Special masters on campus

Chapter 508 It's time to calculate the ledger

Chapter 508 It's time to calculate the ledger

Although those Dongying cultivators may not be as strong as the masters of the Dragon Shouhui, such as the masters of the sea of ​​​​qi like the black and white deacons.But these people have strict discipline like an army, and they will absolutely obey the orders of the upper peak, and when necessary, they will even sacrifice their lives to die with their opponents!This is the scary thing about Japanese cultivators!
Chen Dong had also met Japanese cultivators in the battlefield and killer world before, and the fighting power shown by these people was often higher than their realm, and they were very difficult nuts to crack!

Chen Dong closed his eyes and entered into a state of sedation. The Nine Yang Cultivation Technique in his body was slowly operating, and the pure Yang power in the three seas of qi was also slowly operating.

The night was eerily quiet, like the dawn before a storm, but the calm would soon pass, and tomorrow was bound to come.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone through the trees outside the window into the room, Chen Dong's eyes suddenly opened.

"It's time to settle the ledger!" Chen Dong's eyes were cold and radiant!

At 07:30 in the morning, a secluded coast in the east of Donghai City.

This is a remote small fishing port. If it is normal, the fishermen here will go out to sea early to fish as usual.But today is different. All the large and small ships are docked in the fishing port. These fishermen were notified last night that the sea area with a radius of tens of kilometers was blocked for 24 hours.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen police cars and military jeeps parked there, and all the people in the cars seem to be waiting for someone to appear.

Those who came to the beach ahead of time included Captain Zhao and Deputy Captain Situ Xiadan of the Donghai Criminal Police Brigade, Zhang Wushan, the captain of the Donghai Armed Police Detachment, and dozens of criminal police and armed police.

And at this moment, a bright white car came from the direction of the city.

"Here we come!" Situ Xiadan said, opened the door and got out of the car.Everyone in the other vehicles got out of the car.

The car door opened, and Chen Dong and Liu Yashu got out of the car one after another.

"Captain Zhang, Captain Zhao, Comrade Xia Dan. I'm not used to you making such a big show, we're just small people." Chen Dong chuckled.

But the expressions of the others were very serious. Soon Chen Dong and Liu Yashu were going to an isolated island in the sea to face opponents dozens of times stronger than him, and these people were all desperadoes!It would be impossible for any of them to be so easy, let alone a playful smile like Chen Dong, who probably doesn't even have the courage to go to sea.

"Are you sure Chen Dong doesn't need the support of our armed police?" Zhang Wushan said solemnly.

"Yes, student Chen Dong, I heard from Comrade Xia Dan that the other party is some powerful desperadoes. It's too risky for you to go with this female classmate!" Captain Zhao also said.

"Yaxi is still injured by them. You don't know these people. They are even colder than killers. If they see our troops besieging them, they will hurt Yaxi without hesitation." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Chen Dong, are you sure?" This was Situ Xiadan looking at Chen Dong with a worried face.

"One hundred percent." Chen Dong smiled.

"What! One hundred percent sure?" Everyone exclaimed.

"It's hard, isn't it? The opponent is fully armed and has an absolute advantage in numbers. On the one hand, Chen Dong has to ensure the safety of the two girls and rescue the hostages. This is an almost impossible task!"

"That's right, even if the most elite special forces come, I'm afraid they can't be 100% sure of success!"

"Chen Dong is right. The other party is not only strong and ruthless, but also very cunning. The place they chose to exchange is an isolated island in the sea. It is surrounded by a wide sea without any obstacles. If we attack the last Even if we can completely annihilate this group of bandits, the safety of the hostages will be difficult to guarantee. Moreover, according to reliable information, this group of people is still a group of notorious habitual bandits in the world. They are fully armed and powerful, and it is very likely that we will attack our own side. Large-scale casualties, no matter what the result is, we don't want to see it!" Situ Xiadan looked at the crowd and said.

"Yeah! These gangsters are too cunning! Completely invulnerable!"

"We are the police, even if there are casualties, that is our bounden duty, but how to ensure the safety of the hostages is the biggest problem. We are completely in a passive situation!"

The people present were basically experienced backbones of the Criminal Police Brigade and the Armed Police Detachment, but everyone looked pessimistic in the face of this situation.

"Because of this situation, our only choice is to trust Chen Dong!" Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong.

"Believe in Chen Dong!" Everyone looked at Chen Dong. Although most of them knew that Chen Dong was very strong, but letting such an ordinary sunny boy shoulder such a heavy burden alone, It is impossible for them to be completely at ease.

"Can Chen Dong do it alone? This time, he is a habitual bandit who has been wanted internationally for a long time!"

"If the location is not anywhere on the sea, I believe he has this ability. After all, everyone has seen Chen Dong's strength in Tenglong Group and Beach House before. But this time it is on the sea, and he is a living target for the other party!"

All of a sudden, everyone was talking about it, and an extremely pessimistic mood began to spread among the crowd.Even Zhang Wushan and Captain Zhao, who knew Chen Dong's strength very well, looked worried. This time the situation was more serious than any previous one.

I saw Chen Dong smiled, ignored everyone's discussions and worries, but went straight to Situ Xiadan, lowered his head and whispered in Situ Xiadan's ear.

"What's the situation, police sister? Not only are you not jealous, but you are still supporting your man in front of such a man?"

"Jealous? You underestimate me too much. My mother is no better than this little girl. Do I need to be jealous? There are still men who want to be me, but the premise is that you have to come back alive first. Otherwise, you will be in the pot." You can't catch everything in the bowl, and it will all be cheaper for others in the future!" Situ Xiadan also said in a low voice.

"Good character! I like it! Just based on your words, I must come back intact. But this is what you said. When I come back, I will be your man. I can do whatever I want, okay?" Chen Dong said in a low voice without changing his face, because the two people spoke in such a low voice that the people around couldn't hear them clearly.

At this moment, Situ Xiadan raised his head to look at Chen Dong, and said, "Okay, as long as you come back alive and have the ability of a man when you come back, you can do whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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