Chapter 470 Shame
Chen Dong looked at Gao Shi and smiled, of course he knew what Gao Shi was thinking.It seems a little naive for a cultivator to do so, but this Gao Shi must have no good intentions for Liu Yashu, and Chen Dong just wants to cure him.

Chen Dong believed that Gao Shi would not break his promise. If the news of him breaking his promise today would be spread in Tunghai University tomorrow, Gao Shi's prestige among the students would definitely be wiped out.Why did he, a cultivator, go to such great lengths to become the President of the Student Union of Tunghai University?It must be related to his purpose of coming to Tunghai University, so he can't give up his purpose for the sake of his own face.

"Chen Dong, let's forget it. Senior Gao Shi is also worried, and I comfort him." At this time, Liu Yashu in the dormitory said.

"Ya Shu, you made a mistake. I just said it. If Chairman Gao said that he just made a joke in front of everyone, then I will naturally not pursue it." Chen Dong's mouth curled up. .

This time, everyone including Liu Yashu in the bedroom and the corridor looked at Gao Shi.

And at this moment, Gao Shi bent down to Chen Dong in the dormitory with a smile on his face, and directly bowed at ninety degrees!

But no one saw that the smile on Gao Shi's face froze in an instant when he bent down completely, replaced by a cold murderous intent!
"Hiss..." The whole scene fell silent again, only a few gasping sounds from someone could be heard.

Almost everyone looked at Gao Shi with an extremely incredible look.The president of the student union of a dignified school actually bowed to a freshman like Chen Dong!
"Brother Dong..." Immediately afterwards, Gao Shi said in a calm-sounding voice.

"Hey." Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"Ha ha!"

"Brother Dong! Brother Dong!"

The surrounding first-year boys from the medical school started booing, and the president of the third-year student union called Brother Chen Dongdong. This is not a small news.

The members of the student union around Gao Shi all lowered their heads one by one, some blushed and some kept shaking their heads.shame!How embarrassing!In the future, they will be ashamed to come to medical school again, let alone manage medical school students.

He knew that it seemed naive to do so, but his meaning was very clear, Gao Shi, if you want to have any bad intentions towards Liu Yashu, you have to pass me, Chen Dong!
A sneer flashed across the corner of Gao Shi's mouth, which was difficult for ordinary people to detect. Compared with the mission of the sect, this verbal prestige is nothing.

"I'm sorry, brother Dong is my mistake!"

"Brother Dong, I'm sorry, Brother Dong, I was wrong! I'm sorry, Brother Dong, I was wrong!" Gao Shi said it twice in one breath.

"Hey! President Gao is still so serious. It's just a joke. Look, you really said that." Chen Dong smiled.

"It's nothing, since Junior Yashu is really fine, it's my fault for bothering you!" Gao Shiqiang said with a smile.

"Don't bother, don't bother, but next time if President Gao has such a special hobby, he doesn't need to bring so many subordinates." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Xingzi, what does Brother Dong mean by special hobby?" The fat man shook the fat on his face and asked Zhang Xing.

"You're so stupid! It's just peeping at other people's dating hobbies. To put it bluntly, it's just peeping!" Zhang Xing deliberately lowered his voice, but everyone could hear it.

"Boss is really talented in peeping and said so euphemistically, I really didn't realize it, hehe." The fat man scratched the back of his head.

"Nonsense, of course we have to save some face for the senior, there are so many people!"

"Yes Yes……"

Although Gao Shi was still trying his best to cover up on the surface, the anger in his heart was about to explode, "Chen Dong! All the shame today is due to you! I, Gao Shi, will never forget that it is not based on this little childishness. The game can decide!"

"Then, does President Gao have anything else to do? Or if you want to tell me anything, you can tell me directly, don't hold it in your stomach, it's not good for your health!" Chen Dong said to Gao Shi with a smile.

"No more." Gao Shi also smiled at Chen Dong.

"Then I won't see you off." Chen Dong raised his hand and closed the bedroom door.

"Bang..." The crisp sound of closing the door was like a slap on Gao Shi's face, making his face burn with pain!

Although Gao Shi was almost 100% sure that Liu Yashu must have been injured before, but now this situation made him shake and doubt himself a little.In the eyes of everyone else, the behavior of Gao Shi, who is the president of the student union tonight, is really ridiculous.

"What will the president do now?" At this time, the backbone of the student union around Gao Shi, who were like frost-beaten eggplants, all looked at Gao Shi.

"Go back!" Gao Shi walked out of the dormitory with a gloomy face and lowered his head.

The crowd of onlookers slowly made way for a passage, and the backbone of the student union also followed Gao Shi and walked out in desperation.

"Welcome all the seniors and brothers from the student union of the school to come to the male dormitory of the medical school to guide and supervise again!"

"see you next time!"

The freshmen of the medical school in the corridor shouted one after another, making these school student union officials who are used to feeling good about themselves and even feel superior to others blush.

"Let's break up, let's break up, others are ignorant, let's be more sensible! Leave some world for Dong Ge and Dong Sister!" Zhang Xing said with a smile.

"Haha! We must be sensible!" Everyone laughed and went back to their dormitories.

214 bedroom.

"It will be much quieter." Chen Dong turned around and smiled at Liu Yashu who was sitting on the bed.

"Scum..." Liu Yashu gave Chen Dong a blank look, and then felt his head dizzy for a while, and his body fell backwards disobediently.

"Not good!" Chen Dong's expression changed, his body jumped up, and then he knelt down on the bed lightly, and stretched out his hands to hug Liu Yashu who fell backwards.

Originally, Liu Yashu only felt that her body was very heavy and she couldn't use any strength, but at this moment a broad and powerful shoulder hugged her.

I saw Chen Dong stretch out a hand with a serious face and put it on Liu Yashu's pulse.

"It's okay, the poison is not offensive, but you just woke up and you can't talk much, you need to lie down and rest for a while." Chen Dong said seriously, and then slowly put Liu Yashu in his arms on the bed.

"Whose bed is this?" Liu Yashu who was lying down looked at Chen Dong.

"Uh, my bed..." Chen Dong said suddenly.

"Can I change the bed?" Liu Yashu said with a strange face.

"Yes, but there are only two people in our dormitory. Although there is a bed, the two beds near the door only have bed boards. There are only two beds left. One is my bed, and the other is the white fat man's. You can choose the bed." Chen Dong pointed to Fatty Bai's bed.

"Forget it then..." Liu Yashu glanced at the fat white man who was messy and piled up a lot of socks and toilet paper on the bed, feeling nauseated.

"Do you think the two of us are sleeping in the same bed?" At this moment, Chen Dong frowned and looked at Liu Yashu.

(End of this chapter)

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