Chapter 498

"Xu Jiaying's father? How did you know each other?" Liu Yashu frowned and looked at Chen Dong.

"Uh, coincidence and coincidence, I helped him before, and then he helped me again, so we got to know each other." Naturally, Chen Dong would not say that his help was to treat his daughter's illness.

"You won't come and go and even abduct her daughter, right?" Liu Yashu looked disbelieving.

"Don't you know my character, Chen Dong? I have always sacrificed myself for others, and never left a name for my good deeds!" Chen Dong said with an innocent face.

"Who knows if you paid attention?" Liu Yashu gave Chen Dong a blank look, "What are we going to do next? Do we need to make good preparations for tomorrow morning?"

"Are you hungry?" Chen Dong said.

"Hungry? I feel a little hungry after you say that." Liu Yashu was taken aback, apparently she didn't expect Chen Dong to say that suddenly under such a tense situation.

"Let's pick up Shanshan first and then go to the cafeteria for dinner. I am her sister's bodyguard hired to protect her. I haven't returned to school for so many days and I have to leave tomorrow. I'm considered absent from work. At least I need to make it clear to others." Chen Dong said .

"It's as simple as a bodyguard?" Liu Yashu looked at Chen Dong and asked.

"You can also be called brother and sister, hehe."

"Why do I feel that you have a lot of bad thoughts about Shanshan?"

"You have to speak with your conscience!"

"Say one more sentence and try with your conscience!"

"I can't touch my own..."

As the sun set, the golden afterglow filled every corner of Tunghai University. Chen Dong and Liu Yashu walked towards the girls' dormitory.This may be the last calm before tomorrow's bloody storm.

And the moment after Chen Dong left the office building, several figures came out from the woods beside the office building.

"I'll continue to follow, you guys should immediately notify the vice president that Chen Dong has appeared!"


At the moment, the girls' dormitory.

Chu Shanshan was lying on the bed sullenly. The sisters in the dormitory originally invited her to have dinner together, but she really didn't have the appetite to eat, so she went back to the dormitory alone.

"Brother Chen, why haven't you come back..." Chu Shanshan had a sullen expression on her face. Brother Chen, who hadn't seen her for so many days, was not in the mood to let her eat at all.

But at this time her phone rang suddenly, Chu Shanshan quickly took out her phone to check.

"Brother Chen!" Chu Shanshan's big watery blue eyes lit up.

"Hey! Brother Chen, where are you? Shanshan misses you so much!"

"Hello...Sister Shanshan, I'm Liu Yashu." However, Liu Yashu's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Huh? Sister Yashu, why do you have Brother Chen's cell phone?" Chu Shanshan was taken aback.

"Your elder brother Chen is right beside me, calling you to come downstairs for dinner." Liu Yashu said.

"Oh, okay, I'll come down now." Chu Shanshan hung up the phone, with a puzzled look on her face, "It's strange, how could Sister Yashu be with Brother Chen and still hold Brother Chen's phone? Could it be that the two of them these days Have you all taken leave and been together?"

Chu Shanshan didn't think too much about it. For her, her brother Chen's return was the happiest thing for her.

The girls' dormitory is downstairs.

"Then return your phone." Liu Yashu returned the phone to Chen Dong.

"Eh..." Chen Dong took the phone with a helpless expression.It turned out that just now Chen Dong and Liu Yashu came downstairs in the girls' dormitory.But just when Chen Dong took out his phone and was about to call Chu Shanshan, Liu Yashu snatched the phone in his hand. That's why Liu Yashu used Chen Dong's phone to call Chu Shanshan just now. scene.

Chen Dong understands that Liu Yashu is declaring Chu Shanshan's sovereignty over him in a disguised form, but I'm afraid that the female president's plan will come to nothing.Because Chen Dong knew that with Chu Shanshan's innocent personality, he would not understand Liu Yashu's intentions.

Soon Chu Shanshan's figure ran out from the girls' dormitory.And when she saw Chen Dong standing downstairs in the girls' dormitory, a bright smile appeared on her face, and she threw herself into Chen Dong's arms.

"Brother Chen, it's great that you're back, Shanshan misses you so much!" Chu Shanshan's well-developed breasts kept arching in Chen Dong's arms, making Chen Dong squint comfortably.

But Liu Yashu who was standing aside had an ugly face, looking at Chen Dong with disgust.

Chen Dong deliberately smiled at Liu Yashu, "Sister, my little sister hehe."

"You!" Liu Yashu made a gesture to pinch Chen Dong.

Chen Dong quickly dodged.

"Okay, everyone is here. Let's go, let's go eat!" Liu Yashu said with a raised tone on purpose, then turned and walked towards the school cafeteria.

"Huh? Elder Brother Chen and Sister Yashu seem a little unhappy?" Chu Shanshan reluctantly came out of Chen Dong's arms, and said while looking at Liu Yashu's back.

"That's quite unhappy." Chen Dong nodded. Even Chu Shanshan could tell that Liu Yashu was unhappy, so it must be very unhappy.

"But why? You should be happy to see Brother Chen?" Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Uh, this. Don't you girls get upset for a few days every month?" Chen Dong naturally wouldn't tell Chu Shanshan that Liu Yashu was unhappy because of jealousy.

"Eh! Brother Chen, you know all about this!" Chu Shanshan blushed, in her opinion, boys don't know about girls.

"Let's go, let's go to eat, and Fatty Bai and Zhang Xing are waiting for us." Chen Dong smiled, thinking that if all the girls were as simple as Chu Shanshan, then he would really be happy at home. .

"Okay!" Chu Shanshan nodded, and naturally took Chen Dong's arm and led Chen Dong towards the student cafeteria.

After Chen Dong and the others came to the cafeteria, Fatty Zhang Xingbai and other boys from Class 1 were already waiting in the cafeteria.

Liu Yashu walked ahead and entered the cafeteria.

"Here we come!" Zhang Xing quickly reminded the other boys.

I saw other boys in class 1 also stood up quickly.

"Hi, sister-in-law!" Just as Liu Yashu walked over, these boys bowed their heads and said hello at the same time.

"You guys! What nonsense are you talking about!" Liu Yashu was originally unhappy, but now his face turned red.

"Hey..." These boys scratched the back of their heads and laughed.

At this moment, Chen Dong and Chu Shanshan also walked in.

"Hi Brother Dong!" The boys said to Chen Dong.

"Well, everyone is here. Let's serve dinner." Chen Dong nodded.

And just when Chen Dong was about to sit down, he suddenly felt an extremely powerful breath coming from behind him.

"What a powerful breath!" Chen Dong's complexion changed, he immediately stood up, turned around and looked back.

(End of this chapter)

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