Chapter 444

In the western suburbs of Donghai City, a small villa building at the foot of a mountain.

Villa on three floors.

Chen Dong opened the ice coffin, revealing Feng Bingbing's pale cheek inside the ice coffin.

Although nourished by the ice coffin and the aura of Tianhuo Xuanbing, there was still no way to wake Feng Bingbing up.The reason why Feng Bingbing fell into a coma was that not only did she suffer serious internal injuries, but the internal injuries also triggered the cold poison in her body before.Originally, she could still restrain the cold poison with her own true energy, but now she couldn't restrain it at all.The combination of new injuries and old injuries has prevented her from waking up to this day.

For Feng Bingbing, this is Chen Dong's greatest guilt. This innocent female killer approached him to kill him before, but in the end she was seriously injured and unconscious because of saving herself.However, Chen Dong believed that with the improvement of his skill and the breakthrough of "Nine Suns Collection", Feng Bingbing would definitely be awakened.

"Be stronger! Now there are too many reasons and too much pressure to become stronger constantly and quickly!" Chen Dong stretched out his hand to brush Feng Bing's ice-cold cheeks lightly, but his hands His eyes were bloodshot.

After the Tenglong Group matter was over, Chen Dong spent half a day to appease the people around him, and now he must seize all the time to practice.

Open the black wooden box in the ice coffin, and the Tianhuo Xuanbing inside burst out a powerful pure yin aura again.The dazzling white light instantly illuminated the room.Fortunately, Chen Dong was well prepared, and the pure yang energy in his body gushed out quickly to offset the cold energy slowly.

It is precisely because of the existence of this wooden box and ice coffin that Tianhuo Xuanbing has not been found in this villa for 20 years.So Chen Dong knew that with his current strength, he absolutely couldn't take Binghuo Xuanbing out of this room, otherwise he would definitely attract those old monsters from the cultivation world with terrifying strength! 20 years ago, if these old monsters had the strength to compete with their parents and master and wife for the Heavenly Fire and Black Ice, then their strength was at least above the Golden Core stage!In the late stage of Qi refining, encountering the golden elixir stage will undoubtedly lead to death!I can't expect the old man to arrive in time every time.

"Huh!" But seeing Chen Dong sitting cross-legged on top of the ice coffin, holding the Skyfire Xuanbing in his hands, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

And with the rapid operation of the Nine Yang Cultivation Technique in Chen Dong's dantian, strands of white spiritual energy visible to the naked eye in Tianhuo Xuanbing continuously entered Chen Dong's body.

At this moment, if someone else is in this room, even if he is an ordinary person, he can clearly see a golden and a white light continuously rotating around Chen Dong's body, like two continuously rotating halos.

Time passed quickly, and it was already 7 o'clock in the morning the next day when Chen Dong opened the door again and walked out of the room on the third floor.

The sun shines into the villa through the window, which makes people subconsciously feel peaceful, but in fact, Donghai City is full of murderous threats now!And no one knew that one of the shards of Tianhuo Xuanbing that the entire comprehension world was looking for was in this unremarkable villa in the western suburbs.

Chen Dong stretched his waist. The whole night of crazy practice had loosened the innate meridians in his body again, but if he wanted to break through the shackles and reach the early stage of Qi Sea, he needed to open up all 36 innate meridians in his body!Three times more than ordinary practitioners!Of course, when Chen Dong reaches the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi, his strength will be stronger than ordinary practitioners at the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi!
"And if you want to advance to the sea of ​​qi stage, opening up the innate meridians of the whole body is only the first step! After opening up the meridians of the whole body, you need to continuously refine the spiritual energy in your body into spiritual liquid, and gather it in your dantian just like the aura of spiritual energy. The ocean is ordinary, so it is called the Sea of ​​​​Qi period. This step is the most insurmountable difficulty in advancing to the Sea of ​​​​Qi period. Although many cultivators have opened up the innate meridians of the whole body, it may take ten or twenty years or even their entire lives to not condense. Entering the sea of ​​qi, becoming a real strong man in the sea of ​​qi, can be regarded as a half-step into the sea of ​​qi at most." Chen Dong's eyes flickered, and he recalled the knowledge of cultivation that the old man talked to him back then.

"The road to comprehension is indeed full of obstacles, but the time left for me is obviously not that rich. A stronger opponent may already be in Donghai City or even enter the campus of Dongda University!"

When Chen Dong came downstairs, he found that Zhang Yaxi had gone out, but she prepared breakfast for Chen Dong.

A cup of warm milk, two slices of fried eggs, and a simple and warm breakfast warmed Chen Dong's murderous heart a little.

Chen Dong smiled, "This type of girl is suitable for marrying back home as a daughter-in-law, she really knows how to take care of others..."

It was a very peaceful day, and the tranquility made Chen Dong feel a little uncomfortable.After experiencing this incident, the students in Class 1 have also returned to their previous appearance.Our campus life has also returned to the peaceful and free university life.But in Chen Dong's view, this was more like the calm before the storm.

There are quite a lot of classes today, but in each class Chen Dong is basically practicing with his eyes closed, refining the aura in his body to continuously impact the innate meridians.And most of the teachers basically knew Chen Dong, and no one went to trouble Chen Dong anymore.

The day passed quickly, and the last class of basic theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine ended at [-]:[-] pm.

"Brother Chen, wake up, get out of class is over..." Chen Dong felt that Chu Shanshan was shaking his arm beside him. He didn't know whether it was intentional or not. Rhythm rubbing against Chen Dong's arm.

"Comfortable..." Chen Dong raised his brows, obviously he had heard Chu Shanshan's words, but he deliberately didn't open his eyes.

"Brother Chen..." Seeing that Chen Dong hadn't opened his eyes yet, Chu Shanshan pouted, frowned, and shook Chen Dong's arm rhythmically again.But this time her movements were bigger, the comfortable Chen Dong didn't want to open his eyes even more.

And just when Chen Dong shamelessly lied to the half-race little beauty to give him a free massage, Liu Yashu's figure appeared at the door of the classroom.

When she saw Chen Dong sitting on the seat with Chu Shanshan shaking Chen Dong's arm next to her, Liu Mei immediately frowned.Chu Shanshan was so naive that she couldn't see Chen Dong's trajectory, but how could she be fooled by Liu Yashu.

"Hey brother Chen, wake up, get out of class is over..." Chu Shanshan was still shaking Chen Dong's arm.

"Scum..." Liu Yashu at the door had become more murderous.

"Then what, Brother Dong should have other things, let's go eat first!" Zhang Xing felt that the atmosphere was not right, and it was better not to get involved in such matters.

"That's right! After dinner, I'll invite everyone to watch a movie, a new resource!" Fatty Bai said hastily. For him, watching porn is more comfortable.

A few boys ran out of the classroom in a hurry, and they still nodded and bowed when they passed by Liu Yashu. Maybe this is the future Mrs. Dong, so they dare not neglect.

At this time, other students in the classroom basically left the classroom after seeing this scene.However, a little sadness can be seen in Xu Jiaying's eyes.

At this time, Chu Shanshan seemed to have seen Liu Yashu standing at the door, but when she was about to stand up and greet Liu Yashu, Liu Yashu motioned her not to speak.

"Scum! I must punish you properly today! You are really shameless!" Liu Yashu walked over with a murderous look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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