Special masters on campus

Chapter 490 The Opponent's Conditions

Chapter 490 The Opponent's Conditions

"Sister Yaxi!" Liu Yashu hurriedly wiped away her tears, looking at Chen Dong with red eyes.

"We were healing in the bathroom just now. I ignored the situation outside. There is a master among them. Yaxi should have fallen on them and got injured." Chen Dong looked solemnly and helped Liu Yashu up.

"Will sister Yaxi be in danger?" Liu Yashu became nervous when she heard Chen Dong say that, not to mention that she and Zhang Yaxi had gotten along very well.If something really happened to Zhang Yaxi, it was because Chen Dong cared about saving himself and didn't anticipate what happened to Zhang Yaxi.Then she will feel guilty for the rest of her life.

"Let's go, let's save people!" Of course, Chen Dong wanted to save Zhang Yaxi, but it was absolutely impossible to leave Liu Yashu here alone, otherwise, even if he rescued Zhang Yaxi, Liu Yashu's safety would not be guaranteed.

"We're together? But I..." Before Liu Yashu finished speaking, she felt her body lighten. When she realized it again, she was hugged by Chen Dong.

"Chen Dong, you..." Liu Yashu was completely taken aback. She didn't know or experience how her body should react to such a thing. Now she could only hear her own heartbeat, which kept beating.

"Hold my neck tightly, we're going straight down." Chen Dong said as he hugged Liu Yashu and quickly walked towards the window.

"Okay..." Chen Dong's words were neither a discussion nor an order, but as if he was telling Liu Yashu what to do. Liu Yashu even forgot to respond to whether he should do this, and subconsciously wrapped his hands around Chen Dong's neck, tightly Hug tightly.

And almost at the same time that Liu Yashu was hugging Chen Dong's neck, Chen Dong had already jumped out of the window on the second floor of the villa with Liu Yashu in his arms!

"Huh!" Liu Yashu felt a gust of howling wind blowing past her ears, time seemed to be elongated, and the world became very quiet, so quiet that only she and Chen Dong were left.Liu Yashu hugged Chen Dong like this, looking up at Chen Dong from below.

Looking at Chen Dong from this angle, he is less immature, with more sharp edges and corners, and more mature and confident.

In her eyes, this man was an incoherent scum in the past, but now he is indeed the man she trusts and relies on the most. All these changes made her even a little bit unbelievable to her own eyes.

"Huh!" Just as he roared, Chen Dong hugged Liu Yashu and landed steadily downstairs in the villa.

Chen Dong put Liu Yashu down gently, and then looked around. At this moment, there was silence around the villa, without any breath.

"How is it?" Liu Yashu looked at Chen Dong and asked.

Chen Dong shook his head coldly, "They have already left..."

"What left?" Liu Yashu suddenly became ugly.

"Well, these people act quickly, have clear goals, and absolutely obey orders. Just now their leader was injured by my punch, letting them know my strength. They know that even if they continue to entangle, it will not be beneficial to them As a result, this group of people decisively evacuated!" Chen Dong said.

Chen Dong's current state has reached the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi, and he takes the initiative to sense it. If there are practitioners within tens of meters around him, he will soon find out.But now there is no aura around, indicating that this group of people has all evacuated in a very short period of time.

"What a fast speed!" Chen Dong's eyes were cold.

"But what should we do then? Is sister Yaxi in danger? It's because of me that I hurt her!" Liu Yashu's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and now she is full of self-blame and guilt. Xi will not be taken away.

"I will get Yaxi back. Don't worry, the target of this group of people is you. They took Yaxi to get you from me, or to get something they want from you, so they Not only will it not hurt Yaxi, but it will also treat her very well." Chen Dong reached out to wipe away Liu Yashu's tears.

"Really?" Liu Yashu pouted and said, she is still the president of the student union in front of Chen Dong, she is a little girl who completely depends on Chen Dong.

"Well. Because they should understand my character, if they dare to hurt Yaxi in the slightest, we will never get what they want." Chen Dong said.

"Then what should we do now, should we call the police?" Liu Yashu looked at Chen Dong and said, the first thing she thought of when this happened was to call the police.

"Don't call the police yet, let's go back to the villa and have a look." Chen Dong pulled Liu Yashu and walked towards the villa.

In the living room on the first floor of the villa, everything in it is the same as before, and there is no sign of being tampered with.But Chen Dong soon found a dagger on the wall of the first floor, with a piece of paper stuck in the dagger.

Chen Dong walked forward quickly and pulled out the dagger. It was a strange dagger with a pitch black body and even a pitch black blade.Chen Dong recognized that it was a dagger made of black fine iron, which was sharper than ordinary daggers.As far as Chen Dong knows, there are not many people who use this kind of black fine iron dagger, and it should be used by more people in Dongpu.

"Could it be that even the people from Dongying came to Donghai University because of Tianhuo Xuanbing?" Chen Dong thought to himself.

Chen Dong opened the paper in his hand, only to see that it was written in extremely scrawled handwriting.

"If you want someone, wait for our news. I hope we can cooperate happily."

"Want to cooperate with me? You should not be qualified!" Chen Dong turned the paper in his hand into a ball.

"What did the higher-ups say?" Liu Yashu asked anxiously.

"As I thought, they want to exchange Yaxi with you." Chen Dong said.

"I am willing, I am willing to exchange sister Yaxi!" Liu Yashu nodded without any hesitation.

"I don't allow any of you to be harmed. Don't worry, I think they will take the initiative to find them soon, and they are more urgent than us." Chen Dong put away the black iron dagger.

"Then what should we do now?" Liu Yashu chose to trust Chen Dong absolutely.

"The few people above should have been transferred away by them. Let's pack up and go back to school and put you in a safe place first. I'll save Yaxi." Chen Dong said.

"Okay!" Liu Yashu nodded.

When Chen Dong and Liu Yashu came to the room on the second floor, the men in black who had been seriously injured by Chen Dong had disappeared.This group of people is well-organized and rigorous, definitely not the ordinary loose killer organization.

Tunghai University, inside the principal's office.

The time was getting closer and closer to six o'clock in the afternoon, and the deadline Chen Dong promised to Principal Lin was getting closer and closer.

"Principal Lin can't hesitate anymore. It's been seven days. If you hesitate any longer, Yashu Xuemei may be really in danger!" Gao Shi said anxiously while standing in front of Principal Lin's desk.

"Call the police!" Principal Lin finally made up his mind and picked up the phone to prepare to call the police.

(End of this chapter)

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