Special masters on campus

Chapter 545 Student Tian Meihui Forgive Me For Being Rude

Chapter 545 Student Tian Meihui Forgive Me For Being Rude
"Follow...with you?" Tian Meihui was obviously dumbfounded by Chen Dong's words.However, Chen Dong could also understand the girl's reaction. He passed out suddenly just now, and after waking up, he told her to let her go with him, and everyone would be confused.

"The matter is more complicated. In short, it is because of me that you have been implicated. If I don't take you away, your life may be in danger!" Chen Dong said with a serious expression. The group of people in the Dragon Head Club are all professional killers. Once it is determined that Tian Meihui has a close relationship with him, he will definitely do something wrong, and then Tian Meihui will be really dangerous.

"Life is in danger?" Tian Meihui frowned, with a puzzled look on her face.

Chen Dong smiled wryly. It happened so suddenly, he would not have understood it.But now the matter is urgent and there is no room for delay. Once the other party's strong man arrives, he will be miserable, and Tian Meihui will definitely be implicated by himself.

"Student Tian Meihui, do you believe me?" Chen Dong looked at Tian Meihui seriously.

"I..." Tian Meihui's face turned red to the base of her ears, she lowered her head, "Chen Dong, I..."

"Please believe me, I have absolutely no other intentions. I am really afraid that you will be hurt. Look at the dormitory and the floor of the dormitory. They were all done by a group of killers while you were in a coma!" Chen Dong pointed at the messy place. The bedroom and the two holes on the floor of the bedroom.

"This..." Tian Meihui's reaction was the same as Chen Dong imagined, obviously frightened by everything in front of her.

"There are really bad guys?" Tian Meihui looked at Chen Dong with a terrified expression.

"Yes! The reason why you passed out just now was also because of those bad guys. I'm all to blame for this incident. I originally wanted to heal your wounds, but I didn't expect to implicate you again." Chen Dong blamed himself.

"Chen Dong, can I ask you a question?" Tian Meihui looked up at Chen Dong.

"Of course." Chen Dong nodded, and now his guilt for the sweet Japanese girl in front of him has not diminished, but even more.

"You... who the hell are you? Ever since what happened in the gym last time, I feel that you are different from other boys..." Tian Meihui blushed when she said this, as if she mustered It takes courage to speak.

"Who am I?" Chen Dong smiled bitterly. At first Chen Dong thought he was a strong man, but now he finds that he is still too weak. Not only can he not protect himself, but even the people around him are implicated by him. .

"I'm a good person. Do you believe me?" Chen Dong looked at Tian Meihui and said seriously.

"I..." Tian Meihui raised her blushing face to look at Chen Dong.

Chen Dong also looked at Tian Meihui, he knew that even if Tian Meihui didn't believe him, he would be able to understand, but if that was the case, Tian Meihui would be really dangerous.

"I...I believe..." Tian Meihui quickly lowered her head after saying this.

"Thank you, I will do everything I can to protect you." Chen Dong nodded, since Tian Meihui chose to believe in him, he must also protect her. After all, all this happened because of him.

"I believe..." Tian Meihui said in Mandarin with a weird accent.

"Okay, now we have to leave here immediately." Chen Dong said, and then took Tian Meihui's hand and prepared to take her out of the dormitory. Now, without delaying a second, we may encounter the fake alchemy expert from the Dragon Shouhui.

But when Chen Dong just wanted Tian Meihui to leave the dormitory, Tian Meihui's body softened all of a sudden and she was about to fall forward.

"Student Tian Meihui, how are you?" Chen Dong quickly saved Tian Meihui.

"It's nothing, it's just that my head is a little dizzy, and my limbs are weak. I wonder why this happened?" Tian Meihui kept holding her forehead and said.

"It must have been injured by the impact just now. Although I healed you in time, your physique is relatively weak and the old injury just healed, so you feel very weak." Chen Dong felt Tian Meihui's pulse , although there is nothing serious, but it is indeed relatively weak.

"Then what should we do? Will those villains you mentioned come back?" Tian Meihui looked at Chen Dong with some concern.

"They will definitely come back, and they will probably come back soon, so we must leave as soon as possible." Chen Dong looked solemn, which was rare for him to feel like an enemy.

"But I..." Tian Meihui's anxious eyes were already a little rosy, she tried to stand up by herself, but she fell down again before she could stand still.

"No, I can't delay any longer. Student Tian Meihui, please forgive me for being rude." A decisive look flashed in Chen Dong's eyes. When Tian Meihui didn't react at all, he bent down and grabbed Tian Meihui. The princess hugged her.

"Ah!" Tian Meihui cried out almost instinctively, her hands subconsciously hugged Chen Dong's neck perhaps out of panic.

"Let's get out of here first!" Chen Dong didn't look at Tian Meihui, who was flushed and panicked in his arms, but took her out of dormitory 214 and headed out of the boys' dormitory building.

The outside of the dormitory building is full of boys who just ran out of the boys' dormitory building.Because the entire building shook violently just now, everyone thought it was an earthquake.So when they ran out, some were holding their laptops, while others were wearing big pants and slippers.

At the moment, the small flower bed outside the dormitory building is full of people who look like a refugee camp.And when these boys were talking about the earthquake just now, a figure quickly ran out from the boys' dormitory building.

To be precise, it was two figures, but one of them rushed out with the other in his arms.


"Chen Dong!"

It can be said that Chen Dong has been in the freshman dormitory for a while, and it can be said that everyone knows about it. What happened in the boys' dormitory before has made the word Chen Dong a legend.So when Chen Dong came out holding Tian Meihui, many boys recognized Chen Dong.

"No, look at who Chen Dong is holding in his arms!"

"Looks like a girl!"

"I'll go! Isn't this Mie Hanada from the Chinese Department!"

"Yes! I know you! An exchange student from Japan!"


"Why did Chen Dong come out of the dormitory holding the flower of the Chinese Department?"

"Could it be the two of them!"

And when Chen Dong quickly passed through the crowd with Tian Meihui in his arms, there were bursts of exclamations.Tian Meihui, a beauty from the Department of Chinese, was carried out of the boys' dormitory by Chen Dong. You don't need to think about what happened!

At this moment, Chen Dong's expression was very calm, but Tian Meihui in his arms had already blushed and closed her eyes tightly.

"Brother Dong is mighty!"

I don't know who in the crowd shouted first, and then many people followed suit.

"Brother Dong is mighty!"

(End of this chapter)

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