Special masters on campus

Chapter 556 Communication 1

Chapter 556 Let's Communicate

"Really!" Feng Bingbing quickly raised his head and looked at Chen Dong with joy.

"En!" Chen Dong nodded.

"Husband... Husband!" Feng Bingbing threw herself into Chen Dong's arms again with lightning speed.

"Eh..." Chen Dong couldn't help snorting comfortably.

"Husband, what's the matter with you? Is something uncomfortable?" Feng Bingbing wanted to get up quickly.

"No no! It's very comfortable and you don't have to get up." Chen Dong hurriedly put it on Feng Bingbing's smooth back.

"Oh, okay. Husband, if you feel comfortable like this, let's do it like this..." Feng Bingbing blushed.

"Actually, we can continue to communicate now. Not only can we continue to suppress the cold poison in your body, but it can also enhance the cultivation level of the two of us." Chen Dong said with a serious face.

"Excuse me?" Feng Bingbing was taken aback for a while, as if he didn't realize it all at once.

"Yeah, yes, yin and yang intermingle, ice and fire unite, this is the key to solving the problem, and it is also the ultimate goal of cultivation." Chen Dong explained patiently with a happy face.

"Yin and yang intermingle, ice and fire unite. It seems to be like this. But how can we communicate to achieve the goal of yin and yang unity?" Feng Bingbing asked.

"It's actually very simple. You've already understood the principle. To achieve the unity of yin and yang, you must have a yin and a yang. I am a body of pure yang and you are a body of yin and cold, exactly one yin and one yang..." Chen Dong Said.

"You are yang and I am yin, one yin and one yang, yin and yang combine into one..." Feng Bingbing blushed, obviously understanding what Chen Dong meant.

"You just used this method to suppress the cold poison in my body and still improve my cultivation?" Feng Bingbing said with a blushing face. Fortunately, she now buried her face in Chen Dong's arms, Otherwise, she really didn't know how to face Chen Dong.

"Could it be that he and Chen Dong are already like that? That's why he said just now that he is already his." At this moment, she only felt her blushing hot, her heart beating rapidly, and she was expecting and nervous.

"Yes." Chen Dong said.

"Oh." Feng Bingbing only felt that her face was hot, "Then...then shall we continue? Don't you need to take a break?" Feng Bingbing said distressedly. But Chen Dong completed a healing process of yin and yang, but she felt sorry for her man even more. After all, it was very tiring to do some strenuous exercise continuously in such a short period of time.

"There's no need to rest. Now our time is very tight and we must hurry up to heal our injuries. At the same time, we must improve our cultivation as soon as possible. The pursuit of the Dragon Head Club has arrived." Chen Dong's expression became serious again.

"Dragon Shouhui! I know that after learning that I betrayed the Dragon Shouhui, they will definitely not let go, and will definitely send someone to hunt and kill me." Feng Bingbing stood up straight, and her eyes became cold again.

"That's right! And the purpose of these people in the Dragon Head Meeting is not only for you, but also for me!" Chen Dong nodded.

"Who is taking the lead this time? Is it the black and white deacons of the law enforcement hall?" Feng Bingbing asked.

When the two masters of the Black and White Deacons came to Donghai City to hunt down Chen Dong and Feng Bingbing, she had already fallen into a coma, so she didn't know what happened afterwards.But according to her many years of experience in the Dragon Head Club, whenever the Dragon Head Club killers leave the Dragon Head Club without authorization or give up their missions without authorization, people from the Law Enforcement Hall will usually deal with it.

"Black and white deacon? Those two freaks have already died and the other was injured." Chen Dong smiled, and with his current state of Qi Sea early stage, even if the black and white deacon at the peak stage joined forces, he would have an absolute chance of defeating them.Not to mention that the two brothers are now one dead and one injured.

"What! The black and white deacons were killed and the other injured! Could it be that they have already been to Donghai City!" Feng Bingbing obviously couldn't believe this was true.After all, the black and white deacons, the two strong men in the early stage of Qihai, can be regarded as extremely powerful masters.Especially once the two brothers joined forces, even the strong in the middle stage of Qi Sea would be extremely afraid.Therefore, the names of these two people are extremely resounding both within the Dragon Head Association and in the entire assassin world.It was hard for Feng Bingbing to believe that it was normal for these two masters to die and one to be injured.

"Yeah, they've already been here. They were awesome when they came, and they said they were going to kill us two good men and women! But what I despise the most is someone who pretends to be aggressive, so I killed one and injured the other." " Chen Dong smiled, he naturally wouldn't tell Feng Bingbing how thrillingly he defeated these two masters, and even nearly died!If it wasn't for the black deacon who wanted to catch him alone, coupled with his breakthrough in cultivation, it might be difficult to say who will die and who will live in the end!
"It was you who killed one of them and seriously injured one of them? What about your cultivation?" Feng Bingbing quickly covered her mouth. It turned out that she hadn't paid attention to perceive Chen Dong's realm.

"I can't even perceive your realm!" Feng Bingbing's eyes were wide open with surprise on her face, because in her impression, Chen Dong's realm was still in the mid-stage of Qi refining, just one stage higher than her own.And now I can't perceive Chen Dong's realm, there is only one possibility.

Chen Dong's realm is already three realms higher than her own!

"Early Qi Sea." Chen Dong tossed his hair and smiled smugly.

"Early Qi Sea!" Feng Bingbing couldn't help exclaiming!You must know that most of the cultivators can't break through the shackles of the Qi refining stage and advance to the Qi sea stage, even if they can break through by luck, it will take more than ten years or even decades to do so.But once they break through to the sea of ​​qi stage, facing the practitioners in the qi refining stage is like being crushed.But how long has it been since Chen Dong was able to continuously break through the shackles of the late stage of Qi refining from the middle stage of Qi refining, and then be promoted to the early stage of Qi sea!

"No! No! Did I sleep for a long time, several years or more than ten years? Then I am getting old?" Feng Bingbing quickly touched his cheeks with both hands.

"What are you thinking about, stupid girl? If you grow old after being in a coma for more than ten years, wouldn't I also grow old? Do you think I'm getting old?" Chen Dong smiled and pinched Feng Bingbing's cheeks, white and tender , definitely the skin of a 20-year-old girl.

"Ah? Yes, you seem to be the same as before. But why is that? Did you practice some kind of kung fu that can maintain your appearance? Do boys also practice this kind of kung fu?" Knowing that Feng Bingbing didn't even think of it at this time In fact, Chen Dong has been promoted to the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi within ten years in less than a month.

"Do I still need to practice the girl's kung fu for such a young man? Actually, you have been in a coma for less than a month, less than three weeks to be precise." Chen Dong said with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. .

(End of this chapter)

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