Special masters on campus

Chapter 571 Leave This Person to Me

Chapter 571 Leave This Person to Me

"You...what are you talking about!" Gao Shi stared at him and was completely dazed!He never thought that Chen Dong's transaction terms would be himself!If he falls into Chen Dong's hands, he will surely die!

At this moment, everyone including Long Tianxing looked at Gao Shi.

"This!" Gao Shi looked at Long Tian shaking his head uncontrollably, and took several steps back.

"Vice President Long! Vice President Long, you can't agree to him! He's clearly trying to sow discord between our two families! Yes! That's his purpose!" Gao Shi's voice trembled violently.

"This is your second condition?" Long Tianxing ignored Gao Shi, but looked at Chen Dong. Chen Dong's condition was indeed beyond his expectation.

"That's right! I don't think this request is any embarrassment for Vice President Long, right?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Vice President Long! Both of us are big sects in the realm of comprehension! I beg you, even if you don't look at my face, you should also look at the face of your master. Don't trust Chen Dong's bewitching!" Gao Shi's voice was a bit sharp After all, he knew that he had nothing to do with Long Tianxing, and he was not a member of the Longshouhui, so Chen Dong's request did not have any stake in Long Tianxing!He was scared, really scared!

"Boy, you almost died just now because of such a condition. I really want to hear your reason for doing so." Long Tianxing looked at Chen Dong and asked with interest.

"There's no reason. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. I don't care whether he belongs to Taiyi or Taijizong, I have to pay for it!" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"You!" Gao Shi almost burst into blood with anger.

But Long Tianxing smiled slightly, "Hehe! Good! I like this reason very much! This is a grievance between the two of you, what does it have to do with me and Dragon Chief?"

"Vice President Long!" Gao Shi was so frightened that his legs were trembling, and his face was pale without a trace of blood.

"If you yell at me again, I'll take care of you for Chen Dong first!" Long Tianxing's eyes turned cold.

"This!" Gao Shi was stunned, and the staring boss swallowed hard.

"And if you dare to mention your elders in front of me again, I will kill you first! What I hate the most are those hypocrites of the Taiyi sect!" Long Tianxing said in a cold voice.

"This..." Gao Shi backed up again and again, he thought that Long Tianxing would at least give him a way to survive in the face of his elders in the sect!

"But junior Chen Dong, don't think that I'm helping you! My time is very precious. You only have 1 minute, and our transaction will start in 1 minute." After finishing speaking, Long Tianxing put it on again. Sunglasses smoked a cigar.

"Ten seconds is enough!" Chen Dong's lips turned, and he looked at Gao Shi with cold eyes. If this person is not eliminated, Liu Yashu will be in danger at any time in the future, so Chen Dong must get rid of this person today!
"Chen...Chen Dong! What do you want!" Gao Shi saw that it was impossible to count on Long Tianxing.

"You should know what I want!" Chen Dong smiled and took a step closer to Gao Shi.

"You! Chen Dong, don't try to bully others too much. Do you know who I am! The power behind me is something that you, a mere casual cultivator, can provoke!" Gao Shi strengthened his courage. Even if Long Tianxing is not afraid of Tai Yizong, Chen Dong should not dare to anger Tai Yizong.

"Are you an inner disciple of the Taiyi Sect?" Chen Dong smiled and continued to take a step towards Gao Shi.

"You! Since you know that I am a disciple of the Taiyi Sect, you should know that the Taiyi Sect is not something you can afford!" Gao Shi hurriedly took a step back, knowing that he could not be Chen Dong's opponent at all.

"It's a pity, do you think Tai Yizong will do anything to me for a useless person?" Chen Dong smiled, and before he finished speaking, his whole body moved violently!
"No!" Gao Shi screamed in horror, he didn't have time to think about the meaning of Chen Dong's words, the only thing he could think of now was, run away!
However, although Gao Shi had just broken through to the middle stage of Qi training, his speed was still too slow to face Chen Dong.I saw that Gao Shi's figure had just retreated, but his face changed, and Chen Dong grabbed his neck and lifted his body lightly!

"Chen...Chen Dong, you!" Gao Shi instinctively lost his ability to resist in an instant, and Chen Dong's hand was like an iron hand clamping his neck tightly, not to mention luck, even breathing become extremely difficult!This is the first time in his life so far that he feels death so close!

"I didn't let you go." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched, and the strength in his hand increased suddenly.

"Chen Dong!" Gao Shi struggled vigorously with both hands, but it was of no avail. He was surprised that not only could he get rid of Chen Dong this time, but he could also complete the mission of the teacher and get Liu Yashu. He originally planned to be so seamless, but everything is about to come true. Suddenly, such a big rotation came!

He is not reconciled!Not reconciled!Even until now, he has not realized why Chen Dong should have fallen into death, but it was replaced by himself!
"Don't worry! We are alumni after all, I will never kill you!" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"What... what..." Gao Shi's eyes were red and wide open, as if he didn't believe that Chen Dong would bypass him so easily.

"From tomorrow onwards, if you want, you can continue to be the president of your student union!" Chen Dong smiled, and a stream of pure yang energy directly blasted into Gao Shi's body!
"Bang!" Gao Shi flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, then hit the wall heavily, and finally lay on the ground like a dead pig, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Xiaodong, what are you..." Su Hong quickly looked at Chen Dong, after all, in her opinion, if Chen Dong really killed Gao Shi like this, it would be against the law.

"It's okay, I didn't kill him." Chen Dong turned around and signaled that Sister Su Hong was okay.

"If you abolish his cultivation but don't kill him, he will be a waste who can't cultivate in the future. For a cultivator, this is more painful than killing him directly. You are quite ruthless, junior." Long Tianxing sneered.

"I think what I did was very benevolent. At least I can save his life. If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have a dead end. According to common sense, he should thank me. Of course, even if he doesn't want to thank me, he probably won't dare How is it?" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"It's interesting! But boy, if you abolish the cultivation base of the inner disciples of the Taiyi Sect, the Taiyi Sect has enough reasons to chase and kill you, haven't you considered that?" Long Tianxing said.

"I've been hunted down by Guild, am I still afraid of another Taiyi sect?" Chen Dong smiled.

Long Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect Chen Dong to say that.

"Okay! Your character is indeed more evil! It's a pity that you are not a member of my Dragon Head Club. Then it's time for our transaction!"

(End of this chapter)

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