Special masters on campus

Chapter 481 Three People Together

Chapter 481 The three live together
"Okay! I surrender, can I surrender!" Chen Dong shrugged, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

"Teacher Zhang, look at his face, he has done bad things and even shirked responsibility, he is such an invincible scumbag!" Liu Yashu said with red eyes.

"Eh, although I did not do anything outrageous to you, if you want me to be responsible for you, that's fine too. But since I'm in charge, can I do whatever I like?" Chen Dong The corner of his mouth curled up.

"Teacher Zhang, look at him! Who will make you, a dead scum, responsible!"

"Isn't that what you just said..."

"Okay sister Yashu, this is not a hotel." At this time Zhang Yaxi said with a smile.

"Isn't this a hotel? Then where is this? And Teacher Zhang, why are you here?" Liu Yashu was stunned and quickly wiped away tears. It seemed that her body had recovered a little after a night's rest.

"This is my home. You slept in my room last night. We share the same bed. And I changed all your clothes for you. So you can rest assured that if someone comes in at night, he will not So intact." Zhang Yaxi gave Chen Dong a blank look.

"It's a good thing I concentrated on practicing last night and didn't have any evil thoughts of flying in pairs!" Chen Dong couldn't help pinching his legs.

"You... your house?" Liu Yashu was confused, she clearly remembered that she was sleeping on the bed in Chen Dong's bedroom.

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Yaxi nodded.

"Then, why is this dead scum here?" Liu Yashu pointed at Chen Dong.

"This..." Zhang Yaxi was suddenly at a loss for words. She really didn't know how to answer. She lived in the same house with her students. Even if there was nothing to spread about the two of them, various versions would be spread.

"This is also my home!" At this time, Chen Dong said with a natural expression.

"You..." Zhang Yaxi's face turned red.

"Is this Mr. Zhang's home or the home of a scumbag? Then you are a family!" Liu Yashu's eyes lit up and he stopped crying.

"Yeah!" Chen Dong nodded his head like he was eating rice.

"What is it? He and I are not family!" Zhang Yaxi pouted.

"That's right, the scumbag's surname is Chen, and Teacher Zhang's surname is Zhang. You absolutely cannot be siblings or siblings, but you live together...then you are..." Liu Yashu is worthy of being a top female student, a college student in the new era As the president of the meeting, logical analysis ability is not covered.

"Ya Shu, don't get me wrong, it's not what you think!" Seeing that Liu Yashu obviously misunderstood that he and Chen Dong were in a relationship, Zhang Yaxi hurriedly said.

"It's okay, Mr. Zhang. It's very common for teachers and students to be in love with each other in college now. I won't go out and talk nonsense. I'm sorry for bothering you, I'll go first..." Liu Yashu didn't know why Chen Dong didn't respond when he found out After what she did and after learning about the relationship between Zhang Yaxi and Chen Dong, she suddenly felt lost, even worse than before.

"No! You can't leave yet!" At this moment, Chen Dong said seriously.

"Yes, Yashu, you are still very weak now, and there are bad people outside who may hurt you again at any time, so stay here first." Zhang Yaxi also persuaded.

"But if I stay...you will bother you..." Liu Yashu squeezed out a smile and shook his head.

"Don't bother, don't bother, the three of us will live together in the future, the times are always improving!" Chen Dong raised his brows, and all kinds of beautiful images appeared in his mind.

"Get out of here!"

"Go away, scum!"

The two girls responded almost in unison.

"Uh...Maybe I'm progressing too fast, I'm ahead of the curve..." Chen Dong froze.

"Sister Yashu, it's really not what you think. Although we live in the same villa, I live on the second floor, and he lives on the first floor but has been living on the third floor recently." Zhang Yaxi quickly continued to explain.

"You guys quarreled? Why did you separate?" Liu Yashu asked.

"We quarrel almost every day... no, no, no, no separation, we never lived together!" Zhang Yaxi was almost taken into a ditch by Liu Yashu.

"Then you?" Liu Yashu looked puzzled.

"We are different..."

"Shut up!" The two women said in unison again.

"Okay, I'll shut up..." Chen Dong finally understood that he no longer had the right to speak with these two girls.

"My relationship with him is very simple. At school, I am a teacher and he is a student. At home, he is a landlord and I am a tenant. We have three chapters of agreement. He is not allowed to enter my room without my permission. Today is because of your special situation. That's why he was let in." Zhang Yaxi continued.

"Landlord? Tenant?" Liu Yashu was taken aback, apparently the information came a bit too suddenly.

"Yes, yes." Zhang Yaxi nodded quickly, she didn't want Liu Yashu to misunderstand her relationship with Chen Dong, that would be too embarrassing.

"This scumbag, can he keep the agreement?" Liu Yashu looked at Chen Dong in disbelief.

"Hey! You can say whatever you want, but you can't insult my personality! You have to speak with your conscience!" Chen Dong patted his chest and said.

"Shut up!" Liu Yashu's face was ashamed when he heard the words "touching his conscience". He was really ashamed to be seen by Teacher Zhang just now.

"I shut up, I shut up..." Chen Dong was bombarded by the second daughter again.

"My head hurts so much. What happened last night? Why did I come to your house, and you, a dead scum, are you talking nonsense when you say that grandpa told you to do this!" Liu Yashu pressed the button. Pressing his temple, frowning, trying to recall what happened last night, but found that his mind was blank.

"What do you mean talking nonsense? I have a letter from my grandfather!" Chen Dong took out a piece of paper from his trouser pocket.

"My grandpa! Not our grandpa!" Liu Yashu corrected immediately.

"Is it Principal Lin?" Zhang Yaxi asked beside him.

"That's right, Principal Lin's personal letter." Chen Dong replied.

"Let me see it!" Liu Yashu held out his hand to Chen Dong with a suspicious face.

"Okay, please take a look at it personally!" Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth and handed the paper to Liu Yashu.

Liu Yashu took the paper with a look of disgust, opened it, and read it.

I saw the letter read: "Xiao Shu, when you read this letter, you should be with Xiaodong. Your grandfather is still very accurate in reading people, Xiaodong is a good boy."

"This..." Liu Yashu's heart skipped a beat. She knew that her grandfather was an old man with an old-fashioned and serious personality, and he rarely took the initiative to praise others. She never thought that he would take the initiative to praise Chen Dong!

"Hey..." Chen Dong had a sincere smile on his face. The reason why he asked Principal Lin to write the letter himself was because he knew that with Liu Yashu's personality, he would definitely not trust each other. Principal Lin would hand her over to him. !
Liu Yashu looked at Chen Dong in disbelief. At least so far, she thought that Chen Dong had deceived her old man with sweet words.

When she continued to look down, her expression suddenly changed.

"Xiaoshu, haven't you always wanted to know where your parents went?"

(End of this chapter)

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