Special masters on campus

Chapter 544 You Must Follow Me

Chapter 544 You Must Follow Me


The people at the door all looked anxious, but they knew that they could not change what Chen Dong had decided.

"But have you noticed that it seems that it hasn't been shaking for a long time except for the shaking just now!" Zhang Xing said.

"It seems to be true! Could it be a small earthquake?" Fatty Bai and the boys nodded one after another.

"But even if it's a small earthquake, with the earthquake resistance of our boys' dormitory building, it's better for us to go out first."

"But brother..."

"By the way, I may have to leave school for a few days. If anyone asks where I am going, just say that I went on a trip with my girlfriend." When Zhang Xing and the others looked anxious and scared, Chen Dong spoke again.

"What? Went on a trip with your girlfriend?" Zhang Xing and the others were all taken aback.

"Dong...Brother Dong, which girlfriend are you with?" Zhang Xing seemed to have noticed the girl in Chen Dong's arms just now.

"Mieko Ozawa!"

"Canteen Shih Tzu!"

"My Goddess!"

At this time, the other boys seemed to see Tian Meihui in Chen Dong's arms, their eyes lit up, as if they had forgotten that just a second ago they were still afraid that the dormitory would be collapsed by an earthquake.

Tian Meihui is a girl recognized by all the boys in the school. How many rich families and young people want to pursue her, but they don't even pay attention to her.How many boys would go to her window to line up for dinner every day in order to catch a glimpse of Tian Meihui's eyes and eyebrows.These days, Mie Tiantian asked for leave and didn't go to the cafeteria to eat. I heard that she was sick and unwell. I don't know how many boys are heartbroken.

And it was such a goddess who could be entertained even by looking at her for a long time, being held in Chen Dong's arms at this moment.Moreover, Chen Dong's right hand was still on Tian Meihui's back. The posture of the two of them looked very ambiguous, and it was impossible for people to misunderstand!

"Boss is indeed the boss! After soaking, the president of the girls' student union has soaked Goddess Ozawa!" The fat white man kept his eyes straight and touched his own saliva from time to time.

"I can't accept it, I told you that I, Zhang Xing, will only obey Brother Dong in my life!" Zhang Xing's eyes were shining brightly.

"What does it feel like to hold a goddess? It's comfortable just thinking about it!" The reactions of the other boys were also surprisingly consistent.

"Okay, you guys go out first. You just need to know what happened today, don't talk about it." Chen Dong opened his eyes and said.

"Don't worry, Brother Dong, our mouth is the tightest, and we will never let other sister-in-laws know!" Zhang Xing patted his chest and said.

"Yes! Boss, don't worry!" Fatty Bai and the others patted their chests and said, in their opinion, Chen Dong was afraid that Liu Yashu or other girls would be jealous if they found out about this matter, so Chen Dong told them to keep their mouths shut.

"Well. You have to protect Chu Shanshan these days, and call me immediately if you have anything to do. Remember to come in and don't leave the school gate. These days may be a bit uneasy." Chen Dong said with a serious expression.

"It's not peaceful? Did something happen to Brother Dong? Do you need our help?" Zhang Xing said quickly.

"Yes! Boss, as long as we can help, the brothers will definitely go all out!"

"Yes! Brother Dong, just open your mouth!"

Chen Dong shook his head. He knew that although these boys were ordinary people and he hadn't known them for a long time, they were absolutely sincere to him, and he regarded them as brothers.But it was precisely because of this that I could never involve them. Not only would it not be of any help, but it might even bring them a fatal disaster.

"I need to deal with this matter myself. What you have to do is to protect Chu Shanshan, and then protect yourself. If there is anything to do, let me know immediately." Chen Dong said.

"Understood!" Although these boys didn't know Chen Dong's real identity, they knew about Chen Dong's strength.Even Chen Dong took it so seriously, obviously this time the matter must be very serious, all they can do is follow Chen Dong's request.

"Okay, let's go out first," Chen Dong said.

"Okay, Brother Dong, let's go out first." Although Zhang Xing and the others were still reluctant to part with Tian Meihui, they all quit bedroom 214 and closed the door for Chen Dong casually.

After the boys left, Chen Dong's face became serious again, because he knew that this time he was in serious trouble.Even if there is even the slightest negligence, not only his own life may be lost, but even Liu Yashu, Feng Bingbing and even the girls Tian Meihui, Chu Shanshan, and Zhang Yaxi are also in danger of life!
This time, the Dragon Head Club not only has the powerhouses of the Sea of ​​Qi stage, but also the strongest fake alchemy stage below the Jindan stage!Chen Dong had expected that the next round of chasing by the Dragon Shouhui would come soon, and he had also thought that the Dragon Shouhui would send out strong players in the mid-stage Qi Sea or even the late Qi Sea.But he didn't expect that the one who came this time would be an absolute strong man in the false alchemy stage, which was completely crushing advantage for him!
"Fake Pill Period! It should be ranked in the top three in the Dragon Head Meeting! It seems that the Dragon Head Meeting should have already known that there is a piece of Tianhuo Xuanbing in my hand!" Chen Dong's eyes flickered, his expression was cold, he I have never felt such a strong life and death crisis like now!

"There is also the scheming Li Jianye who has been hiding in the dark. It is not like it can be known that he must be waiting for an opportunity. Who may attack him. But the old man and his wife are a deterrent to him. He will never dare to do so unless it is absolutely necessary. Appeared suddenly."

And what worries Chen Dong the most is the group of Japanese killers. These people are elusive, and sometimes you can't even notice when they are by your side.And now I obviously don't have time to investigate the Japanese killer hiding in Tunghai University.

"We must take a few girls to a safe place as soon as possible. Those killers have seen Tian Meihui just now. If I keep Tian Meihui here now, she will definitely be picked up by the people of the Dragon Head Club, and it is very likely that because of I lost my life! I have wronged others several times, and I must not let her life be in danger because of me again!" Chen Dong looked at the Japanese beauty in his arms, and Tian Meihui at such a close distance, Chen Dong found this girl It's really beautiful. This kind of beauty is different from that of Chinese girls. It's completely two styles of beauty, which makes people feel compassionate.

At this moment, Tian Meihui's eyelids moved slightly, and after Chen Dong's healing again, her complexion gradually turned red.

"Chen...Chen Dong..." Tian Meihui opened her eyes after a while.

"You're awake." Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"What happened just now? I just feel like I can't remember anything when my eyes are dark?" Tian Meihui stretched out her hand and pressed her temple.

"Student Tian Meihui?" At this moment, Chen Dong looked at Tian Meihui and said.


"You must come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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