Special masters on campus

Chapter 574 A Good Place to Kill

Chapter 574 A Good Place to Kill

Following Long Tianxing's order, the four masters of the Dragon Sect came up to Chen Dong.

"Mr. Chen Dong, please!" All four of them had a sneer on their faces, and they even forgot that they were defeated by Chen Dong just a few days ago.But in this situation, in their view, Chen Dong was indeed a fish they slaughtered.With the current strength gap between the two sides, no matter what tricks Chen Dong has, no matter whether he can get what Long Tianxing wants, Chen Dong can't escape a dead word.

Chen Dong seemed to understand his current situation, he sighed and walked out of the villa.The four Dragon Shouhui masters hurriedly came to Chen Dong's front, rear, left, and right directions, in order to prevent Chen Dong from escaping.

"Hmph." Long Tianxing snorted coldly, a mid-qi sea cultivator was still too weak in his eyes, this was a game without any suspense.

Long Tianxing snuffed out the cigar in his hand and walked out of the villa.

Half an hour later, the western suburbs of Donghai City.

Three black cars approached from the direction of the city.

Chen Dong was sitting in the first car, while Long Tianxing was sitting on his left, and on his right was Long Da, the most powerful long-haired killer among the "nine sons of evil dragons".

The car was far away from the urban area, and the lights of the surrounding vehicles became less and less. Finally, three cars drove onto the Panshan Road one after another.

"Chen, we've arrived, where are the things?" That Long looked at Chen Dong coldly.

"I've already said it's in this mountain." Chen Dong said calmly.

"My boy, Xishan is so big, are you kidding us?" Long Da's expression changed, ready to strike at any time.

"You said it yourself, it's very slow to find Xishan if it's so big." Chen Dong said.

"You!" Long Da stared, and he was about to attack Chen Dong.

"I've already got into your car and came to this wilderness, do you think I need to talk nonsense?" At this moment, Chen Dong suddenly looked at Long Tianxing and smiled.

"En." Long Tianxing waved to Long Dayi.

"Yes!" Long Da put down his hand even though he was 1 unwilling.

"Go ahead, I'll put things on the top of the mountain." Chen Dong said with a slight twitch of his mouth.

"Hmph! With the vice president here, you know what will happen if you play tricks! The fourth child speeds up!" Long Da sneered.

"Understood!" The killer driving in front also smiled, stepped on the accelerator, and the speed of the car suddenly increased.

Since the convoy has come to the suburbs, there are no lights on both sides of the road.However, the speed of the same car is also faster.

Soon the winding mountain road came to an end, and there was no road ahead for cars.Only a rough dirt road leads to the top of the mountain.However, the height of Xishan is not high, and there is only about 100 meters of mountain road left from the top of the mountain.

Without the road, the three black cars had to stop.

"Vice President, the road ahead is too narrow for the car to pass." The Dragon Shouhui master who was in charge of driving turned his head and said to Long Tianxing.

"Boy! How far is it?" Na Long looked at Chen Dong and said in a cold voice.

"I've already said that I put things on the top of the mountain, didn't you hear?" Chen Dong looked at Long Da and smiled slightly, as if he hadn't fallen into death.

"You!" Long Dagang was stopped by Long Tianxing when he wanted to attack.

"Get out of the car! You lead the way!" Long Tianxing said indifferently.

"Vice President, be careful of this kid's deceit! There is not a little light in the wilderness of this place, maybe he called his helpers to ambush us!" Long Da said.

"The wilderness? Ambush? Haha!" Long Tianxing sneered, "The wilderness is the time for killing people!" Long Tianxing looked at Chen Dong with a cold look.

Chen Dong's heart skipped a beat. This Long Tianxing was not only the most powerful enemy he had ever encountered in Donghai City, but also his murderous intent was the strongest!Just this look, if it wasn't for the fact that he was very murderous, he might have lost his ability to resist!

The meaning of Long Tianxing's words is obvious. This is indeed the wilderness. Chen Dong may want to use some kind of trick, but he will definitely make Chen Dong completely disappear in this wilderness!without letting anyone know about it.

"This subordinate understands!" Long Da smiled in satisfaction.

"As for what kind of helper, hehe, I don't think there is anyone in Donghai City who dares to help him! Of course, unless this person is not afraid of death, if there is such a helper, then I will naturally help you and send you on the road together. "Long Tianxing looked at Chen Dong with a sneer.

"Vice-President Long is indeed the Vice-President of the Dragon Head Club! It seems that I have no hope of making a comeback!" Chen Dong also looked at Long Tianxing.

"Come back? Haha! If you hand over Tianhuo Xuanbing, maybe you will have this chance to challenge me again in the future." Long Tianxing said in a playful voice.

"Of course! I don't want to die yet." Chen Dong smiled.

"Get out of the car!" Long Tianxing said coldly while looking at Chen Dong with a strange smile.


"Crack! Crack! Crack!" The doors of the three cars opened almost at the same time.

The people in the car got out of the car one after another.

At this moment, everyone was in the depths of the West Mountain, surrounded by darkness.Only by the faint moonlight can the surrounding dark woods be seen.

"Aw! Aw!" From time to time, there were a few hoots of owls, echoing in this deathly silent mountain forest.

This is indeed a good place to kill.

"Let's go! I'm running out of patience." Long Tianxing said in a cold voice.

Chen Dong didn't speak but took the first step towards the mountain.The nine killers of the "Nielong Nine Sons" of Longshouhui followed Long Tianxing almost at the same time.

Long Tianxing also followed with a cold look.

Although there is almost no light, this difficulty is not difficult for this group of practitioners.Along the way, there was nothing unusual except for the hooting of an owl from the woods.This also reassured the nine Dragon Shouhui killers slightly.

However, Long Tianxing's expression remained the same without any change, and no joy or anger could be seen from his face.In his opinion, it was normal that nothing happened, because no one would come to help Chen Dong at this time.Now he is the strongest person in the entire Donghai City, he has this confidence!

After a while, everyone has reached the top of the mountain.Here you can overlook the night view of Donghai City in the distance.There is a stark difference between the bright lights of Donghai City and the dark moon and high wind here.

But at this moment, Chen Dong suddenly stopped.

"It's right there." Chen Dong pointed to a dark building on the top of the mountain. It could be seen from the vague shape that it was a gazebo.

(End of this chapter)

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