The face that obviously didn't match his age looked at Chen Dong with a smile on his face.

"Gouzi? You mean that reptile is the son of a dog? I just thought he was a worm. It seems that I misunderstood it. So it is a dog!" Chen Dong smiled.

"You!" Li Jianye's face darkened, and the finger holding the cigar snapped off, while the other right hand firmly grasped the armrest of the chair.

"Hehe! Chairman Li is a man of culture. My boy, I come from the mountains, so I speak bluntly. If Chairman Li thinks what I said is wrong, you can tell me. I'll see if I can speak better." Chen Dong smiled.

"Brother Chen Dong is too modest..." Li Jianye sneered, if he didn't want to know something from Chen Dong, he might have done it by now!

"Wait a minute! No one is your brother, and I am a brother with Gouzi's father, so what am I doing? Chairman Li, you are burying me!" Chen Dong smiled harmlessly.

"Chen Dong, do you think you can walk out of this building alive?" Li Jianye's face turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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