Chapter 509

At a small fishing port on the east coast of Donghai City, more than a dozen vehicles and dozens of heavily armed police and armed police gathered.

Facing the almost impossible rescue mission, the atmosphere was already extremely tense.

But Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan stood together and whispered, causing everyone around to look at the two in the middle.

"What are the deputy captain and Chen Dong talking about?"

"I don't know if I can't hear you clearly, is there a whisper between the young lovers?"

"It should be because this rescue mission is too dangerous after all, and Deputy Situ will definitely be worried about Chen Dong's safety."

Everyone around began to discuss in low voices. No one in the Donghai City Police Station was unaware of the relationship between Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan.

Although Liu Yashu on the side looked a little unhappy, she didn't say anything. Although she cared about Chen Dong very much, she was also a girl who knew the general situation.

At this moment, I saw Chen Dong froze for a while, as if he couldn't believe his ears.Then Chen Dong frowned, the corners of his mouth were the same.

"Okay! Then we've made a deal!"

"It's a deal, it's a deal! My old lady has always said that she is hard to follow!" Situ Xiadan said with a face of indifference.

"Ahem! Vice Captain Situ, is the thing I asked you to prepare for me ready?" Chen Dong coughed and raised his voice.

"The police speedboat is ready for you." Situ Xiadan turned and pointed to the sea.

I saw a speedboat moored on the shore of the fishing port.

"Oh, by the way, Chen Dong, this is something Chief Xu asked me to give you. He said that you only need to give it to you and you will know what it is." At this time, Zhang Wushan took out a wooden box and handed it to Chen Dong.

"Thank you Captain Zhang." Chen Dong nodded and took the wooden box.

Open the wooden box and see that there is a dense box of special steel needles inside.The whole body of this steel needle is black, each one is three centimeters long, as thick as a strand of hair.These steel needles are all made of special black iron that can penetrate steel armor, and the body armor that can block bullets is just paper-pasted clothes under this steel needle.

"In China, maybe only people with his status can get this kind of thing." Chen Dong smiled slightly, this kind of black iron needles are sometimes more useful than bullets.Chen Dong had also used this kind of black iron needle before, and only the top killer organization or special forces would be equipped with this kind of needle in small quantities.After all, black iron is not ordinary steel, it is all collected from the seabed thousands of meters deep.

The key to the success or failure of the rescue of Zhang Yaxi this time probably lies in these seemingly inconspicuous little iron needles.

With a smile, Chen Dong put his hand into the box and grabbed it. The black iron needle in the box disappeared at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. It was hard for anyone to notice that it was absorbed by Chen Dong's true energy on his arm.

"Captain Zhang, return this box to Uncle Xu and thank him for me." Chen Dong handed the wooden box to Zhang Wushan.

"This... good." Zhang Wushan was taken aback, thinking that he didn't see what Chen Dong took out of the box, so he just returned the box to the chief?What surprised him the most was that a college student, Chen Dong, knew Chief Xu so well. He knew who Chief Xu was. No wonder Chen Dong didn't agree to his invitation to participate in the special forces selection.The special forces under Chief Xu are the special forces of China's special forces!
"By the way, please prepare two bulletproof vests for me." Chen Dong continued.

"The body armor has been prepared a long time ago, Xiao Ma took out the three pieces of body armor that were prepared." Zhang Wushan said to an armed policeman.

"You don't need three pieces, two pieces are fine, just prepare them for classmate Liu Yashu and teacher Zhang Yaxi." Chen Dong said.

"What? Two pieces? What about you?" Zhang Wushan was taken aback.The surrounding armed police and policemen also looked at Chen Dong.

"I don't need it, too many clothes will get in the way." Chen Dong smiled.

"Student Chen Dong, here are the bulletproof vests prepared for you." At this moment, the armed policeman took three pieces of bulletproof vests from the car and handed them to Chen Dong.

Chen Dong took two of them, turned around and said to Liu Yashu who was behind him, "Let's go, girl, we're going to go for a ride." After saying that, he walked towards the speedboat by the sea.

Liu Yashu smiled, and after being told by Chen Dong, she calmed down a little from being nervous, and followed Chen Dong.

"Chief, why did Chen Dong only take two bulletproof vests? Counting the hostages, aren't there three people?" The armed policeman in charge of taking the bulletproof vests was taken aback for a moment, then quickly looked at Zhang Wushan and asked.

"He said that too many clothes are in the way." Zhang Wushan looked at Chen Dong's back and said.

"Too much wear is in the way..." The armed policeman looked shocked, who would dislike the hindrance of bulletproof vests!
"Buzz!" Soon the police speedboat heard the sound of an engine, and gradually headed towards the deep sea.

Everyone on the shore looked at the speedboat that was gradually disappearing, and most of them felt heavy at the moment, because it seemed to them that this was an almost impossible task.

"Scum, actually I lied to you just now. If you don't come back, I will never marry in my life, and I will never take advantage of others." Situ Xiadan looked at the speedboat that was about to disappear on the horizon. mumbling to himself.

"Everything you are doing in a daze, prepare for me, and notify all departments to get up and work for me. If the situation changes, implement the second rescue plan and attack!" Zhang Wushan said sharply.


The vast sea is very calm, the water is as blue as the sky, and it is even difficult to distinguish who is the sea and who is the sky.But behind this calm, there is a strong murderous intent hidden!
A small speedboat rowed across the sea and headed towards the deep sea.

Chen Dong stared at the front while driving the boat.According to the information provided to him by Situ Xiadan, he already knew the coordinates of Mingsha Island.It is estimated that this unnamed island can be resisted in another 10 minutes.

"Ya Shu, have you put on your body armor?" Chen Dong asked.

"Okay." Liu Yashu's voice came from behind. She was wearing a snow shirt with black spots on a white background today. It is more difficult to see if she wears a bulletproof vest and a snow shirt on it.

"Okay, sit in the front, it might be a bit bumpy for a while." Chen Dong slowed down the speed of the speedboat so that Liu Yashu from behind could come to his side.

The current time is 7:55 in the morning, and there are still 5 minutes before the exchange time, and at this time, the outline of a small island on the sea not far ahead has already appeared in front of my eyes.

"Hold my arms tight, we're going to the place soon." Chen Dong said calmly.

"En!" Liu Yashu nodded, at this moment she had completely believed in Chen Dong unconditionally.

(End of this chapter)

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