Special masters on campus

Chapter 499 Putting a long line to catch big fish?

Chapter 499 Putting a long line to catch big fish?

Chen Dong's expression was serious, his eyes were cold, but his heart was full of waves.

Just now he clearly felt an extremely powerful aura flashing past him!This powerful aura is the strongest aura he has encountered since he came to Donghai City, which means that the opponent's strength is even higher than that of Li Jianye in the later stage of Qihai!
If it wasn't for a new and powerful cultivator entering Tunghai University, it would most likely be Li Jianye!In other words, during this period of time, not only Chen Dong's strength has become stronger, but Li Jianye's strength has also become stronger, and he has sneaked into Donghai University.If Li Jianye really infiltrated into Tunghai University, then his purpose is self-evident that he came for himself or for the fragments of the skyfire and ice on his body.

There is also a possibility that if this flash of powerful aura does not come from Li Jianye.That means that there are already strong people in Tunghai University who surpassed the late stage of Qihai.If that is the case, the situation of Tunghai University will become even more dangerous in the future!
Although Chen Dong's current strength has reached the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi, his chances of winning against even stronger opponents in the later stage of Sea of ​​Qi are still too low.

But when Chen Dong wanted to perceive this aura carefully, it disappeared like a ghost.

"Who is the other party? Has he left now?" Chen Dong frowned, his face serious.

"What's wrong, brother?"

"Yeah, Chen Dong, what's wrong with you? What's the matter?"

Seeing Chen Dong's sudden strange behavior at this moment, everyone asked questions.

"It's nothing, let's go and order food." Chen Dong turned around and sat down again, and now the breath just now has disappeared.Moreover, there are so many people in the cafeteria, the other party should not dare to attack openly.

"Okay! Let's go to order food. It's been a long time since I went to the Xishi window in the canteen!" Zhang Xing and several boys rushed to the order window in a noisy manner.

"What happened to Chen Dong just now?" Liu Yashu looked at Chen Dong and asked seriously after the boys ran to eat.

"That's right, Brother Chen, your face was so ugly just now." Chu Shanshan also asked curiously.

"Just now I felt a murderous aura, right in this cafeteria." Chen Dong said in a low voice.

"Murderous? Are they the ones who kidnapped Sister Yaxi?" Liu Yashu asked hastily.

"Abduct Miss Yaxi? What happened to Teacher Zhang?" Chu Shanshan also asked quickly.

"Ms. Zhang was taken away by a gang of villains. Tomorrow, Brother Chen will go rescue people with your sister Yashu." Chen Dong looked at Chu Shanshan and said.

"Could it be that nasty slutty snake again?" After a few times of grievances with the Li family, Chu Shanshan obviously first thought of Li Jianye and Li Tenglong and his son.

Liu Yashu also looked at Chen Dong.

Chen Dong had already thought about Li Jianye and Li Tenglong's father and son.But excluding Li Tenglong as an ordinary person is impossible not to say.Li Jianye's strength has reached the late stage of Sea of ​​Qi, and the men in black who repeatedly tried to rob Liu Yashu are the strongest in the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi.Coupled with Xu Chengji's confidential information, the other party is likely to be from Japan, so Li Jianye is unlikely.And even if Li Jianye made a move, his target should be himself instead of Liu Yashu.

"It wasn't the Li family who did it, but someone else, and these people are more difficult to deal with than the Li family." Chen Dong said.

"It's more difficult to deal with? Aren't Brother Chen and Sister Yashu very dangerous tomorrow, why can't the police go to save them?" Chu Shanshan's expression became visibly tense.

"The police uncles can't help this time. Girl, I'm most worried about you. Tomorrow is the weekend and I can't take you home. Let your sister pick you up. Li Jianye hasn't been arrested yet, maybe He is still secretly trying to cheat on you." Chen Dong looked at Chu Shanshan and said, this is why he wanted to call Chu Shanshan out today, he knew that Li Jianye would definitely not give up.

"Yeah, my sister came to pick me up after talking for a while." Chu Shanshan nodded her head with red eyes, obviously she was still worried about Chen Dong's safety.

"Don't worry, silly girl, haven't you already said it? Brother Chen is the most powerful person in the world. Brother Chen will not only bring Teacher Zhang back safely tomorrow, but he will also return to Shanshan intact." Chen Dong said with a smile on his face.

"Brother Chen is of course the most powerful person! Brother Chen is the best!"

"What do you think?" Chen Dong looked at Liu Yashu with a smile.

"I..." Liu Yashu was taken aback for a moment, she knew that the reason why Chen Dong said that was to prevent Chu Shanshan from worrying.The rescue of Zhang Yaxi this time was incomparable to any suffering Chen Dong encountered in the past.There is no way to hide on the vast sea, only to let the opponent slaughter him. Liu Yashu knows how dangerous this time is.

"You are the best." Liu Yashu gave Chen Dong a blank look.

"Haha! I will tell you with practical actions that the man you chose is indeed the best!" Chen Dong burst out laughing suddenly.

"Well, Shanshan believes in Brother Chen!"

"Who chose you to be a man..."

And right now, it was in a cafeteria of Tunghai University, more than 20 meters away from the dining table where Chen Dong and the others were sitting.There was a circle of boys around a dining table, and one of them was wearing a white suit and a pair of sunglasses, looking at Chen Dong with a gloomy face.

"So you are Chen Dong. It is indeed a rare genius to be able to break through to the early stage of Qi Sea at such a young age. No wonder even the two freak brothers, Black and White Deacon, were defeated by you. Li Jianye also dare not show his face because of you hiding in the dark basement all day long!" This person was the rich and handsome guy who caused quite a stir at the West Gate of Tunghai University that day, and then transferred to the Art Department of Tunghai University, and his real identity was from the Dragon Shouhui Vice President Long Tianxing.

"Just now I was careless and didn't restrain my breath just because of his attention. Fortunately, I only need to pay attention to hiding my breath in my fake alchemy stage, and I can't detect it at the early stage of Qi Sea. This Chen Dong is indeed extraordinary. where." Long Tianxing thought to himself.

"Vice President, do you want to kill this kid now?" At this time, several killers beside Long Tianxing whispered.

"Just because of you trash who haven't even reached the Qi refining stage, you still have the nerve to kill Chen Dong?" Long Tianxing said disdainfully.

"This..." The killers around quickly lowered their heads, they were indeed the worst among the killers who followed Long Tianxing to Donghai City this time.

"Don't be in a hurry. I'm going out personally for the big fish. It's still in the long-term stage. I want to see if this thing is really in the hands of this Chen Dong. If it is, it's ours." When you take up the line." Long Tianxing smiled slightly.


(End of this chapter)

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