Special masters on campus

Chapter 403 My Master Is Named Yang Zending

Chapter 403 My Master Is Named Yang Zending
And Chen Dong looked at Li Jianye without backing down at all. From the moment he stepped into this building, he knew that he would inevitably have to fight this mysterious and unpredictable Li Jianye!
But is it more murderous?Chen Dong is not afraid of anyone in this world!
"Haha!" After the two looked at each other coldly for a moment, Li Jianye suddenly burst out laughing.

"Okay! Very good! At least your courage is very similar to me back then! Much better than my son who didn't live up to expectations!" Li Jianye said with a big laugh.

"Then the first question, where are my friends?" Chen Dong smiled.

"You!" Li Jianye's face suddenly darkened. He thought that Chen Dong was very courageous in forcing him to agree to the deal, but he didn't expect that Chen Dong would be so arrogant that he asked the question first!
"I don't think this question is difficult?" Chen Dong said calmly.

"Okay! Very good! It's a pity that you and I are not the same way, otherwise I really like you. I can tell you that your friends are behind the secret door of this wall, but you can't get in without my permission , They can’t come out!” Li Jianye gritted his teeth and said, if Chen Dong might have hidden clues about his madness for 20 years, he would have killed this arrogant young man long ago!
"Secret door?" Chen Dong frowned, and walked directly to the wall.

And Li Jianye kept watching Chen Dong's every move, but he didn't stop him.

"Even if you open the secret door now, you are sure to get out of your body, but you dare to guarantee the safety of all your friends, so you dare not act rashly." Li Jianye said with a smile.

Chen Dong knocked on the wall, and the wall was indeed empty. After about one meter, it was not impossible to force it open, but as Li Jianye said, he was not absolutely sure to ensure everyone's safety until he completely dealt with Li Jianye.So Chen Dong can't act rashly now, because even if one person gets hurt because of himself, that is definitely not what Chen Dong wants to see today.

But now Chen Dong at least knows that Sister Su Hong and the students from Class 1 are on this floor, and he has achieved this goal.

"Now it's my turn to ask. Who is your master?" Li Jianye stared at Chen Dong intently.

"That's why you came to me? It's okay to tell you, my master's name is Yang Tianding!" Chen Dong looked at Li Jianye and said.

"Yang Tianding!" Li Jianye stood up from his chair when he heard these three words.I saw his eyes wide open, staring at Chen Dong firmly, obviously these three words caused him a great shock!

"Are you really Yang Tianding's apprentice?" Li Jianye asked while staring at Chen Dong.

"Why does this guy have such a big reaction? Could it be that he and the old man were rivals in love when they were young, and the old man gave him a cuckold?" Chen Dong thought to himself.

"That's right, this is the second question." Chen Dong said while thinking about the countermeasure, how to save everyone.

"It seems that this time I'm really counting on those policemen for help. Situ, Situ, this time, I, Chen Dong, have to owe you a big favor again!" Chen Dong thought.

"Haha! Good! Then there's no need to ask the third question! Since you are Yang Tianding's apprentice, then I know the purpose of coming to Donghai City without asking!" Li Jianye suddenly laughed again, this time he laughed She was extremely happy. Compared with her fake smile before, it was obvious that this time she was really happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Okay! It seems that you are another master who has a grudge against the old man. After so many years, I will wipe your ass!" Chen Dong smiled wryly.

"It seems that you and my master are old friends?" Chen Dong said, he must try his best to delay the time now, and wait until the police rushed to ensure that Li Jianye did not dare to hurt others in public before he could deal with him with all his strength.

"Friend? Not only a friend, but a good friend! It's just that he didn't die!" Li Jianye's voice turned cold, and the temperature in the entire office dropped suddenly!
"What a powerful coercion! This person's strength is definitely not inferior to that of the black and white deacon, and even far surpassed it!" Chen Dong frowned, and he could feel a bone-piercing cold rush towards him!And this chill was not caused by Li Jianye's active attack, but simply because of his change of mood!
"Huh!" An invisible pure yang force emanated from Chen Dong's body, completely blocking the chill around his body.

"The power of pure yang! Not bad! That old man Yang Tianding really taught a good apprentice!" Li Jianye said in a cold voice.

"Thank you for the compliment." Chen Dong smiled, any coldness would be restrained in the face of pure yang power, unless Li Jianye practiced pure yin zhenqi, but unfortunately he was a man, and he had to go to Thailand for surgery if he wanted to practice pure yin exercises.

"No! This old boy is over 40 years old and still so young. He has a fair face and no beard. He doesn't really have to leave the palace first if he wants to practice this skill!" Chen Dong's eyes lit up.

The more Chen Dong looked at Li Jianye, the more he felt something was wrong, "It can't be true, then where did your son come from!"

"Hand over the things, and I guarantee that you and all your friends will be safe and sound, and you will also get a generous reward from me!" Li Jianye stared at Chen Dong greedily as if staring at a lamb.

"If there is such a good thing, then you should have talked to me earlier! But I don't know what you are talking about." Chen Dong narrowed his eyes, and the pure yang power in his fists was constantly condensing.

"Yang Tianding's apprentice, the power of pure yang, came to Donghai City, and in just three days, he was able to break through from the middle stage of Qi refining to the late stage of Qi refining. If you don't get that thing, it's out Ghost!" Li Jianye said while laughing, as if he couldn't control the joy in his heart.Yes, he has been planning for this day for 20 years and searched all over Donghai City, but he didn't expect that it would be so easy to come here today!Can he not be ecstatic!
"Famous teachers produce high-level apprentices! Since you and my master met 20 years ago, you should know his strength, right? This is called a famous teacher produces high-level apprentices." Chen Dong has already basically understood why Li Jianye took so much effort to invite him to come Yes, it seems that it is really for that thing!
"Haha! Boy, are you scaring me with your master?" Li Jianye's eyes turned cold.

"You don't have the qualifications to let my master do it yourself, do you?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Stop talking nonsense! You know what I want! As long as you hand it over, I can give you the entire Tenglong Group!" Li Jianye took a step towards Chen Dong and stretched out his hand to Chen Dong.

"Skyfire... Xuanbing!" Li Jianye stared at Chen Dong and said word by word.

(End of this chapter)

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