Special masters on campus

Chapter 555 You Are Already My Woman

Chapter 555 You Are Already My Woman

"This!" Gao Shi's eyes were full of horror, the strength of Long Tianxing had completely exceeded his comprehension!
"Break your arm! If you let me down again next time, your head will be broken!" But Long Tianxing waved his hand casually!
"Ah!" Gao Shi let out a heart-piercing scream, and his whole body was thrown to the surface of the sea at once!

"Humph! A smart dog. Let's go!" Long Tianxing sneered, and the car door closed slowly.

"Yes!" The two killers hurried into the car.

"Chen Dong? Interesting! You have made me more interested in you. A mouse will always be a mouse and cannot escape the cat's claws. Let's see how long you can hide!" Long Tianxing sneered, in his opinion Chen Dong was just a little clever junior, and all of Chen Dong's reactions showed that Chen Dong was afraid of him.

After a while, three Lincoln cars slowly drove away from the shore.

But after the convoy left, a figure in distress floated up from the sea.

"Ah! Chen Dong! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Gao Shi is like a drowned chicken, and his left arm hangs lifelessly on his shoulder, and the bones and meridians of the entire arm have been completely broken!

A genius inner disciple of the Taiyi Sect, a mid-stage Qi training expert in the eyes of the world, and the president of the student union of Tunghai University, was reduced to this extremely embarrassing situation today, all thanks to Chen Dong, how could he not hate it!
A day later, the villa in the western suburbs of Donghai.

On the second floor of the villa, Tian Meihui and Liu Yashu are in their respective rooms.

Liu Yashu was lying on the bed in a daze. Chen Dong said yesterday that he would come to her, but he didn't come, which made her very worried.But she couldn't find Chen Dong in the villa. She had knocked on the door on the third floor, but there was no response from inside.Anxious, she hurriedly called Zhang Yaxi, but Zhang Yaxi said that Chen Dong hadn't returned to school.The sudden disappearance of Chen Dong from her world caused her to become very panicked. She realized that she did not know when she was so dependent on this boy.

"Chen Dong, are you on the third floor? If so, why didn't you answer me?" Liu Yashu knew that Chen Dong would often be in the room on the third floor, but every time he knocked on the door, Chen Dong would come out, except this time.

"Damn scum! Smelly scum! Don't tell me where he went!" Liu Yashu didn't know what to do.The reason why Chen Dong brought himself to the villa is because it is safe here. If he leaves without authorization, he may encounter danger. The most important thing is that Chen Dong may take another risk to save himself, which will put Chen Dong in danger again. environment.

So she knew that the only thing she could do now was to wait, waiting for the door of the room on the third floor to open, and Chen Dong walked in front of her again.

And in Tian Meihui's room next door, Tian Meihui stood in front of the window to observe the surrounding situation, the light in her eyes was completely different from what she usually showed to outsiders.It was a cold look.

She is now completely sure of capturing Liu Yashu, but she has seen Chen Dong's strength before.And she knew that Chen Dong was in this villa. Once Chen Dong found out that she had made a move, her efforts to hide for so long and gain Chen Dong's trust would all be in vain.

"It's not the team leader to hunt down Chen Dong, so who would it be? What's their purpose? What secrets are hidden in that room on the third floor?" Tian Meihui looked up at the ceiling.

At this moment in the secret room on the third floor.

The mysterious ice coffin was tightly closed, but there was an invisible vortex centered on the ice coffin, sucking in all the aura of heaven and earth within several kilometers.

Gradually, the mysterious ice coffin vibrated violently, as if it was about to be opened at any moment.And this state has been going on for a whole day, no one knows what is going on in the Xuanbing coffin.

"Crack!" Finally, accompanied by a crisp sound, the originally closed lid of the mysterious ice coffin was slowly opened, and bursts of white smoke came out of the mysterious ice coffin, giving people a dazzling feeling.

Chen Dong stood up from the mysterious ice coffin, his upper body was not wearing any clothes, revealing his perfect muscular lines.The sharp-edged face shows a very masculine charm.

Chen Dong did not come out of the Xuanbing coffin, but looked down at Feng Bingbing.

Feng Bingbing, who had been in a coma with her eyes closed all the time, slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Chen Dong looking at her, a happy smile appeared on her face.

"You're awake." Chen Dong said with a slight flick of his mouth.

"Did you know? I told myself in my dream that the first boy I saw when I woke up was the man of my life." For the first time in so many days, Feng Bingbing's face had a tinge of blood.

"I'm already your man, have you forgotten? What we said before you fell into a coma. When you were unconscious, I swore to wake you up, because you are destined to be my Chen Dong's woman!" Chen Dong smiled.

"We just now..." Feng Bingbing looked down and found himself completely naked in front of Chen Dong, a blush flashed across his face.

"I said you are already my woman." Chen Dong stretched out his hand to Feng Bingbing.

Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong with tears in her big eyes. She had been tortured by this pain for so many years.Adopted by the enemy who killed his parents, he planted cold poison in his body and became his murder tool. In 20 years, she has never felt a trace of warmth.Knowing that she met Chen Dong, the man who was her assassination target but saved her when her cold poison flared up.

And now she has really become this man's woman.

"Am I really your woman?" Two lines of tears fell from the corners of Feng Bingbing's eyes, and she couldn't even believe it was true.I saw Feng Bingbing raised her hand and held Chen Dong's hand tightly. At this moment, she could clearly feel Chen Dong's warm body temperature.

"Really." Chen Dong smiled slightly and pulled Feng Bingbing up slowly.

Feng Bingbing stood up, she ignored her body, she was already Chen Dong's woman, she could give everything to this man, not only her body but even her life.

"Kiss me." Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong and said softly.

Chen Dong smiled softly, pulled Feng Bingbing into his arms, and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

"Woooo..." Chen Dong could feel Feng Bingbing in his arms trembling violently, and hugged him tightly, as if he was afraid that he would leave her.Maybe it wasn't until the moment she kissed her that she finally believed it was true.

"Silly girl, don't cry. Isn't it good to have me here? And the cold poison in your body has been effectively contained, and I have found a way to dissolve it." Chen Dong gently caressed Feng Bing Bing's soft long hair said.

(End of this chapter)

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