Special masters on campus

Chapter 460 The president is waiting outside Yemen

Chapter 460 The president is waiting outside Yemen
Boys' dormitory building, in front of bedroom 214.

Under the incredulous eyes of all the student union officials, Gao Shi actually put the fat man down.Just now he could easily enter the dormitory, but it was Chen Dong's understatement that made this dignified student union president dare not make a mistake!

"Didn't it mean that Chen Dong is a freshman?"

"That's right, I heard that his vice president also relied on his relationship with Principal Lin's granddaughter Liu Yashu."

"But why President Gao..."

Under the strange eyes and comments of these subordinates around him, Gao Shi's face became extremely ugly.No one is more eager to enter the dormitory than him, but at this moment he is suffering.Apart from him, there is no one else who is a cultivator here, so no one noticed just now that Chen Dong's words just now sounded casual and plain, but the murderous intent hidden in them was enough to make him shudder.

"What a murderous intent! This is the most murderous person I have ever met since I entered the secular world! What is the origin of this Chen Dong!" Gao Shi stared at the bedroom door with an ugly expression. He had investigated Chen Dong before. However, Chen Dong's background is like a blank sheet of paper!
"And just now I can feel that Chen Dong's realm has risen again! Damn, how is this possible, he was able to break through in a few weeks!" Gao Shi's face became more and more ugly, and under the eyes of the surrounding student union subordinates, he could only I feel my face is hot.

But between choosing to enter the dormitory by force and being defeated by Chen Dong or losing face, he still chose the latter.

"Hmph! Chen Dong will let you be crazy for a while first!" Gao Shi narrowed his eyes, he knew that even if he forced his way in now, it would be impossible to stop Chen Dong, all he can do now is wait, wait for someone who can stop Chen Dong .

"President?" After all, Gao Shi is the president of the student union. Even though his current behavior makes these subordinates feel a little bit embarrassed, no one wants to save him face in front of him.

"Wait! Dean Han and Principal Lin will come soon!" Gao Shi said in a cold voice.

"Yes, president..." Although the cadres of the student union felt a little disdainful, they still obeyed Gao Shi's order.From their point of view, Gao Shi's current performance was really useless. A president of the student union was so easily intimidated by Chen Dong's words.

"The boss is the boss! One sentence shocked this shit president! The truth is so good!" The fat man was probably more surprised than anyone else.He was already prepared for the inevitable beating, but he didn't expect Chen Dong's understatement to shock the president of the student union.

"Hmph! What kind of bullshit is the president, I will recognize him as the boss!" Seeing the pride on this fat white man's face, he just sat on the ground and couldn't get up.

"Are we just going to wait?"

"It's so annoying, so useless!"

"Yeah, who is responsible for such a big incident..."

Although the student union cadres around obeyed Gao Shi's order, they all started to mutter with dissatisfaction on their faces.

At this time, as the noise in the corridor became louder and louder, the boys in other dormitories also obviously heard the noise in the corridor, and some people began to slowly come out of the dormitory.

"What's the matter with Fatty?" At this time Zhang Xing also came out of the dormitory, and saw that there were many people standing outside the dormitory 214.

"This is the president of the school's student union." Fatty Bai sat on the ground and casually pointed at Gao Shi.

"President of the student union?" Zhang Xing looked at Gao Shi, only to see that Gao Shi was standing motionless at the door of dormitory 214, facing the door of dormitory [-].

"Yes! He's still the president of the school's student union!" Fatty Bai said with a smile.

"The president of the student union? Is the senior coming to our freshman dormitory to check on the dormitory?" Zhang Xing said with a frown.

"Then I don't know, but Boss and senior sister Liu Yashu have important things to do in the dormitory right now, so let the chairman wait outside the door now." Fatty Bai said vividly.


"I'm going!"

"Brother Dong is too mighty, you actually asked the leaders of the Student Union to wait outside the door..."

The first-year boys of the medical school who were watching in the corridor all exclaimed, and some couldn't hold back their laughter.

"Brother Dong is Brother Dong! You can't accept it!" Zhang Xing secretly said in his heart, holding back a smile.

And being surrounded and laughed at by these freshmen, the student cadres of the student unions around Gao Shi couldn't hold back their faces.In front of these freshmen, the cadres of the school's student union should have been superior, at least they shouldn't be so dismissive by these freshmen!But now because of Gao Shi's order, they can't hold their heads up at all.


"Let's go in!"

"That's right! That Chen Dong is just a freshman!"

"Student Liu Yashu is Principal Lin's granddaughter. If something happens to her, I'm afraid none of us will be able to bear the responsibility!"

The cadres of these student unions really couldn't hold back their faces, and said to Gao Shi one after another.

"Just stand here and wait!" Gao Shi's face was hot. He was the president of the school's student union, but he was scared off by a freshman's words, and was stared at by the students' union subordinates and freshmen around him.No one knows the anger in his heart now.

"Ah! Chen Dong! Chen Dong! I will definitely get rid of you with my own hands! You should be honored to have you as my Gao Shi's opponent!" No one saw Gao Shi's terrifying gaze at this moment.

"What! Still waiting?"

"Hmph! President Gao, if you don't dare, then I'll open the door for you!" I saw a boy from the student union ignoring Gao Shi's order, but stepped in front of Fatty Bai.

"Bang bang!" The boy reached out and knocked on the door.For a moment, everyone around looked at him.

"In addition to saying that he only saw Principal Lin, my boss also needs to be quiet." At this time, the fat man sitting on the ground reminded.

"Boss? This junior, you think that the university is a gangster at the gate of your middle school! I am the disciplinary officer of the school's student union!" The student union official said with a look of disdain, and then continued to knock on the door.

"Haha! I'm still the boss... how can this year's freshmen be so bad!"

"I really thought it was still in middle school..."

The cadres of the surrounding student unions obviously also dismissed Fatty Bai's words, and these ordinary people didn't understand the horror of cultivators at all.

"Bang bang!" The student union cadre continued to knock on the door.

And Gao Shi just stood aside and watched without stopping the student cadre.

However, the more he kept silent like this, the more useless the subordinates of the student union around him felt. To them, Gao Shi today was completely different from the president of the student union they usually saw.

And the student council cadre who went up to knock on the door was obviously also in the mentality of showing off.If he can save Principal Lin's granddaughter, then he is very likely to be the president of the next student union!


And just as the student union cadre knocked on the door again, another voice came from the dormitory.


(End of this chapter)

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