Special masters on campus

Chapter 489 There is a problem!

Chapter 489 There is a problem!
"Chen Dong, you..." When Chen Dong's hand tightly grasped her own, Liu Yashu froze in place. She felt like her heart was about to jump out, as if she had been electrocuted.

"Wait a minute, something is wrong." Chen Dong walked out of the bathtub, and the water in the bathtub that was almost full had been evaporated.

"What's wrong there?" Liu Yashu put his other hand on his chest, trying to calm down his heart.

I saw Chen Dong walking in front of Liu Yashu, looking sharply at the bathroom door.

"There is more than one person outside, and none of them are ordinary people!" Chen Dong walked towards the door with cold eyes.

"It's not ordinary people... Could it be that group of people that night!" Liu Yashu suddenly thought of the group of terrifying killers that night.

"No accident, it should be, you stay in the bathroom and don't come out." Chen Dong said in a low voice.

"Okay!" Liu Yashu nodded quickly.

"Hiss..." At this moment, a puff of white smoke was seen drifting into the bathroom from the gap under the bathroom door.

"Looking for death!" Chen Dong snorted coldly, and a majestic pure Yang force gushed out from his hands!Then thought of the bathroom door slamming!
"Boom! Crack!" Accompanied by a loud noise, the entire bathroom door shattered, and a cloud of white smoke was sucked into the palm of his right hand by Chen Dong!
"Boom!" At the same time that the bathroom door shattered, several black figures rushed into the bathroom from the room outside the bathroom!The target is not Chen Dong but Liu Yashu behind Chen Dong!Sure enough, it was the person who attacked Liu Yashu that night!
"Ah!" Liu Yashu screamed and hid in a corner of the bathroom.

"Hmph! Courting death!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold!The figure turned into a phantom!
"Bang bang!" Chen Dong's movements could not be seen clearly at all, only a few muffled sounds were heard, and the men in black who were rushing towards Liu Yashu had already flown out of the bathroom.


"Crack!" Immediately afterwards, there were heavy landing sounds and screams outside the bathroom.

"Huh!" And when Chen Dong's figure became clear again, there was a man in black in his left hand who was wearing a black night clothes.Chen Dong's left hand was firmly grasping his neck, which made him look terrified, but he couldn't say a word.He was terrified because he didn't even see Chen Dong's movements clearly just now, but five of his six companions, including himself, were knocked into the air, and he himself was caught tightly.

"Want to use poisonous gas? Good! Here you are!" Chen Dong raised his mouth and pinched the man's chin with his left hand.



A clear sound of bones breaking and a miserable scream came at the same time, but the mouth of the black-clothed man caught in Chen Dong's hand opened suddenly.As he spoke, his mandible was crushed and opened!
"Use poisonous gas in front of me? Do you think I don't save it?" Under the terrified gaze of the man in black, Chen Dong sneered and slapped the thick white gas absorbed in his right hand into the man in black. Cloaked man's ultimate!
"Woo!" Then he lifted his minibus and pushed it up!
Chen Dong seemed to have done an understatement in one go, and the man in black had already turned white, and his body flew out of the bathroom!

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound, and the man in black didn't even scream, and fell heavily on the floor of the room, motionless.So much poisonous gas was shot into his body alone, even if he didn't die, he would have to become an idiot!

At this time, Chen Dong saw Zhang Yaxi's room only with a few men in black lying on the ground. They were completely incapacitated by Chen Dong's blow just now, but Zhang Yaxi was not visible.

"Chen..." At this moment, Chen Dong and Chen Dong suddenly heard Liu Yashu's voice, but the voice stopped abruptly!

"Not good!" Chen Dong turned around abruptly, only to see a black figure grabbing at Liu Yashu!

Chen Dong naturally recognized this person as the woman in black who could hide her cultivation level that night!
Liu Yashuben is just an ordinary person recovering from a serious illness. She has no chance to react at all. She just stands there with her hands covering her face and leaning against the corner of the wall. She feels that she is surrounded by an invisible pressure. She wants to move but her body doesn't listen. handle.

"Boom!" And just as the woman in black was about to grab Liu Yashu, Chen Dong punched her!
And the woman in black obviously didn't pay attention to Chen Dong's punch, and wanted to resist Chen Dong's punch, so as to snatch Liu Yashu!

The corner of Chen Dong's mouth was the same, "I admire your courage, but it's a pity that your brain is too stupid!"

"Boom!" Almost at the same second, there was a muffled sound, and Chen Dong's blow directly hit the shoulder of the woman in black!


The woman in black obviously didn't expect to be able to advance to the Sea of ​​Qi stage in just seven days!Although she is also a strong person in the sea of ​​qi stage, Chen Dong has three seas of qi. Even if the Nine Suns God Fist is not used, this punch is enough to make her feel good!

"Crack!" But seeing the woman in black forcefully punched by Chen Dong, she was blown away and flew out of the bathroom window!
"Yashu! How are you?" Chen Dong didn't pursue the woman in black, but came to Liu Yashu's side immediately.

At this moment, Liu Yashu was covering his face with his hands, curled up in the corner of the bathroom, trembling all over.All this is really unacceptable to her, a girl who has been living in a peaceful campus under the care of her elders, and it also makes her feel extremely terrifying.

"Chen Dong! Woohoo!" And when Liu Yashu, who was curled up in the corner, heard Chen Dong's voice, she quickly raised her head, threw herself into Chen Dong's arms, and hugged Chen Dong tightly with both hands. neck.

"Woooo..." Liu Yashu was really terrified. She was afraid that she would "die" again, not because of how painful it was, but because she was afraid of losing some important people.

"Okay, I'm fine now." Chen Dong stretched out his hand with a serious expression, and gently stroked Liu Yashu's hair.

"Don't leave me again, okay..." Liu Yashu said the words buried in his heart for the first time, perhaps only at this critical moment of life and death, people's hearts will be completely opened.

"Okay..." Chen Dong nodded seriously.Speaking of the girls he met since he came to Donghai City, although their personalities were very different, they were all good girls.Whether it is Situ Xiadan who is hot and violent on the outside but has a fragile heart, Feng Bingbing who only knows how to kill people in the past and simply wants to be a child for herself, or the innocent and romantic mixed-race little beauty Chu Shanshan, everyone can Let Chen Dong be tempted.The reason why Chen Dong didn't confirm his relationship with any of the girls was because he didn't want to hurt any of them.

"Ya Shu?" Chen Dong whispered.

"Huh?" Liu Yashu, who was sobbing, was taken aback.

"We are going to find Yaxi, she may have fallen into the hands of those people!" Chen Dong said in a cold voice.

(End of this chapter)

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