Special masters on campus

Chapter 469 A sophomore and still so ignorant of the rules!

Chapter 469 A sophomore who still doesn't understand the rules!

"You!" Gao Shi's expression darkened.

And the freshman boys of the medical school who were watching all looked at Gao Shi, and it was their turn to wait and see the good show.

"Student Chen Dong, what do you mean?" A student union cadre behind Gao Shi said to Chen Dong in the dormitory.

"Oh? Who are you?" Chen Dongchao glanced at the student council officer with interest.

"I'm the officer of the Disciplinary Department of the Student Union of Tunghai University!" the student said with his head raised and his chest puffed out.He is just an ordinary member of the student union, and has not yet reached the level of the student union minister.So he had never attended the regular meeting of the student union before, otherwise he would never have dared to talk to Chen Dong like this.

The reason why he stood up to speak for Gao Shi at this time is nothing more than to show his loyalty in front of the president of the student union. When it comes to the next session of the student union, Gao Shi can speak well for him and make him a minister.

"Oh! The officer of the Disciplinary Department should be a sophomore." Chen Dong nodded.

"That's right, I'm a sophomore, and I'm your senior!" The student union said proudly. Since he joined the student union, he has always felt that he is superior to others, especially when facing these freshmen who have just entered school, he finally found it. Back then, he looked up to the feelings of his seniors.

"You're a sophomore and still don't know the rules. Is that how you talk to your boss?" Chen Dong's voice suddenly turned cold.

"What! Leader?" The student council officer was taken aback.

"You forgot, although Chen Dong is a freshman, he is now the vice president of our school's student union!" At this time, a student union cadre who knew Chen Dong whispered behind him.

"This..." This person panicked and suddenly remembered that the student union had informed him that Chen Dong was indeed the vice president of the school's student union, not only his own leader but also the leader of his department head!
"And the last time you didn't attend the regular meeting of the student council, you don't know that Chen Dong is not only the vice president, but also the job he is in charge of is the disciplinary work of the students in the school!"

"You...why didn't you say it earlier..." The man trembled in fright, and took two steps back.

"You didn't ask me either..."

"Hehe, President Gao, how did this kind of student who has no leadership and no rules get into our school's student union? How can he manage the discipline of other students without knowing discipline? I think he should be expelled from the student union. Let's go..." Chen Dong smiled and didn't continue to look at the student union secretary at all, but looked at Gao Shi with a smile on his face.

"President Gao! President Gao, you have to protect me! I only said that because I spoke for you! You have to protect me!" Chen Dong's words frightened the student union secretary's legs almost limp Sitting on the ground, he has made a lot of connections and spent a lot of investment in it. He doesn't want to be fired!And once you are expelled, you will never want to join the student union again!

"Aren't I delusional? Is this the senior of our student union?"

"This change is too big!"

"Ha ha!"

The contrast between the reaction of this student council member before and after was too obvious, causing the students around to burst into laughter.

Gao Shi's face was cold and extremely ugly, no matter how hard the student union official begged him in front of him, he didn't say a word.

"The matter of expulsion of the student union members, I think the final decision should be made after the meeting of the main cadres of the student union." Naturally, Gao Shi couldn't ignore this subordinate, otherwise he would have no prestige in the student union in the future!

"Thank you, President Gao! Thank you, President!" Seeing that the student union member was grateful to Dade, he almost burst into tears. Even if he was given ten guts, he would not dare to act blindly!

"Okay! Then let's follow the rules. It seems that President Gao is a person who understands the rules. Then President Gao will not break his promise to himself, right?" Chen Dong looked at Gao Shi and smiled.

"You..." Gao Shi was at a loss for words for a moment, he saw his fists clenched tightly, his whole body trembling with anger.

"Oh right! I remembered what a certain senior said in front of everyone just now. If Brother Dong can prove that the chairman is not only fine but also not forced by Brother Dong, what will he say?" At this time Zhang Xing, who originally hid behind the crowd, saw his father leave and walked to the front again from the crowd.

"It seems that if you want to give Brother Dong three times, you just bow, and then say three times Brother Dong is sorry, Brother Dong is my fault!" The fat man cooperated very naturally.

"Yes, we also remember to bow three times to Brother Dong, and then say three times Brother Dong is sorry, Brother Dong is my mistake!" The freshmen of the medical school who were watching around echoed.

"But is it possible that he is counting and not counting?" Someone asked deliberately at this time.

"Impossible? The senior is our role model, and he said it in front of the dean and all of us. If he doesn't mean what he says, everyone will look down on him in the future!" Zhang Xing said with a raised tone on purpose.

"That's right, if he backtracks, what he says doesn't count, and I won't listen to him in the future!"

"That's right! And tomorrow, all the teachers and students in the school will know about it!"

All the boys around looked at Gao Shi.

At this time, Gao Shi's face was ashen and his eyes were cold.He was talented and intelligent since he was a child, and was called a once-in-a-century cultivation genius by the people of the sect.Since he was a child, his cultivation speed in the sect was always one step faster than that of his peers. In that year, he broke through the shackles and became a real practitioner of the Qi refining period.Although this speed is compared with the true disciples in the sect, it is already considered the best among the disciples in the inner sect.

As for being sent by the sect to the secular world of Donghai City to perform important tasks, with his strong strength, handsome appearance and personal charm he tried to cultivate, he became a man of the day in the entire Donghai University!

In the past, he was the president of the school's student union, a handsome student, and the prince charming among countless female students. It can be said that he has always stood on the top of the ivory tower. How has he ever been insulted like today?
And the most important thing is that the person who humiliated him today is still his most potential competitor!A cultivator who entered Tunghai University as a freshman.

Seeing Gao Shi's gloomy face and not speaking, Chen Dong suddenly smiled.

"Hehe, I'm just joking. President Gao is just joking. If President Gao says he is just joking, then I don't have to be so serious."

"Brother Dadu!"

"The prime minister can hold a boat in his belly!"

The younger brothers of Chen Dong who were watching around responded one after another.But everyone knows that if Chen Dong's words are more straightforward, as long as Gao Shi admits that what you said just now is a fart, then you can leave.

"President, look..." The subordinates behind Gao Shi didn't know what to say this time.The president is so embarrassing, and the members of the student union of the school also feel ashamed.

"Chen Dong! Remember, I, Gao Shi, swear that today's humiliation will be repaid ten times and a hundred times in the future!" Gao Shi said viciously in his heart, but there was a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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