Special masters on campus

Chapter 459 You know the result of touching my brother

Chapter 459 You know the result of touching my brother
In the dormitory, while Chen Dong began to heal Liu Yashu, the members of the student union of Donghai University who followed behind also came to the male dormitory.

When Gao Shi led seven or eight student union cadres to the door of dormitory 214, the fat man was leaning against the door with earphones on and looking at the laptop in his hand.He didn't seem to notice the arrival of Gao Shi and others.

At this time, a cadre of the student union walked to the door of the dormitory and was about to reach out and push the door.But just as he stretched out his hand, the fat white man blocked in front of him with a slap in the face full of smiles.This fat white man definitely weighs more than 250 jins. Standing in front of the door is like a wall of flesh.

"This classmate, get out of the way." The student union official said to the fat man.

But the fat white man leaned against the door expressionlessly as if he hadn't heard, staring at the computer screen with all his attention.

"Hey! What's the matter with you classmate? Didn't you hear me when I talked to you?" The student union official seemed very shameless. Although he was not the president of the school's student union like Gao Shi, he was still a Minister, the fat man completely ignored him, making him look ugly.

"Ah?" The fat man asked loudly this time, pointed to his ears to indicate that he could not hear with headphones on, and then continued to focus on the computer screen.

"You! I'll let you get out of the way!" The student cadre couldn't help but put his hand on the fat man's shoulder behind him, trying to pull the fat man away from the door.

But immediately his face became even more difficult to see, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull the fat man at all.


"Okay." Just when the student union cadre was about to say something, Gao Shi came up behind him and beckoned him to let him come.

"Hello classmate." Gao Shi's mouth curled up, and he waved his back in front of the fat man seemingly casually, and the earphones that were originally hanging on the fat man's ears slipped off.

Fatty Bai was taken aback. Originally, his strategy was to wear earphones and pretend he couldn't hear, but now it seems that he can't.

"Hello, classmate, is this the dormitory of Vice President Chen Dong?" Gao Shi asked with a smile on his face.

"That's right, the boss lives here. Do you have anything to do?" Fatty Bai was not stupid, he knew that the reason why these people found this place must be because they knew that Chen Dong lived in this dormitory.

"This is the president of our Tunghai University Student Union, Senior Gao Shi." At this time, a student union cadre behind reminded Fatty Bai.

"President of the student union? Senior officer!" Fatty Bai probably pretended to be surprised, but he was actually surprised that Chen Dong told him just now that the president of the student union was back. It really came.

"A freshman who doesn't know what to do. Now that you know it, get out of the way quickly. President Gao has something to ask Chen Dong." The student union official who asked Fatty Bai to get out of the way just now said with a look of disdain.

"But I don't know the president of the student union. I only know my boss. My boss told me that he doesn't see anyone except Principal Lin." Since he met Chen Dong, the fat man's character has changed from his previous timid and fearful appearance, and his words have become tougher. a lot of.

"You!" The student council cadre's face turned green with anger.

"Haha! And I don't see anyone except Principal Lin! Can this Chen Dong ascend to the sky just because he became the vice president of the student union?"

"His vice president is in name only, a newborn who would listen to him!"

"If you can't say it, his vice president was bought with money!"

"Fatty, get out of the way, there are some things you don't know as a freshman, and you can't bear the responsibility!"

"Yes! We saw clearly just now that Chen Dong carried student Liu Yashu into the boys' dormitory and entered this dormitory!"

Hearing Fatty Bai's words, the student union cadres all around burst into laughter and surrounded him.They are usually the elites of various departments in the school, so naturally they don't take a freshman seriously.

"Hehe..." Gao Shi laughed at this time, "It's normal for a freshman to not know me within a month after entering school. My name is Gao Shi, a junior in the Department of Civil Engineering. Chairman, this is my work card, which has the seal of the Tunghai University Council." Gao Shi said while taking out a work card with a plastic outside from his pocket.

Fatty Bai dubiously checked his work card, and it really said Gao Shi, the president of the student union of Donghai University, and the stamp of the school committee was on it.

"Why don't you have an answer? Hurry up and call the president, haha..."

"Haha..." The student council officials around laughed. In their eyes, Fatty Bai was just a freshman who didn't understand anything.

"Student, can you let me go now? I really have a serious matter to find classmate Chen Dong." However, Gao Shi has always maintained a very restrained appearance, showing that he can convince others with virtue.

"But..." Fatty Bai didn't know what to say, but he knew that he had promised Chen Dong that he would not let anyone enter the dormitory except Principal Lin.

"Our boss said he doesn't see anyone except Principal Lin." Fatty Bai simply closed the computer and sat down in front of the door.


"Are you crazy, are you talking to President Gao?"

"Is this freshman stupid? Do you still want to stay in Tunghai University?"

The cadres of the student union around them were taken aback when they saw this scene.

"This fat man should have been ordered by Chen Dong to block the door. No, could it be that Chen Dong has already discovered Liu Yashu's secret? No, absolutely can't let him take the lead, otherwise I will be punished by the sect." Heavy punishment!" That tall stone seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and suddenly bent down and grabbed the fat man's shoulder!
"I'm sorry, my classmate. If I hurt you, I'll apologize later, but now it's an emergency and I won't ask you to leave!" But when Gao Shi grabbed the fat man's shoulder with force, it turned out to be Lifted the fat white man weighing more than 200 kilograms at once!

"Ah!" Fatty Bai let out a scream in pain, he never thought that Gao Shi could lift himself up all at once!
"Gao Shi! If you hurt my brother, you know what the consequences will be!" At this moment, Chen Dong's voice suddenly came from the dormitory.

Chen Dong's voice sounded normal to others, but there was an invisible murderous intent in it, which Gao Shi could hear.

"It's Chen Dong's voice! He is indeed in the dormitory!"

"Haha! I really don't know who he thinks he is, and dares to threaten President Gao!" However, before this person's voice fell, Gao Shi, who had already lifted Fatty Bai, actually lifted Fatty Bai back to the ground. put it down.

"President Gao!" The student union officials around were stunned, and they all looked at Gao Shi. They didn't expect Gao Shi, the president of the student union of Donghai University, to be really shocked by a new student's words!
(End of this chapter)

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