Special masters on campus

Chapter 575 You can rest in peace!

Chapter 575 You can rest in peace!
Long Tianxing looked at the gazebo that Chen Dong pointed to with cold eyes.

This is a very ordinary gazebo, which is a place for climbers to rest.

"Chen Dong, are you kidding me?" Long Tianxing looked at Chen Dong and said in a cold voice.

"I don't want to die. The shards of Tianhuo Xuanbing are in this pavilion." Chen Dong said.

"Huh? If Tianhuo Xuanbing is really there, can I not even feel the fluctuation of spiritual energy for a day? Chen Dong, I have already given you a chance, but I am looking for death!" Long Tianxing sneered and said He was ready to attack Chen Dong.

"Vice President Long, you are wrong." At this moment, Chen Dong looked at Long Tianxing and said.

"Oh? You still have one last chance, tell me!" Long Tianxing put down his raised hand.

"If a cultivating rare treasure like Tianhuo Xuanbing does not have a special storage tool, let alone put it in front of your eyes, even if it is placed in any corner of Donghai City, I don't think it will escape the eyes of Vice President Long. If it is really If that's the case, I'm afraid Tianhuo Xuanbing won't be able to wait for Vice President Long to grab it." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Really? It makes sense. Then you just go up and take out the Tianhuo Xuanbing. If you don't take it out, you will still die!" Long Tianxing snorted coldly.

"Mr. Chen Dong, please!" The nine Dragon Shouhui masters around Long Tianxing came to Chen Dong almost at the same time.

At this moment, in front of Chen Dong was Long Tianxing, who was in the fake alchemy period, and Jiuming, the top killer in the late stage of Qi refining in the early stage of Qihai. Now it is impossible for him to go down the mountain. The only choice is to turn around and go to the gazebo on the top of the mountain!

What Long Tianxing didn't know was that this was exactly what Chen Dong wanted to achieve.

"Old man, I have attracted you, don't lose the chain!" Chen Dong thought to himself, it turned out that before he went to Su Hong's house, Chen Dong left a message to his master Yang Tianding on WeChat. .Originally, Chen Dong didn't expect to be able to contact the old man, so he had the right to leave a last word. After all, the old man and his mistress have raised him for so long.But what Chen Dong didn't expect was that the old man replied to him immediately.

The old man's reply was very simple, just a few words, "The top of the West Mountain, the gazebo."

This time, the opponent he faced was Long Tianxing. This person was a long-established top player, and he was not at the same level as any opponent Chen Dong had encountered before.Obviously, he has completely angered the high-level leaders of the Dragon Head Conference. This time, Long Tianxing personally brought people to Donghai City to eradicate him completely.The gap between the mid-sea of ​​qi and the fake alchemy stage is really too big. Even if Chen Dong has the Nine Suns Divine Fist and the Nine Suns Protector True Qi, the odds of winning against an opponent like Long Tianxing are still too low.Only old monsters like the old man Yang Tianding could be Long Tianxing's opponent!
"Hmph! Long Tianxing, do you think that you have a lot of people because of your seniority?" Chen Dong smiled and didn't say anything more, but turned and walked towards the pavilion.

Long Tianxing and the others behind him followed closely behind Chen Dong.If it hadn't been related to the most precious treasure in the cultivation world, Tianhuo Xuanbing this time, with Long Tianxing's character, he would have killed Chen Dong countless times.At this moment, his heart was full of murderous intentions, as long as Chen Dong couldn't get out the Skyfire Xuanbing, he would strike without hesitation, completely obliterating this junior who made him feel very uncomfortable!
After a while, Chen Dong had already entered the gazebo, and the people behind him all stared at Chen Dong with cold eyes.For a moment, murderous intent filled the small pavilion on the top of the mountain!
"Where are the things?" Long Tianxing said in a cold voice.

But this time, Chen Dong didn't speak, nor turned around.

"Vice President! This kid is really playing tricks!" The killers beside Long Tianxing all looked cold.

"Boy! Your courage is indeed not small. If you can survive, you may surpass me in future achievements, but now you have no chance! Give me a hand!" Long Tianxing shouted coldly. He thought that Chen Dong He is a smart person, and he never dared to play any tricks with him. He never thought that Chen Dong would really lose his name for the sake of two women!And this also made him lose face in front of his subordinates, how could he spare Chen Dong!
"Yes!" The nine killers rushed towards Chen Dong almost at the same time!

"Chen Dong! I will make your wish come true! After you die, all the people around you will be buried with you for your stupidity!" Long Tianxing snorted coldly, and punched Chen Dong in a flash !
Almost at the same time, the nine killers who rushed towards Chen Dong dispersed before reaching the pavilion, surrounded the entire pavilion, and blocked all possible escape routes for Chen Dong!
It turned out that these nine killers were just locking up the "prey" for Long Tianxing!Just like the hounds of the hunter when hunting, their point is not to hunt but to bind the prey for the master.The real shot was Long Tianxing behind!
But at this moment, Chen Dong was still standing in the middle of the gazebo as if he hadn't reacted at all!

"It seems that your Longshouhui has no other skills other than bullying the small with the big and bullying the few with the big. Does it need such a big show to deal with an unknown junior like me?" Chen Dong smiled.

"You! Boy! How dare you be so crazy when you are about to die! You can be arrogant, but you must have the capital to be arrogant! It's a pity that you don't have it! Go to hell!" Long Tianxing was obviously furious, originally he thought everything was on him However, he underestimated Chen Dong's courage!He never thought that Chen Dong would really dare to lie to him with his life!
But if Chen Dong died, all this would come to an end!

"Boom!" Who is Long Tianxing?The vice-chairman of the dignified Dragon Head Association, the top cultivator of the false alchemy period!The power of his punch has far exceeded the range that normal people can imagine!But seeing that his punch hadn't arrived, but the wind of his fist had already shaken the whole gazebo into the air!

"Kacha! Crackling!" Just hearing the sound of earth and rocks cracking, the pavilion built entirely of concrete and stones collapsed in an instant and was blown away by the wind of the fist!

And the nine dragon head masters who were originally surrounded by the pavilion did not dare to resist the shock wave of this level, and also retreated one after another!
"Haha! This time he will definitely die!"

"Should have killed him long ago!"

These nine people were defeated by Chen Dong and thoroughly humiliated by Chen Dong before. How could they not be happy at this moment?

And almost at the same time, Long Tianxing had come to Chen Dong's back, and Chen Dong didn't even have a chance to dodge!This is the gap between the mid-qi sea and the fake alchemy stage powerhouse!There is a huge gap in strength, true energy, and speed!

"Boy! If you can die under my Long Tianxing's hands, you can rest in peace!"

"Damn it!" Chen Dong almost instinctively wanted to dodge, but he ran out of time!
(End of this chapter)

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