Special masters on campus

Chapter 540 You are too weak!

Chapter 540 You are too weak!

"You're looking for death!" Chen Dong's words clearly enraged the nine killers of the Dragon Leaders. They rescued people and traversed the dark world. No one dared to talk to them like that.

"Student Tian Meihui, close your eyes and no matter what happens, don't open your eyes and stand behind me when you hear any sound." Chen Dong said in a low voice with cold eyes.

"Chen Dong... Who are these people? Will they hurt you!" Tian Meihui asked quickly, her trembling voice seemed to be terrified.

"They just look like people, but they are actually a group of dogs that can bite people!" Chen Dong sneered.

"A dog that bites..."

"Let's do it together! Please come, Mr. Chen!" The black-clothed and long-haired killer standing at the back shouted coldly.

"Do it!" The other eight killers nodded at each other and rushed towards Chen Dong almost at the same time!

"Hoo hoo!" These eight people are all powerful cultivators, even the weakest ones are in the late stage of Qi refining, and when they move from such a short distance, they are like several black shadows, and I can't see them clearly. action!However, what is beneficial to Chen Dong is that the space in the hesitation dormitory is small, so they can only stand in a row with two people, and the others can only be behind the two people in front.And this time, they obviously wouldn't underestimate Chen Dong's strength. Standing in the front, the first to attack Chen Dong were two killers in the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi!
"Huh!" Chen Dong didn't have any time to deliberately hesitate, almost at the same time as the opponent launched an attack, Chen Dong also launched an attack at the same time!
"Boom! Boom!" The two killers who attacked Chen Dong first clashed with Chen Dong's fists, and then retreated back at the same time!And there was hardly any chance to breathe, and the two behind attacked again!
Obviously, the first test of both sides just now let them know that Chen Dong's combat power is extremely strong, and not any one of them can defeat it alone.So they are using the wheel battle, trying to exhaust Chen Dong's true energy with the superiority in numbers!This is also why these nine people can kill many strong men who are far above them!
And this naturally couldn't escape Chen Dong's expectations.

"Wheel fight?" Chen Dong raised his mouth, the best way to defeat the wheel fight is to let the opponent have no wheels to use!

"You are too weak!" The two blazing pure yang forces surged out from Chen Dong's fists, like two flaming meteors, blasting towards the two late stage killers attacking him in the second wave. !
And these two killers in the late stage of Qi refining didn't feel the threat of death at all. Even though they knew that Chen Dong's strength was at the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi, the first wave of attack just now and being two killers at the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi theoretically consumed Chen Dong's last strong attack.In theory, they also have the strength to work together to resist the attack of a Qihai early stage practitioner!Their purpose was not to kill Chen Dong but to consume Chen Dong's true energy.

But they don't know that this is only theoretical. The early stage of Qi Sea they are facing is not the ordinary early stage of Qi Sea, but Chen Dong who has reached the middle stage of Qi Sea and even has the strength to fight against the late stage of Qi Sea!

"Hmph, let's see how long you can go crazy! When your true energy is exhausted, that's when you kneel down and beg for mercy!" The two sneered.

And Chen Dong also smiled, how could he not know what the two of them were thinking?
"Boom!" Both sides are masters, the distance is so close, even if one of them wants to dodge, there is no chance to dodge!Between the lightning and flint, the four fists of the two sides have already clashed together!
And at this moment, those two late-stage Dragon Head Killers felt their fists and arms were shattered!A heart-piercing pain instantly spread throughout their bodies!


"how can that be!"

The two killers looked terrified. They didn't expect that Chen Dong's seemingly ordinary strike power far surpassed the normal Qihai early stage!It even made them feel like they were directly facing the mid-stage powerhouses in the Sea of ​​Qi!Obviously, Chen Dong didn't try his best to repel the two killers at the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi just now!
And this time, these two people finally felt a strong murderous intent covering them!

Together, the two of them have the strength to resist the strong in the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi, but it is absolutely impossible to resist the strong in the middle stage of Sea of ​​Qi!Both of them are experienced killers, which is self-knowledge.

"Back!" The moment the two sides came into contact, the two of them wanted to back away almost instinctively regardless of the severe pain in their arms!

"Are you going to let you go?" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched slightly, almost at the moment when the two assassins retreated, Chen Dong's hands directly grabbed their arms!

"not good!"


The faces of these two assassins were pale and terrified. They made another famous mistake. They miscalculated Chen Dong's speed!Chen Dong's speed was also faster than they imagined!

"Kneel down!" At almost the same moment, Chen Dong grabbed the hands of the two and yanked them down!
"No!" The two killers couldn't resist Chen Dong's pull, and they smashed their faces to the ground!
"Not good! Help!" The killer with long hair standing at the back shouted loudly, obviously seeing the danger!

"Go to hell!" Almost at the same time as the long-haired killer shouted, two late-stage qi-refining killers had already rushed in front of Chen Dong.One of them slapped Chen Dong's abdomen dantian, and the other punched Chen Dong's heart!These two places are the dead spots of a person who have to defend or dodge once they are attacked. The purpose of these two people is very clear to temporarily force Chen Dong back and save the two companions in front!

However, Chen Dong sneered and had no intention of dodging or defending at all, and the force of pulling up and down with both hands was stronger!

"No!" The two killers whose arms were held tightly by Chen Dong wanted to struggle but couldn't break free at all. They could only watch helplessly as their bodies hit the ground fiercely!

"Boom! Crack!" But after hearing a tremor, the whole male dormitory trembled violently, and saw that two holes had been smashed into the floor of the dormitory!

"Bang bang!" Immediately afterwards, two muffled sounds came from downstairs, apparently the sound of the two killers in the late stage of Qi refining falling heavily on the first floor bedroom 114.

"Ah!" At the same time, there was an exclamation from downstairs, obviously the students in the dormitory downstairs were terrified.

"No!" The long-haired killer behind him turned extremely ugly, he knew that his two brothers were either dead or injured this time!
And here, almost at the same time, the attacks of the two killers behind had come in front of Chen Dong. At this time, it was obviously too late for Chen Dong to dodge!
One punch and one palm hit Chen Dong's dantian and heart at the same time!


(End of this chapter)

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