Special masters on campus

Chapter 411: Code Assassin

Chapter 411: Code Assassin
If the secret door is opened now, it may be too late to transfer them.After all, they are different from these well-trained armed police criminals. It may be too late to transfer everyone upstairs and take them away by helicopter.Because then Li Jianye may attack again at any time!

"Haha!" The team leader smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry about this. That old fox has planned it long ago. Can he not care about his own daughter? I think at this time, the second group has already transferred all the hostages inside. What we have to do now is How to control the thorny trouble of Li Jianye. Not only should the casualties be vacant, but also the movement should be kept as small as possible to prevent large-scale social panic. These are the old fox's words."

"Really?" Chen Dong nodded, now his true energy has recovered by one-third, at least he has the ability to protect himself.

"By the way, my code name is Assassin." The special team leader smiled and held out his hand to Chen Dong.

"Chen Dong, you can call me Dongzi." Chen Dong also reached out and held his hand together.

"Dongzi? Why is it so familiar, as if I've heard it somewhere? No matter how much it is, lead Li Jianye to the rooftop first, otherwise this building will be demolished by him!" The team leader code-named Assassin laughed.

"It's a great honor to fight side by side with you. It made me find a little bit of the feeling of the past. This feeling is very good. But I have a habit of not trusting anyone except my own eyes." Chen Dong smiled and went straight to Go to the wall with the hidden door.


But I saw Chen Dong kicking towards the secret door on the wall!

"Boom! Crack!" With a crisp sound, the secret door on the wall was kicked open by Chen Dong.Although the true energy in his body had just recovered to three layers, a secret door still couldn't stop Chen Dong.

With a solemn expression, Chen Dong walked in with a low body.At this moment, in this large room behind the secret door, there are bodyguards of the Li family in black suits lying all over the floor, but there is not a single student from Class 1 of the medical school, let alone Su Hong sisters.

Looking forward, there was a big hole in the wall at the end of the room, which directly pierced through the wall more than one meter thick, which was obviously caused by blasting the wall directly outside.

Seeing all this, Chen Dong breathed a sigh of relief. At least Sister Su Hong and the students from Class 1 would not fall into Li Jianye's hands for the time being, so their lives would not be in danger.

"How? Let me just say, that old fox has already planned it. Don't be fooled by his slovenly appearance, he has a very dark heart!" The assassin said standing behind Chen Dong.

"I've already learned it." Chen Dong smiled.

"Have you been taught?" The assassin frowned, of course he didn't know that Chen Dong not only met Xu Jiaying's father, but also went to Xu Jiaying's home.It didn't matter, Chen Dong had treated the daughter of a special forces chief's daughter in Xu's bathroom.If these special forces knew about this, they would probably worship Chen Dong to death.You must know that Xu Jiaying is the only daughter of their chief, she is simply the apple of the eye, other people don't talk about being in close contact with Xu Jiaying, even seeing her is only a few times when Xu Jiaying and her mother are visiting relatives from a distance.


"Crack! Kick!"

And at this moment, there was a huge blast.The big man who was thrown into the office just now bumped in again.His huge body slammed into the wall near the window, and the huge impact cracked the wall behind him!

"Not good!" Chen Dong and the assassin rushed out of the dark room and returned to the office.

"Intuit!" I saw that the big man named Old Xiong was in a mess, and the camouflage uniform on his body was no longer visible.He spat out a mouthful of blood and stood up again!
"If this person is not born with divine power, he is an even rarer body refiner! This body is simply too strong!" Chen Dong's eyes were solemn, and his heart was extremely shocked.You must know that Li Jianye's strength is at least the middle stage of Qihai!He actually has a physical resistance!Based on this alone, Chen Dong can't beat himself! "

I saw that this person was at least two meters tall, and the camouflage uniform on his body was completely broken into strips of rags, exposing the explosive muscles on his body, like iron lumps, and bursting blood vessels And the blue veins further showed the violent power in him.

"This old boy is so fierce! Dare to beat my old bear and vomit blood, and see if I don't sit on your ass to death!" The big man cursed, then spat into his palm and rubbed it, and was about to rush out again .

"Wait, old bear!" Just as the big man wanted to continue to rush out, the assassin waved him and stopped him.

"Assassin, don't stop me, this battle was so much fun! I haven't enjoyed it yet!" The big man called Old Bear shouted like a bell.

"Now is not the time for you to fight. Our task is to lead Li Jianye to the roof, when you will fight!" the assassin said coldly.

"That's what you said! Then let this old boy live a little longer!"

"Everyone obey orders, cover fire and move to the rooftop!" the assassin ordered.

"Yes! Team leader!" Several team members in the office nodded.

"Do you want to leave? You can all leave, but Chen Dong must stay with me!" Just as the assassin gave the order, Li Jianye's voice came from outside again.

At this moment, Li Jianye came up the stairs with a gloomy face.But seeing that the white suit he was wearing had long since lost its appearance, it was unknown who's blood was staining it red and black.

"Fire cover, the others withdraw!" the assassin said without hesitation.

"You go up first, I'm the queen!" Chen Dong stared at Li Jianye.

"No! If something happens to you, then the old fox will have to kill me directly!" said the assassin.

"This Li Jianye is above the middle stage of the sea of ​​qi. Among you, except for this brother who can block Li Jianye's attack, whoever is left behind alone can't stop him." Chen Dong said in a low voice, and now the true qi in his body is about to recover. [-]%.

"Don't hesitate! As a special forces commander, indecision is the greatest opportunity!" Chen Dong shouted coldly.

"Let's do this! Cover fire and step back!" The assassin looked at Chen Dong with some changes. He didn't know who Chen Dong was at first, but he only knew that he was the rescue target of his mission. A college student, and a person that the minister values ​​very much.Now it seems that this person will never be that simple!
"Chen Dong, you can't escape!" At this moment, Li Jianye suddenly laughed, and in a flash, he came to the door of the office!
(End of this chapter)

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