Special masters on campus

Chapter 412 You Go First, I'm Back!

Chapter 412 You Go First, I'm Back!

"Bang bang!" And following the order of the assassin, the leader of the special operations team, seven automatic rifles fired at the same time, and seven flames shot at Li Jianye at the same time!
"Ah damn! Don't any of you get out of here alive today!" Although Li Jianye was a powerful cultivator, he didn't dare to force his way in the face of such fierce firepower.But seeing his body flickering and moving, the bullet couldn't hit him, but at the same time he couldn't move forward either.

At this time, the two special forces who were squatting at the front door quickly rolled back, and the five special forces behind them tacitly covered them with all their strength.

"Whoosh!" The two special forces members who were at the front had already got on the rope within a breath, and saw that they were holding the rope with one hand and holding the automatic rifle in the other hand to fire!
At the same time, the three armed policemen squatting at the front quickly retreated to the position by the window, and quickly squatted down to fire.


Before the words were finished, the two special forces members who were hanging on the rope had already climbed up.

The whole process is done in less than three!And the completion is extremely tacit and perfect.

"This team is definitely not an ordinary special force! They are too calm. This kind of calm can only be obtained from countless life-and-death missions!" Chen Dong thought to himself.

"Since everyone is so powerful, I can't wear a chain myself!" Chen Dong's eyes flashed, and the Nine Yang Kungfu in his body quickly began to operate, his dantian rotated rapidly, and the pure Yang power was continuously condensed.

"Old bear, you retreat first! Go up and set up a good guy for me and wait for this old boy to go to the roof!" The assassin stared at Li Jianye with cold eyes.

"Understood!" The special forces member named Lao Xiong laughed loudly, even though he was so big, he was not slow to act at all.I saw him jumping out of the window with a leap, his hands on the rope, and he jumped up with just a push.

"Team leader, you retreat first!" At this moment, the remaining five team members shouted at the assassin.

"You retreat first, Chen Dong and I stay behind!" The assassin took off the submachine gun he had been carrying behind his back from his back.

This submachine gun, Chen Dong recognized, was a type 05 micro-acoustic submachine gun. Although the accuracy was a little worse than that of an automatic rifle, it was stronger in terms of bullet capacity and firepower.

He took out another pistol from his lap pocket and threw it to Chen Dong.

"Will it work? Let's stay at the end for a while, you go up first and I'll suppress it with firepower!" the assassin looked at Chen Dong and said.

Chen Dong took the pistol, and loaded it with a click, "Type 92 5mm pistol, barely enough to survive!"

"Yo! All right! It seems that he is still an expert. But whether you can do it depends on whether you can survive! I can't guarantee that I can find you after a while. You see, this old boy is simply inhuman, and he can dodge bullets." In the past. But then again, normal people don’t need us to go out. What are you guys waiting for? Echelon retreat!” the assassin said coldly.

"Yes!" The remaining five special forces members agreed in unison, and the two in front rolled back to the window, and then quickly climbed up.

And as several special team members continued to withdraw from the room, the firepower suppressing Li Jianye also began to weaken, which made the pressure on Li Jianye drop sharply.

"Chen Dong, you can't leave!" I saw that Li Jianye's face was full of embarrassment, and his figure turned into phantoms one after another, stepping into the office!

"Team leader?" The remaining three team members kept shooting at Li Jianye, but it was obviously difficult to stop Li Jianye with just three guns. Li Jianye was getting closer and closer to Chen Dong!
"Retreat! Obey the order!" The assassin laughed, his eyes full of excitement, as if the more dangerous the more exciting to him!
"Yes!" The remaining three special forces didn't hesitate, they jumped out and quickly grabbed the rope and climbed up.

"Chen Dong! Do you think I can't make you speak like this!" At almost the same moment, Li Jianye's figure had come to a place less than three meters in front of Chen Dong and the assassin!
"Bang bang! Bang bang!" Seeing that Li Jianye was about to fall in front of Chen Dong, Chen Dong and the special operations team leader codenamed "Assassin" beside him moved at the same time!

I saw that the two of them used almost the same movements to back away with their bodies close to the ground.

"Bang bang!" At the same time, a tongue of flame shot out from the submachine gun in the assassin's hand and went straight to Li Jianye.

On the other hand, Chen Dong held the pistol tightly with both hands. His gun fired very slowly, and did not directly hit Li Jianye's vitals.Instead, every shot must be shot at the position where Li Jianye is going to dodge in the next moment!
Li Jianye dodged the submachine gun bullets easily, but every time he dodged the submachine gun bullets and was about to come towards Chen Dong and the two again, there would always be a bullet as if he knew his position in advance , so that he had to retreat hastily.

"Ah! Chen Dong! Chen Dong!" Angrily, Li Jianye cursed loudly again. He was powerful enough to crush everyone, but he just couldn't get close to Chen Dong!

And the assassins beside Chen Dong couldn't help being shocked, the strength Chen Dong showed had far exceeded his imagination.Of course he knows that a really good sniper does not depend on whether you can hit the target, as long as you are a sniper, you can do it.A really powerful sniper is one who can accurately calculate where the opponent's target will appear next, so that the target has no chance of escaping!
Those who can do this are the real masters, and Chen Dong is obviously such a master!
After a few breaths, the messy floor was already full of fallen empty bullet casings.However, Chen Dong and the assassin had successfully retreated to the window. Although Li Jianye was already jealous, the distance was not shortened much.

"Retreat!" the assassin shouted while quickly pulling the trigger.

"I told you to go first!" Chen Dong held the pistol in both hands, and pulled the trigger rhythmically.

"What the hell are you kidding, aren't you? I'm here to rescue you. How can there be a reason for the rescuers to withdraw first and be left behind?" the assassin scolded.

"Let's go!" Before the assassin's words fell, Chen Dong grabbed his shoulder with one hand and pulled him back!
"What!" Although this assassin was a special soldier among the special forces, he still couldn't fight against a cultivator like Chen Dong with his personal strength.But seeing the assassin being dragged by Chen Dong in such a way, he was thrown out in a daze.

"Bang bang!" At the same time, Chen Dong pulled the trigger continuously, forcing Li Jianye back three steps!
"Huh!" The assassin was not an ordinary person after all, and his reaction was extremely quick, grabbing the rope before his body lost his center of gravity.

"Let's go!" There was an invisible coercion in Chen Dong's voice, and the majesty of rebuttal was not allowed.

(End of this chapter)

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