Special masters on campus

Chapter 570 Extra Conditions

Chapter 570 Extra Conditions

Chen Dong had heard of the name of the Taiyi Sect before. The Taiyi Sect is a great sect of cultivation that has been passed down for thousands of years, and occupies a considerable weight in the entire cultivation world.However, although this sect is very powerful, it has always regarded itself as a famous and upright sect, and rarely participated in various battles in the cultivation world.He didn't expect that he would come to Donghai City for the sake of Tianhuo Xuanbing, and would use such a despicable method.

"If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. Since you offended me first, please forgive me, Chen Dong." Chen Dong's eyes were cold.

"Vice President Long, how dare this junior use others to oppress you! I wouldn't even dare to give this junior ten guts!" Gao Shi explained with a terrified expression.

"Hmph, sorry you don't have the guts." Long Tianxing said dismissively.

"Yes!" Gao Shi quickly nodded and said yes, "It's just..."

"Just what? If you fart, let it go!" Long Tianxing said impatiently in a cold voice.

"Yes! Vice President Long just said that you should cooperate with whoever brings you the most benefits, right?" Gao Shi said flatteringly.


"This junior thinks that the benefits that Chen Dong can bring to you, based on our Taiyi Sect's strength, will only be more than his and will not be less than his!" Gao Shi said with a smile on his face.

"Oh? Really? Do you know the value of that thing I want?" Long Tianxing said to Gao Shi with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Vice President Long, please make it clear, I think we should be able to do it with the strength of our sect!" Gao Shi seemed very confident. No matter how strong Chen Dong was, he was only single-handedly, and behind him was Tai Yi, a millennium sect. However, if he simply compares the benefits he can bring to Long Tianxing, he has an absolute chance of winning!
"Hmph! Long Tianxing! When I complete the task first, the elders of the sect will settle the account with you!"

"Really? I'm afraid you Tai Yizong can't afford what I want!" Long Tianxing sneered.

"What! Our Taiyi Sect can't afford it? Doesn't Vice President Long know that our Taiyi Sect is a cultivation sect that has been passed down for thousands of years? Could it be that the treasures and spirit stones in the sect are not as good as Chen Dong, an unknown casual cultivator?" Gao Shi was taken aback, and said hastily.

"Oh, now that you said that, I remembered something. Your Taiyi Sect really has something good." Long Tianxing smiled suddenly.

"What?" Gao Shi asked quickly with a happy face.

"Tai Yi Sword!" Long Tianxing looked at Gao Shi playfully.

"What!" When he heard Long Tianxing say three words, Gao Shi stood there completely as if petrified.Tai Yijian!Others don't know what these three words represent. As an inner disciple of Taiyi Sect, how could he not know!Taiyi Sword is the supreme treasure of Taiyi Sect!It is the symbol of every generation of suzerain!Without Taiyi Sword, Taiyizong would be gone!
"Vice President Long! The Taiyi Sect is the treasure of our sect! It is the token of every generation of suzerain!" Gao Shi, with a hint of luck, prayed that Long Tianxing did not know the status of the Taiyi Sword in the Taiyi Sect.

"I know! What would I want him to do if it's a bunch of broken copper and iron? Will we be the ones who collect the broken pieces when we are the head of the dragon?" Long Tianxing sneered.

"Haha!" The four killers behind Long Tianxing also sneered.

"This!" Gao Shi felt a chill go down the back of his neck, and a life-and-death crisis hit him!Without the support of Long Tianxing, anyone here can easily kill themselves!In an instant, he turned from a strong side to a weak man who is ready to be slaughtered!How could he not be afraid?
"It seems that you can't get it out? That's much easier. Now that I have decided to cooperate with Chen Dong, you can leave." Long Tianxing said with a smile and then stopped going to see Gao Shi.

"But..." Gao Shi seemed to have something else to say, he was not reconciled!Obviously, he is about to get what he wants, and he can also borrow a knife to kill people, get rid of Chen Dong, and avenge his broken arm!

"Wait a minute." At this moment, Chen Dong said suddenly.

"Chen Dong!" Gao Shi looked at Chen Dong with vicious eyes, his whole body was trembling with anger!

"Vice President Long, since you have agreed to cooperate with me, then I have one more condition." Chen Dong ignored Gao Shi but looked at Long Tianxing and said.

"What! There is even one more condition! Does he really think we dare not kill him!"

"It's enough for the vice president to agree to let those two girls go, but this kid is so aggressive, I'm really tired of working!"

Behind Long Tianxing, the masters of the Dragon Shouhui said with a sneer.In their view, Chen Dong is courting death by doing this!Although the mid-stage Sea of ​​Qi is not weak, Chen Dong will never have the slightest chance of surviving in the face of Long Tianxing, who is in the fake alchemy stage!

"Vice President Long! You saw that without Chen Dong, he is such an insatiable person. It is impossible for him to bring you the benefits you want by cooperating with him!" Gao Shi was overjoyed. He was already in despair. It meant that it was a fluke to survive once, but Chen Dong's sentence plus an extra condition made him ecstatic in his heart!
"Arrogance! Chen Dong, you died because of your arrogance! Who is Long Tianxing? You dare to negotiate terms with him! Haha! The sky is endless, I am Gao Shi!"

"Junior, don't you think that what you say might irritate me?" Long Tianxing narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Dong, a powerful coercion erupted from him, crushing towards Chen Dong And go!

"Om!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and he stood in front of Sister Su Hong and Chu Shanshan, surrounded by an invisible layer of pure yang protection and true energy composed of pure yang power!
"Boom!" In just a moment, the pure yang shield around Chen Dong's body was broken, and at the same time, when the body shield was broken, Chen Dong stepped back two steps and squatted on the ground, holding it with one hand. on the floor!As long as he took half a step back, he would bump into Sister Su Hong behind him.

But Long Tianxing's coercion also dissipated at the same time!
"Pfft!" But seeing Chen Dong resting on the ground with one hand, he spat out a mouthful of blood.A strong man in the false alchemy period is so powerful even with a casual coercion!
"Brother Chen!"


Chu Shanshan and Su Hong quickly came to Chen Dong's side to support Chen Dong.

"I'm fine..." Chen Dong held his chest and stood up with some difficulty.

"Hmph..." Seeing Chen Dong's situation, Long Tianxing smiled disdainfully. Chen Dong was just as he thought, just an ordinary mid-qi sea cultivator.Maybe that Nielong Jiuzi is not Chen Dong's opponent, but he has no room to resist in front of him!

"Hmph! Overestimate your own strength! I would like to thank you, Chen Dong, if it wasn't for you, you would dare to negotiate terms with Long Tianxing!" Gao Shi snorted coldly, and stood up straight again.

"Vice President Long, I still have to say this condition, because you will definitely agree." Chen Dong said to Long Tianxing while clutching his chest.

"Oh? Then I'm a little interested, tell me about it." Long Tianxing smiled. To him, it's just a cat making a deal with a mouse. Just now he was just testing Chen Dong's strength. Now he doesn't have to worry at all. Chen Dong dared to play tricks.

"Leave this person to me!" Chen Dong pointed at Gao Shi!
(End of this chapter)

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