Special masters on campus

Chapter 541 The most indispensable thing is true energy

Chapter 541 The most indispensable thing is true energy

"Boom! Boom!" Accompanied by two muffled bangs, the attacks of these two late stage killers hit Chen Dong at the same time!

"No matter how strong you are, you are still alone!"

"A tiger is no match for a pack of wolves!"

These two killers in the late stage of Qi refining sneered at the same time. From their point of view, although Chen Dong just ignored their defense and went his own way and severely injured their two companions, Chen Dong himself could not escape their attacks!

No matter how strong you are, your dantian and heart are still the weakest defenses, this time Chen Dong will definitely be seriously injured!

"Really?" Then at this moment, Chen Dong didn't get injured and retreated as they imagined, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.


"He wasn't injured? That's impossible!"

These two people opened their eyes wide at the same time, their faces were in disbelief!

And when they were still shocked, Chen Dong's hands had already grabbed the wrists of the two of them!This was the third fatal mistake they made today. They misjudged Chen Dong's defensive ability!With the body of pure yang and the book of nine yangs, Chen Dong's defense ability is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary Qi Sea early stage cultivation.If these two attacks came from the two killers at the early stage of Qi Sea who launched the attack for the first time, Chen Dong naturally wouldn't dare to ignore their attacks, but Chen Dong, the two ordinary late-stage Qi refining practitioners, has the strength to fight back. Resist their attacks!

And after resisting the attacks of these two killers, it was Chen Dong's turn to make a move. The two who were caught by Chen Dong's arms had no possibility of escaping!
All of this actually happened in an instant. When Chen Dong grabbed the arms of these two late-stage qi-refinement killers, the two late-stage qi-refinement killers behind them had already pounced on them!

Although Chen Dong's defense was extremely strong, it wasn't enough to completely ignore late stage practitioners of Qi refining. If important parts were continuously attacked by the opponent, it would be impossible for Chen Dong not to be injured at all.

"Not good! Let's go together!" At this moment, the long-haired killer standing at the back obviously saw the problem and shouted loudly.

"Understood!" He and the three Qi Hai stage powerhouses who stood in front of him and launched their first entry into the palace and retreated to the back attacked Chen Dong at the same time!

It's not a big deal for two killers in the late stage of Qi refining to join forces, but Chen Dong didn't dare to be too big if they attacked at the same time with three strong men in the early stage of Qi Sea and two strong men in the late stage of Qi refining!

But seeing Chen Dong's cold eyes grabbing the arms of the two late stage killers in front of him with both hands, the three seas of qi in his dantian began to circulate crazily, and two pure yang zhenqi burst out along his arms!

"Get out!" Under the disbelieving and terrified gazes of these two people, seeing that Chen Dong was actually grabbing their arms, they swung them violently!

"No!" And the two of them only felt that their bodies were light and then the sky was spinning, and their bodies were completely out of their control!


Accompanied by two screams, the two late stage killers who were caught by Chen Dong were thrown away by Chen Dong like chickens!

"Damn it!" And it was too late for the two late-stage qi refining killers who rushed from behind to dodge!
"Boom! Boom!"

But hearing the muffled sound of two bodies colliding violently and a scream, the two killers who rushed from behind were directly knocked out by their own bodies.Of course, the force of the impact was sent by Chen Dong, and they couldn't resist it with their strength.

"Ah! Ah!" But seeing the four killers at the Qi Refining Stage crashing into each other, they screamed and flew backwards.And the width of the dormitory is so big, the three killers in the early stage of Qi Sea in the back were suddenly blocked, and they couldn't continue to attack Chen Dong, so they could only reach out to pick up the four companions.

"Ah! Damn it!" The nine of them are known as the most elite killer squad of the Dragon Head Club. They have even killed the strong in the middle stage of the sea of ​​​​Qi. When did they feel so aggrieved?In a short period of time, at least six of the nine of them were injured, and at least two of them can now almost conclude that even if they survived, they were seriously injured and lost their combat power!How could this keep them from feeling extremely aggrieved?

"Chen Dong! If we have the ability, let's go out and fight!" The long-haired killer was obviously the leader of the nine, and he was full of aggrieved and angry at this moment!
"Aren't you going to get out? Then don't blame me for beating dogs and ignoring their masters!" Chen Dong snorted coldly, and with a movement of his body, he took the initiative to attack the killers at the door!
"What! Chen Dong, you are too deceitful! Get out of the way!" Hearing what Chen Dong said, the long-haired killer was obviously furious, but when he saw his figure move, he directly jumped over the several companions in front of him, and his hands turned into claws Charge towards the rushing Chen Dong!
"Big brother!"

The two killers at the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi behind them couldn't separate themselves for a while because they caught the four companions in front. They could only watch their eldest brother fight Chen Dong alone.But since this long-haired killer is the eldest brother among the nine, he is naturally the strongest!

"Hoo hoo!" But seeing the long-haired killer's hair swinging back violently, his claws roared out like a wind!But in terms of combat power, this person's combat power is definitely above that of Black and White Deacon!In the dragon head meeting, he was only ranked below the two presidents and vice presidents!
"I said, just because you are still too weak!" Chen Dong sneered, and the endless pure yang zhenqi in the three qi seas in his dantian was crazily drawn and concentrated on his right fist!
"I don't believe it, you still have enough true energy! Sirius Claw!" The long-haired killer also sneered, he guessed that Chen Dong had already consumed a lot of true energy after fighting against eight other killers!And he himself is attacking with all his strength!
"Unfortunately, you are wrong again. The most important thing I need is true energy! Nine Suns God Fist!" Chen Dong smiled, and Nine Suns God Fist punched out with his strongest attack!
Chen Dong's current strength has reached the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi. This blow of Nine Suns Divine Fist has condensed one-fifth of his true energy, and Chen Dong has three seas of energy. Even one-fifth of his true energy is still For no less than an ordinary Qihai early-stage cultivator, use all the true energy at the same time!It can be said that the power of this punch will be extremely fearful even by the strong in the middle stage of Qi Sea!
And the long-haired killer Long Da obviously didn't know the power of Chen Dong's blow, of course he would know soon!

It's too slow to speak, and the duel between masters is only in an instant!
But seeing that the figures of these two people are completely two phantoms, colliding with each other in a situation where ordinary people can't see clearly!Who would have imagined that two strong cultivators at the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi would have a duel in the male dormitory of the university!

"Crack! Crack!" And this time, not only were the tables, chairs and bed frames in the dormitory shattered, but even bigger cracks appeared on the ground where two big holes had just been smashed out!
The powerful impact caused the entire male dormitory building to shake violently!

"Ah!" And at the moment when the two collided, a miserable cry came!

(End of this chapter)

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