Chapter 482
Seeing this, Liu Yashu quickly looked down.

"Actually, your parents didn't go abroad to teach. As for the letters and birthday gifts they mailed to you every year, they were actually made by grandpa."

"How could this be..." Liu Yashu kept shaking his head.

"What's the matter, Yashu?" Zhang Yaxi who was on the side asked hurriedly when she saw Liu Yashu's expression changed.

But Liu Yashu kept shaking his head, his two big eyes fixed on the letter in his hand.

"The reason why they haven't heard from them for so many years is actually because of you, Xiaoshu. Grandpa has been hiding it from you. Although you have been excellent since childhood, you actually suffer from a serious congenital disease, which may kill you at any time. You Parents have heard nothing about it just to find a cure for you."

Seeing this, Liu Yashu felt that her mind went blank and she almost fainted again. Fortunately, Zhang Yaxi who was beside her quickly supported her.

"And today, grandpa finally found someone who can save you. Grandpa has been waiting for this person for almost 20 years. Even I didn't expect that this person is far away in the sky and right in front of us. He is my student, Chen Dong!"

"Chen Dong!" When Liu Yashu saw this, he looked at Chen Dong in disbelief.

"I told you I didn't lie to you. Although I, Chen Dong, am a fool, I have my own standards of conduct!" Chen Dong straightened his back and said with a righteous face.

"How could it be you!" Liu Yashu shook his head, he couldn't believe that this Chen Dong, who seemed to her to be a glib and playful carrot, was actually the person his parents and grandfather had been looking for for 20 years!

"Maybe this is fate..." Chen Dong said meaningfully. The fate of the two girls from Xu Jiaying to Liu Yashu is surprisingly the same. The two people who are not related at all are because of an incident that happened on an unnamed island in the East China Sea 20 years ago. What happened last changed their lives.And because of the arrangement of fate, the fate of these two girls was connected with himself.

"No! I don't believe in fate! It's not so much an arrangement of fate, but a conspiracy!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold. He didn't like the feeling of being a pawn, but he couldn't tell Liu Yashu Of these, the most important thing right now is to completely suppress the dual toxicity in her body within seven days!
"Fate, is there really a destiny..." Liu Yashu said to himself, and continued to read.

"Xiaoshu, grandpa thinks that Xiaodong is a very good kid. If you can be together, I will be relieved. In the future, I will have an explanation when your parents come back. Of course, the affairs of you young people will ultimately depend on you. Decided, no matter what your decision is, grandpa will respect your own opinion. Grandpa has asked you and Xiaodong to leave for the past few days, so you can rest assured on the school side." In the lower left corner of the letter is Principal Lin's seal, and From the handwriting, Liu Yashu can be sure that this is his grandfather's handwriting.

"Chen Dong." Liu Yashu closed the letter paper again and looked at Chen Dong.


"Is all this true?" Liu Yashu looked at Chen Dong with tears in his eyes. All this happened so suddenly that she really couldn't accept it for a while.It turns out that my parents have lost all news of me for so many years, and what is even more pitiful is that my grandfather has given almost everything for me these years.

"Really!" Chen Dong nodded, he didn't need too many words at this time, she knew that Liu Yashu couldn't bear any twists and turns, all she wanted was a simple answer.Normally, he can be as glib as he wants to take advantage of it, but now he has to be Liu Yashu's most reliable shoulder. This is Chen Dong's personality.

Zhang Yaxi looked at Chen Dong and Liu Yashu and did not speak, but she could tell from their expressions that this matter was very important to both Chen Dong and Liu Yashu.

"Can I trust you?" Liu Yashu looked at Chen Dong with tears in her eyes. Now she is not only very fragile physically, but even more fragile mentally.

"I think it's okay." Chen Dong replied seriously.

"Okay, since the misunderstanding is resolved, let's have breakfast first!" Zhang Yaxi said with a smile at this moment.

"Okay!" Chen Dong and Liu Yashu nodded at the same time.

After breakfast, Zhang Yaxi went to school and went to work as usual, only Chen Dong and Liu Yashu were left in the villa.I don't know why the two of them suddenly became embarrassed after Zhang Yaxi left.

In the room on the second floor, Liu Yashu was lying on the bed, and Chen Dong was standing by the window.For a moment neither of them knew what to say.The two had just experienced an embarrassing physical contact and misunderstanding. Now that they figured out that everything was a misunderstanding and that there was something hidden in the matter, it was even more unnatural.



After feeling for a while, both of them seemed to break the embarrassing situation and spoke almost at the same time.

"Tell me first..." Liu Yashu blushed and lowered her head. She didn't know why she always felt weird when Chen Dong was face to face. Maybe it was because of the last sentence in Principal Lin's letter.

"You speak first, ladies first." Chen Dong's mouth twitched.

"Just now... I misunderstood you just now, I apologize to you..." Liu Yashu said with his head down.

"It's nothing, besides, I didn't suffer much..." Chen Dong smiled.


"However, I'm not joking. Those people probably knew about this place last night, so you have to be careful at all times. Especially in the next six days. If you find anything suspicious, come to the third floor immediately. If If you don't have time to go up to the third floor, make as much noise as possible." Chen Dong said seriously.

"You mean those people from last night are likely to follow here?" Liu Yashu raised his head and looked at Chen Dong. What happened last night really brought great fear to Liu Yashu's mind.In the past, she always thought that all these beatings and killings happened in movies, but she never dreamed that one day it would happen to her.

"Hmm! But don't worry, I will be aware of the situation around the entire villa at any time on the third floor. Once someone breaks into the villa, I should find out before you." Chen Dong nodded.

"Okay!" Liu Yashu nodded. At this moment, Chen Dong made her panic-stricken heart suddenly have a kind of support, like a boat in the waves pushing hard into the harbor.

"If there are no accidents, I will go downstairs in six days. I will need to heal you when the time comes. You need to be mentally prepared, and the way of healing may be a bit strange. I hope you don't mind when the time comes." Chen Dong said.

"Healing..." Liu Yashu was taken aback, apparently he had only heard of this word in martial arts dramas before.

"It means treatment. I hope this time I can cure your illness in one fell swoop." Chen Dong smiled and turned around and walked out the door. He didn't tell Liu Yashu that this healing can only succeed and not fail, otherwise Liu Yashu will undoubtedly die!
(End of this chapter)

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