Special masters on campus

Chapter 554 The feeling of facing the sea

Chapter 554 The feeling of facing the sea

And just as Chen Dong was studying in the secret room on the third floor of the villa how to unite with the yin and yang of the Tianhuo Xuanbing fragments in Feng Bingbing's body.The easternmost part of Donghai City, where the Dongjiang River enters the sea.

Two or three black Lincolns parked on the concrete embankment by the sea.

At this moment, in the black Lincoln sedan in the middle, Gao Shi's face was extremely ugly.

"This...that's impossible!" Gao Shi stared at the watch on his wrist with bloodshot eyes, and the red mark on the watch screen was still moving forward, which indicated that he installed The locator on Chen Dong's car is still moving!

But there is a rough sea ahead, so there is no way!Unless Chen Dong drove the car onto the boat!But this is the mouth of the Dongjiang River, and the pier is not here, so this is impossible!
"Is this what you said that you can find Chen Dong with absolute certainty?" Long Tianxing's voice was cold, as if he had no emotion at all.

"This! This is impossible! With Chen Dong's character, he would never think that I installed a tracker on his car! And the cursor is still moving now! Maybe... maybe Chen Dong really went into the sea by boat ?" Gao Shi said in a sharp voice, he was scared, he couldn't afford to lose!Provoking a strong man who is even stronger in the late stage of the sea of ​​​​Qi, his fate will definitely not be much better!
"Oh? Really?" Long Tianxing sneered, "It seems that I still overestimated your intelligence. Now it seems that you are not as good as my subordinates! You still don't know that you have been tricked !"

"What!" Gao Shi's pupils shrank suddenly, he thought he could kill Chen Dong this time!Not only can you avenge the previous one, but you can also complete the mission of the sect!Everything was as he expected, and he cooperated with the top management of the Dragon Head Club to hunt down Chen Dong!But the ending now made him unacceptable!He didn't believe that Chen Dong would find his locator, and he didn't believe that he was completely fooled by Chen Dong!

"Impossible! This is impossible! How could Chen Dong's car keep moving forward if the tracker wasn't on it?" Gao Shi still had a little hope of luck in his heart.

At this time, the two black-clothed killers from the Dragon Head Club quickly rushed up the sea defense embankment from the beach, and came to the outside of the Lincoln car where Long Tianxing was.

"Vice president."

The car window opened slowly, revealing Long Tianxing's cold face and Gao Shi with a pale face.

"We found this on the sea!" A killer handed Gao Shi an empty mineral water bottle.

"This!" Gao Shi's eyes were wide open, and he took the mineral water bottle with trembling hands.

I saw a black chip the size of a fingernail in the mineral water bottle emitting a faint red glow.Others are not human, what is this black chip, how could Gao Shi not recognize it?This is exactly the locator he put on Chen Dong's car!

For a moment, Gao Shi only felt that his brain was blank!He suddenly understood that he had been tricked by Chen Dong ever since he crossed the bridge!He put this locator in this empty mineral water bottle and threw it into the turbulent Dongjiang River!In this way, the cursor representing the locator on your watch will keep moving!

"Chen Dong! Ah! Chen Dong! Pfft!" This Gao Shi kept shaking his head, and in the end, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth in a hurry. This was vomiting blood from being angry by Chen Dong!

"It seems that you have not fulfilled our promise of cooperation." Long Tianxing sneered.

"Come down!" The two Dragon Shouhui killers standing outside the car grabbed Gao Shi's shoulders at the same time, and lifted him out at once.

"Ah!" Gao Shi screamed, and he felt that his shoulders were almost crushed!Although his current realm has reached the mid-stage of Qi refining, he has no chance of resisting the two top killers of the Dragon Head Association in the late stage of Qi refining!
"Do you know what will make me unhappy?" Long Tianxing said in a cold voice.

"This!" Gao Shi, who was kneeling in front of the car while being held down by the shoulders by two late-stage qi refiners, felt a chill all over his body, and an inexplicable fear surged in an instant!He originally thought that the chance of success in this operation was [-]%, that's why he dared to cooperate with an old devil like Long Tianxing!Now he is afraid, it's okay to be tricked himself, and even Long Tianxing, the vice president of the dignified Dragon Head Association, is also being tricked!
"Tell me, if you have any last words, I will bring them to your elders." Long Tianxing said cold-bloodedly.

"Last words..." Gao Shi slumped on the ground like an eggplant beaten by frost.When things got to this point, even if Tai Yizong was behind him, he would have nothing to say.It is impossible for Tai Yizong to offend a strong man like Long Tianxing just because he is such an ordinary inner disciple!All that awaits him is death!

"Chen Dong! It's all Chen Dong! I don't accept it! If I can't kill Chen Dong, Gao Shi will die!" Gao Shi roared loudly with blood-red eyes!It is all thanks to Chen Dong that he has fallen to where he is today!At this moment, the hatred for Chen Dong in his heart can be described as overwhelming, he is not willing to die aggrieved after being teased by Chen Dong like this!

He is not willing!

"Oh? It seems that you are very unwilling?" Long Tianxing smiled coldly.

"I won't be reconciled to being a ghost!" Gao Shi slammed his fist on the concrete floor of the embankment.Cracks were smashed into the ground, and Gao Shi's fist was instantly covered with blood, which showed how much he hated Chen Dong.

"I can give you a chance to make amends." Long Tianxing said coldly.

"What!" Gao Shi suddenly raised his head to look at Long Tianxing in the car.

"I can give you a chance. You have to find out all the information about Chen Dong, including where he may be hiding, and the people close to him. In short, I need him to get out! Three days, you have three days Time, if Chen Dong doesn't show up in three days, you won't show up again, understand?" Long Tianxing looked at Gao Shi who was kneeling on the ground.

"Three days! I understand! I, Gao Shi, swear that I will try my best to force Chen Dong out!" Gao Shi said with red eyes.

"Okay! I hope you won't let me down again, otherwise I will be very unhappy." Long Tianxing smiled suddenly, but his smile made everyone present feel cold all over.

"Yes! Thank you, Vice President Long, for giving me a chance! I will never let you down again!" Gao Shi bowed his head quickly.He couldn't even believe it was real until now!

"Very good! But you have let me down once, I need to let you remember!" Before Long Tianxing could finish his sentence, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Gao Shikong who was kneeling on the ground. !
"Ah!" Gao Shi who was kneeling on the ground was suddenly lifted up, but Long Tianxing's hand didn't touch him at all!
(End of this chapter)

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