Special masters on campus

Chapter 404 Li Jianye's Purpose

Chapter 404 Li Jianye's Purpose
"Tianhuo Xuanbing!" The corners of Chen Dong's mouth were the same, as expected, Li Jianye's ultimate goal was to come here for the rare treasure of the cultivation world, Tianhuo Xuanbing!

It seems that Li Jianye was also a participant in the incident that happened in the East China Sea 20 years ago, so he knew about the existence of Tianhuo Xuanbing.

"It's no wonder that Li Jianye took so much effort to lure him here. But any cultivator who knows the Skyfire Xuanbing will not miss even a chance to get it! Because getting the Skyfire Xuanbing means getting endless cultivation resources! That is an inexhaustible treasure of aura! Any cultivator who gets it will definitely become stronger, far exceeding their current strength!" Chen Dong looked solemn, Li Jianye wanted to get Tianhuo Xuan Bing will definitely do whatever it takes, and it seems that a bitter battle is inevitable.

"Tianhuo Xuanbing? That's just something in the legend, if it's on my body, do you think you wouldn't be able to detect any breath?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Haha! Do you think I'm stupid? Even if Tianhuo Xuanbing is not on your body, you have hidden it somewhere. As long as I catch you, I have a hundred ways to make you speak out! It seems that you are not Are you going to hand it over?" Li Jianye sneered and took another step towards Chen Dong.

"You can do it if you want it, it depends on whether you have the strength!" Chen Dong also took a step towards Li Jianye.

"Haha! The junior can defeat the black and white deacon, do you think you are very strong?" Then Li Jianye laughed, "Today, I will tell you for your master, what a real strong man is like!"

"Let you know what is superiority and inferiority first!" But just before Li Jianye's words fell, his figure moved suddenly and turned into a phantom, which was the performance of reaching the limit of speed!
"What a fast speed!" Chen Dong frowned, and the pure yang power in his body was fully activated.

"Kneel down!" Almost at the same moment, the figure of Li Jianye appeared in front of Chen Dong in an instant, and punched Chen Dong!
This is too fast!It was faster than Chen Dong's reaction speed!It's also the only one Chen Dongping has seen in his life, far above that black deacon!

Chen Dong didn't have time to react, and with his speed, he could only block his arms in front of him!

"Boom!" In the blink of an eye, Chen Dong's body seemed to be hit head-on by a speeding train, and it flew back like a flying train!

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Chen Dong's body hit the wall heavily!

After the violent impact, the entire wall shook violently. The power of this blow was really like a cannonball!If it was an ordinary person, I'm afraid it would have been blasted to pieces by now!

At this time, inside the wall behind Chen Dong.

Su Hong, Chu Shanshan, and all the students in Class 1 of the medical school sat on chairs in a daze.All of them have been confiscated of all communication tools and cannot contact the outside world at all.Surrounded by a group of black-clothed bodyguards from the Li family, it was even more impossible to resist.

Now their only hope is that someone capable can come and save them.

After being under house arrest for most of the day, some girls' spirits have obviously collapsed, some girls started to cry, and the rest of the faces were pale and bloodless even if they were not crying.

"Did you say someone would come to rescue us?"

"It's been so long, does it mean that others still don't know that we were kidnapped!"

"I really don't know why they want to kidnap us!"

A pessimistic mood began to spread among the students in Class 1.They are all ordinary students who have encountered this situation when.Their inner line of defense has long since collapsed.

"I believe Brother Dong will definitely come to rescue us!"

"Yes! And the police sister!"

Zhang Xing and the boys from Fatty Bai said.

"Haha! If your brother Dong came, I guess it would be too late for him to escape, so how could he come to save you!"

"Haha! Brother Dong! I don't even know I was sold!"

The bodyguards of the Li family around laughed loudly.

"You guys are talking nonsense! Brother Chen will definitely come to save us!" Chu Shanshan said with a blushing face.


"Boom!" Just when the head of the bodyguard was about to speak, there was a violent crash, shaking the entire dark room.

"Ah!" The students in Class 1 panicked.

"Team leader, what's going on?" Those bodyguards obviously didn't know where the violent impact came from.

"Be careful! If you let these people run away, none of you will survive!" the head of the bodyguard said coldly, staring in the direction of the president's office.

"Yes!" The group of black-clothed bodyguards cheered up and surrounded Sister Su Hong and all the students in Class 1 tightly.

"Xiaodong, is that you?" Su Hong also looked in the direction of the door.

In the CEO's office, Chen Dong was hit by Li Jianye's punch and hit the wall behind him.Chen Dong's body leaned against the wall, and he managed to keep himself from falling down.

"Bah!" Chen Dong spat out a mouthful of blood, wiped his own blood, and stared at Li Jianye.

The strength of this punch was beyond Chen Dong's imagination!And the speed was so fast that Chen Dong could only defend passively in a hurry!Just judging from the power of this punch and the speed just now, it is more than ten times stronger than that Black Butler who is famous for his strength and speed!
Just one punch almost broke through all of Chen Dong's defenses!And if Chen Dong didn't have the power of pure yang to protect his body, maybe this punch Chen Dong would not be as simple as being shocked and vomit a little blood, and he might not be able to afford serious injuries directly!
"This Li Jianye's strength is far higher than that of the black and white deacons! It's not even in the middle stage of Qihai!" This is the strongest opponent Chen Dong encountered in Donghai City, bar none!

"Tsk tsk! That's right! It's really good! Yang Tianding's apprentice is really not bad! The cultivation base in the late stage of Qi refining can beat me hard, Chen Dong, you really amaze me more and more!" Li Jianye He said with a smile on his face, as if in his eyes, Chen Dong was just an ant, even if he was a strong ant, an ant could not compete with an elephant after all.

"It seems that you suffered a lot under my master's hands back then, right?" Chen Dong smiled and stood up straight again.

"You! I don't have time to waste with you, tell me! Where is Tianhuo Xuanbing!" Li Jianye's voice turned cold, obviously his patience was a little lacking.Once the police downstairs come up, his identity as a cultivator will be exposed, so he must pry Chen Dong's mouth open before the police arrive!

"I said that it is not impossible to want Tianhuo Xuanbing, it depends on whether you have the ability!" Chen Dong frowned, his own strength is far from that of Li Jianye, even if he can use the Nine Suns Fist It can cause damage to the strong in the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi, but if Li Jianye's strength is above the middle stage of Sea of ​​Qi, it will have no effect at all!Now I can only hold back Li Jianye as much as possible and delay time for Situ Xiadan to lead the team up!
"You're looking for death!" Chen Dong's words really angered Li Jianye, but seeing Li Jianye's figure flicker, when Chen Dong saw clearly, Li Jianye's body had appeared in front of him again!

(End of this chapter)

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