Special masters on campus

Chapter 445 The Size Is Wrong

Chapter 445 The Size Is Wrong

In classroom 106 of the medical building.

Chen Dongzheng was sitting on the seat enjoying the "calm" face, and the girl massaged her body after the practice.

But soon Chen Dong suddenly felt that something was wrong.

What's wrong?It turned out that although his arm was still being shaken constantly, there was obviously something wrong!
"Why did the size change? It should have been two C's, why did it suddenly become a B?" Chen Dong frowned.

"Could it be that it's farther away?" Chen Dong thought, so he thought that he had turned his body to the side without anyone noticing.

At this time, besides Chu Shanshan, Liu Yashu was standing next to Chen Dong, but now the one shaking Chen Dong's arm had changed from Chu Shanshan to Liu Yashu.Chu Shanshan stood aside.

"Huh? Brother Chen, what are you doing? Isn't he still sleeping?" Seeing Chen Dong's body slowly leaning forward towards Liu Yashu, Chu Shanshan pouted, looking puzzled.

"Hmph! Scum! I've never seen someone who thinks so thickly of you!" Seeing Chen Dong approaching her, Liu Yashu naturally knew what Chen Dongxiang was doing, and the murderous look on his face could no longer be controlled.

In fact, what made her feel even more uncomfortable was Chen Dong's reaction, obviously saying that she was younger than Chu Shanshan!
"Scum! You are dead!"

"What's the matter, do you feel that something is wrong?" At this time, Liu Yashu looked at Chen Dong with a smile and said.

Chen Dong deliberately pretended not to hear, but his heart skipped a beat, "That's not right! My actions are so covert, and that girl Shanshan's brain, which is inversely proportional to sex, shouldn't be able to see it!"

"Don't talk, right? If you don't talk, I have a way to let you know what's wrong!" Liu Yashu sneered.

"No! Not only did the cup size get smaller, but the voice also changed, this voice belonged to the president's female schoolmaster!" Chen Dong opened his eyes in a jerk.

And at the same time that Chen Dong opened his eyes, Liu Yashu had already twisted Chen Dong's arm fiercely!
"Oh!!" Immediately afterwards, an ecstatic voice came from the classroom.

Outside the medical building.The boys in class 1 of the medical school who were about to go to eat stopped almost at the same time.

"Why is this voice so familiar?" Zhang Xing turned to look at the medical building without a wrinkle.

"Yeah, it's so familiar. Why is the man's voice so ecstatic?" The fat man also shook his face covered in white flesh.

"Why do I feel like Brother Dong's voice?"

"Don't say it's really Brother Dong's voice..."

In classroom 106 in the medical building.

Chen Dong was pinched severely by Liu Yashu, and he let out a sound of ecstasy, and at the same time he stood up all of a sudden.

"You!" I saw Chen Dong holding his left arm, looking at Liu Yashu with a flushed face, not because of the pain, but because his plan had been exposed.

"What's wrong with me? Did I expose your ugly face? Hmph!" Liu Yashu turned his head and snorted, thinking, "You scum! How dare you laugh at me as a grown-up and an idiot! It's easy to twist you!"

"Me!" Chen Dong was at a loss for words. After all, he took advantage of this matter first, but Chu Shanshan didn't say anything, why are you so angry?
"Brother Chen..." Chu Shanshan pouted and looked at the red-faced Chen Dong with distressed expression.

"It's okay, brother Chen is okay." Chen Dong said to Chu Shanshan in a soft and gentle manner on purpose.

"Disgusting..." Liu Yashu naturally pouted when he saw Chen Dong's appearance.

"President Liu, why did you screw me just now?" Chen Dong said to Liu Yashu with a smile on purpose.

"Why? Why don't you know?" Liu Yashu clasped his hands in front of him and said with contempt.

"I really don't know. I just closed my eyes and meditated. You suddenly ran to me and pinched me. How would I know why you pinched me?" Chen Dong had a rascal expression on his face.

"You! Are you playing tricks on me? Well, you don't know, do you? Shanshan, you should know why I screwed him, right?" Liu Yashu looked at Chu Shanshan who was on the side.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the mixed-race young lady was massaging Chen Dong's left arm with a heartbroken face.

"Brother Chen still hurts?" Chu Shanshan blinked at Chen Dong with her big watery blue eyes, with a distressed look on her face.

"A little bit above, that's right there, I didn't expect our girl's technique to be so good." Chen Dong said with narrowed eyes comfortably.

"Really? Hehe... I learned from my sister..." Chu Shanshan looked happy when she heard Chen Dong's expression.

"Shanshan!" Liu Yashu tried hard to restrain her anger, seeing Chen Dong's comfortable face, she really wanted to pinch his face!
"Senior sister asked you something!"

"Ah? Sister Yashu, what did you just say?" Chu Shanshan was taken aback, looking innocently at Liu Yashu with her big eyes.

"Let me ask you, do you know why I screwed this scum just now!" Liu Yashu pointed at Chen Dong.

"That's right... Sister Yashu, why did you screw Brother Chen just now..." Chu Shanshan replied naturally.

"You..." Liu Yashu almost jumped up angrily, this silly sister is too cute.

The corners of Chen Dong's mouth twitched, and he looked at Liu Yashu with a smug face. My brother likes such a childish face, how silly and cute...

"This scumbag was taking advantage of you just now!" Liu Ya's bookish brain went blank, and she stomped her feet.

"Taking advantage of me?" Chu Shanshan looked puzzled, her two fair hands were still pressing on Chen Dong's arm.

"Hey, some people are too young, and I can't reach them even if I want to take advantage of them, so I'm envious and jealous..." Chen Dong said in a strange tone.

"You!" Chen Dong's words made Liu Yashu's face turn red up to his ears.

"No! Liu Yashu, you have to calm down. You are the president of the student union of the medical school. Not only do you want to cure this scumbag, but you also have to behave like a president!" Liu Yashu narrowed his eyes.

"Sister Yashu, your face is so red, are you okay?" At this moment, even Chu Shanshan could see that Liu Yashu's expression was not normal.

"It's okay, senior sister is okay." Liu Yashu suddenly smiled slightly.

"Huh..." Chen Dong felt something was wrong.

"Okay, get out of class is over, you go to eat." At this moment, Liu Yashu smiled at Chen Dong and the two, turned around and walked outside the classroom.

"What kind of chess is this female schoolmaster playing?" Chen Dong frowned.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot." When Liu Yashu walked to the door of the classroom, he suddenly stopped, turned around and said to Chen Dong, "Student Chen Dong, remember that you need to come to the teaching building to clean up tonight. I will Come to check the sanitation, I hope you will clean it well, if I find out that you are lazy and slippery, you will be responsible for the daily sanitation from today until next month." After finishing speaking, he did not wait for Chen Dong to speak , she has already walked out of the classroom.

"Hey, I..." Before Chen Dong could say anything, Liu Yashu had already left.

It was obvious that this was public revenge, and Liu Yashu wanted to punish him on purpose.

"Hmph, leave me alone to clean, if you still dare to come to check, then don't blame me for being responsible for your hygiene..." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched.

(End of this chapter)

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