Special masters on campus

Chapter 402 3 Questions

Chapter 402 Three Questions
"I, Chen Dong, never thought of running away from the moment I came to this building!" Chen Dong said calmly without changing his face.

"It seems that you are not so arrogant that you don't know how to live or die." Li Jianye snorted coldly.

"Because I told you before I came here that I want to destroy your Tenglong Group! I will walk out!" Chen Dong said with a smile on his face. Although his face was so relaxed, Chen Dong was actually observing this Li Jianye.He couldn't feel any fluctuations of true energy from Li Jianye. There are only two possibilities. One is that he is an ordinary person.Another possibility is that his realm of comprehension is far above his own, even surpassing the early stage of the sea of ​​qi and reaching the middle stage of the sea of ​​qi!
"Is it the middle stage of Qi Sea! It seems that today's battle is not destined to be so simple!" Chen Dong clenched his fists tightly!
After Chen Dong finished speaking, Li Jianye was silent for a moment and then suddenly burst out laughing.

"Haha! Destroy Tenglong Group? Little guy, you are getting more and more interesting!" This Li Jianye laughed as if he had encountered the funniest thing in his life.


"Damn...put your hands up or I'll shoot you!"

While the two were talking, several black-clothed bodyguards rushed up outside the president's office. They were the bodyguards of the Li family who were not seriously injured just now, and now they rushed up again.

"Don't be so annoying as a fly!" But seeing Chen Dong snort coldly, he threw the unconscious butler Uncle Liu back in his hand!


The bodyguards of the Li family who rushed up again felt that their eyes were darkened, and Uncle Liu, who was thrown out by Chen Dong with a bang, was knocked out all at once.

"Ah!" Another scream came from outside the president's office. With Chen Dong's strength and Uncle Liu's body in the late stage of Qi refining, being hit like this, the group of bodyguards would probably be half disabled if not dead!

"Does your Li family run a kennel? You even raised some toothless pugs!" Chen Dong looked at Li Jianye and narrowed his eyes.

"That's right! His hands are clean and quick, and he is both Qi and Wu. He is indeed a good young man. He is probably an elite disciple in any hidden sect." Li Jianye didn't seem to think that what Chen Dong did just now Angry at everything, he nodded in praise to Chen Dong instead.

But the more this happened, the more Chen Dong dared not be careless.Chen Dong stared at Li Jianye's every move.In this situation, he dared to be so calm, what does that mean?It shows that this person hides too deeply!
"It seems that you don't intend to let him go easily?" Chen Dongshuang clenched his hands tightly and looked at Li Jianye with cold eyes.

"Let people go? Haha! How do you say this? I didn't arrest anyone and restrict anyone's freedom. All the guests today came to my banquet by Mr. Li. Why do you let people say that? "Li Jianye smiled, as if he had a plan in mind.

"Then it seems that we have nothing to talk about." Chen Dong's mouth turned into a twitch, and his eyes became murderous. No matter what Li Jianye's identity is and how much strength he hides, Chen Dong must take everyone away safely today.

"Haha! Don't be so nervous, we can sit down and talk calmly." Li Jianye looked at the arm on his wrist.

"The time has come." Li Jianye looked at Chen Dong with a smile.

"Sorry, I don't think we have any common language." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"No no! I think we have a lot of common language. Because I have what you want. So I don't think you have room to bargain." Li Jianye still kept a smile on his face.

"Do you really think I can't do anything about you?" Chen Dong narrowed his eyes, and the pure yang power in his body began to operate.

"It's the late stage of Qi refining? Not bad! But even if you defeat me, as long as something happens to me, your friends may disappear from this world forever. And it will disappear silently. I think you should believe it, I, Li Jianye There is such a method." Li Jianye looked at Chen Dong and said calmly.

Chen Dong's eyes were serious. After he entered the president's office, he didn't find that Su Hong and her classmates were in Class 1. They were obviously arranged by Li Jianye in other places.Without absolute certainty, I can't do it easily, otherwise this Li Jianye may really do something wrong.

And Chen Dong also wanted to figure out what exactly this Li Jianye wanted from him?He did not hesitate to spend such a high price to make it known all over the city.

"Okay! I just want to know why you, the chairman of Tenglong Group, are going so hard to find me an ordinary student." Chen Dong smiled, and before he started, he also needed to figure out what kind of strength this Li Jianye was. .

"Haha! Ordinary student? Brother Chen Dong, you're making a joke like this, and you think I, Mr. Li, is a fool." Li Jianye smiled.

"Oh? Chairman Li can tell my level of comprehension at a glance. It seems that Chairman Li is not just a businessman, right?" Chen Dong also smiled.

In the president's office, although both of them had smiles on their faces, the atmosphere was even weirder than when Chen Dong faced a lot of bodyguards just now.It is obvious that both of you don't make a move, but if you make a move, it will kill you!

"Haha! Since everyone understands, I won't beat around the bush! Answer my three questions, and you can meet your friends!" Li Jianye laughed.

"Okay." Chen Dong just wanted to find out what Li Jianye's purpose was, so he asked casually, and how he answered would depend on his mood.

"Okay! Sure enough, you are a happy person! Don't worry, as long as your answer satisfies me, I will not touch a single hair of all your friends, but your answer makes me dissatisfied. I can't guarantee that those desperate men under me will What will the gang do." Although Li Jianye still had a smile on his face, there was a murderous intent in his voice.

"However, I also happen to have three questions that I want to ask you, Chairman Li." The corners of Chen Dong's mouth twitched.

"Do you think you have room to bargain with me?" Li Jianye's face darkened slightly.

"That depends on whether Chairman Li thinks it's worthwhile for you to get information from me!" Chen Dong looked at Li Jianye.

Then Li Jianye didn't speak, and the two of them just looked at each other like this. If it sounds good, this is a transaction.Li Jianye can choose not to make this deal with Chen Dong, but he can't get anything he wants to know from Chen Dong.

For a moment, the entire president's office fell silent, only the siren downstairs kept ringing, but the atmosphere was even more tense, and the two of them might tear their faces apart and fight directly at any time!
And at this moment, Li Jianye raised his head and looked at Chen Dong, his eyes were full of murderous intent!
(End of this chapter)

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