Special masters on campus

Chapter 443 Change the Light Bulb

Chapter 443 Change the Light Bulb

Outside Situ Xiadan's house, just as Chen Dong knocked on the door again, suddenly a sharp and sharp voice came from the stairs leading upstairs.

"Fuck me! Who is it? You have such an accent?" Chen Dong didn't wrinkle. He never pretended to be aggressive, but he just couldn't see others pretending to be aggressive in front of him.

I saw Chen Dong frowned and turned around, ready to see who spoke so rudely.However, when he turned around and saw who the person standing on the stairs was, his expression suddenly became very strange.

It turned out that the person standing on the stairs was none other than one of the ultimate aunts of the neighborhood committee that Chen Dong met on the stairs when he came home with the drunken Situ Xiadan that day.

At this moment, I saw that the aunt was standing there with a serious face, looking at Chen Dong with sharp eyes.

Chen Dong could feel a strong murderous intent from these eyes, no way, is this aunt also a cultivator?
"Aunt, are you talking to me?" Chen Dong asked tentatively out of respect for the old and the young.

"Who should I call aunt! Who should I call aunt! Am I that old?" The aunt of the neighborhood committee exploded when she heard Chen Dong call her aunt, like a ignited gasoline barrel.

"Um... not ordinary people, but at least they shouldn't be cultivators. Practitioners are generally very restrained." Chen Dong's forehead darkened.

"Big...big sister!" When Chen Dong shouted these two words, he almost laughed out loud. He said it so naturally against his conscience, Chen Dong, Chen Dong, you have fallen.

"Hmph! That's pretty much the same." The aunt folded her arms, turned her head and hummed, with a look of contempt for all sentient beings.

"Sister, I was knocking on the door of a friend's house just now, and I didn't do anything illegal or criminal." Chen Dong said with a simple and honest smile.

"It's just that simple?" The aunt squinted at Chen Dong with disbelief.

"Ahem... This gaze is really sharp, how do you say Monkey Sailei in Cantonese!" Chen Dong suppressed the smile in his heart.

"Let me tell you, I found something wrong with you last time. You definitely don't look like a good person! I've done an investigation. There is a single girl living in this house. You knocked on the door several times in the middle of the night and no one opened the door. Obviously You are harassing other girls!" The aunt pointed at Chen Dong and said sternly.

"Um... I didn't. This is really my friend's house. I sent her back last time out of good intentions because she drank too much. I was doing a good deed!" Chen Dong explained with a speechless expression. What's the matter, the girl didn't sleep well, and an aunt blocked the door!
"Stop making excuses! I tell you that if you still dare to harass other girls, I will call the police!" The aunt looked as if I had already pronounced your guilt, and did not give Chen Dong a chance to explain.

"The policeman...the one in the house is the policeman...maybe he is standing at the door to listen to my excitement!" Chen Dong looked helpless.

"Okay! I'll go." Chen Dong shrugged, turned around and said to the room, "You must remember what I just said, sooner or later I will fulfill my promise with dignity!"

After all, Chen Dong turned around and was about to go downstairs, but that aunt kept staring at Chen Dong as if looking down on all living beings from above, as if she really didn't regard Chen Dong as a good person.

And when Chen Dong came to the stairs, Chen Dong suddenly stopped, tilted his head and said, "By the way, big sister, you are alone in this dark corridor, aren't you afraid of encountering bad guys?" ?”

The corridor on the floor where Situ Xiadan's house is located is because the corridor lights are broken, and the lights are on and off. It is indeed dangerous for a girl to walk alone.Of course, it is limited to girls. A figure like the one on the stairs can fit Chen Dong in it. It is definitely a town house to ward off evil spirits.

Chen Dong just wanted to remind her that what an aunt of the neighborhood committee should do is to fix the broken corridor lights, not to care about other people's love.

But the speaker didn't care about the listener, and when he heard what Chen Dong said, the aunt suddenly stepped back two steps, hugging her two thick arms in front of her.

"You...what do you want to do? Let me tell you that I'm not as easy to bully as those little girls!" The aunt looked at Chen Dong nervously and said.

"Ahem... Eldest sister, you misunderstood me. I really don't want to do anything. I don't have any thoughts about it now. I just want to remind you that the corridor lights are broken, so it will be very dangerous for many single girls to go upstairs and downstairs at night." Chen Dong's face turned pale. Yihei, he admits that he is indeed not a good person, but he has definitely not lost his humanity!
"It's that simple. I thought what are you going to do! I'm here to repair the lamp. The master who repairs the lamp will be here soon. He's looking for a ladder." Said angrily.

"Fix the lamp, is there a light bulb?" Chen Dong turned to turn on the aunt and said.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? I'm here to fix a lamp without a light bulb." The aunt gave Chen Dong a blank look, took out a light bulb and shook it at Chen Dong.It seemed that Chen Dong didn't want to do anything to her which made her feel even more upset.Chen Dong thought to make you happy, I might as well turn around and go into the house as a woman and sleep in the same bed with Situ Xiadan...

"Bulb, where is it, let me push it up for you. The floor here is so high that there is no elevator. It will be too troublesome to wait for the master to move the stairs." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"You want to press the light bulb?" The aunt was taken aback.

"Yeah, didn't you say that I'm not a good person? I'll do something good for you to see." Chen Dong laughed.

"Hehe..." At this time, the aunt smiled disdainfully and said, "Why can't young people recognize themselves? Your idea of ​​doing good things is good, but the roof of the corridor is at least [-] meters. You didn't How do you change the light bulb on the ladder? Let's go..."

Chen Dong smiled, he didn't want to waste time with an aunt here.The reason why he wanted to change the light bulb was entirely for Situ Xiadan's safety.But seeing him bow his head and smile, his figure swayed suddenly, he stepped to the side of the aunt, and took the light bulb from her hand all at once.

The aunt's eyes flickered, and a gust of wind blew in front of her. When she realized it, Chen Dong was already standing in the middle of the corridor with a light bulb in his hand, facing under the corridor lights.

"This..." The aunt took a look at her hand, only to find that her light bulb was missing.

And at this moment, Chen Dong jumped up and took down the broken light bulb with his left hand, and screwed in the new light bulb almost at the same time.

"Boom~" With a slight landing sound, Chen Dong's feet landed on the ground.

"OK! The light bulb is finished, I'm leaving!" Chen Dong shook the light bulb in his hand at the aunt, and then threw it into the trash can.

When the aunt came to her senses, nowhere could Chen Dong be seen, he had already gone downstairs.

"This... this..." The aunt seemed to be petrified, looking at the direction of the stairs for a while, and looking up at the newly replaced light bulb.

Situ Xiadan had noticed all this long ago. It turned out that when Chen Dong finished that last sentence, she had already secretly opened a crack in the door.

"I will never change my nature! Changing a light bulb is so cool..." Situ Xiadan said with a bored face and closed the door again.

Situ Xiadan leaned against the door, bit his lip, "I remember what you said, Chen Dong..."

(End of this chapter)

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