Special masters on campus

Chapter 606 Instructions from the province

Chapter 606 Instructions from the province

The meeting room of the Donghai Police Station was silent.Everyone in the conference room was dumbfounded.

"50 million bonus!"

"Who is this guy! He's talking like he's sure to solve the case!"

"It's crazy! The lion asked for a bonus of 50 yuan!"

"However, if this case is so important, if he can really solve the case, maybe the province can approve a 50 bonus!"

It wasn't until a while later that someone reacted, and for a while, the entire conference room was full of discussions.

"Could it be that Situ Xiadan really went out to investigate the case and found important clues?" Deputy Director Cao murmured when he heard what this person said on the phone. If he handles the case, he will lose face this time!

"Who are you? What can you do to solve the case?" At this time Director Xiao took the phone from Captain Zhao and said.

"I, my name is Chen Dong, and I'm a college student now." At this time, Chen Dong's very casual voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What! College student!" Director Xiao's face suddenly became ugly.

"Chen Dong! It's the little boyfriend of Police Officer Situ. I thought that Officer Situ really found some important clues to solve the case. I didn't expect that not only did he not, but he also asked his little boyfriend to call the police station directly! Really! It's ridiculous!" At this moment, Deputy Director Cao relaxed, and the worries in his heart disappeared in an instant.

"It's so outrageous!"

"This will be bad luck for Deputy Situ..."

"That's right! I violated the discipline in the first place, and now I still ask my boyfriend to call the police station. This is not playing tricks..."

Even Captain Zhao on the side closed his eyes. The matter had reached such a point that he couldn't help even if he wanted to.

"That's enough! Quiet everyone!" Director Xiao yelled sharply at this moment, and the entire meeting room fell silent. Everyone knew Director Xiao's temper at this time and anyone who dared to speak at this time would definitely be scolded to death.

Director Xiao glared at everyone sharply, and then said to the phone, "Hi, student Chen Dong. I'm Xiao Deming, director of the Donghai City Police Department."

"Hello, hello Director Xiao, do you have the right to approve the number I just mentioned?"

"Ahem!" Director Xiao coughed a few times as if he was trying to control his emotions, and then continued, "Student Chen Dong is very grateful for your concern about this case. Our Donghai City Police Department will do our best to solve the case." , you should study hard at school."

"Hmph!" Deputy Director Cao sneered.

"Hey..." Some of the others didn't hold back their laughter, but they all lowered their heads when they were stared at by Director Xiao.

"Director Xiao, as far as I know, your Donghai City Police Department has no clue about these serial kidnapping cases." At this time, Chen Dong's voice came again.

"It's true that our efficiency in handling cases is too low, but I don't think it's up to a college student to criticize me as the chief of the police station?" Director Xiao seemed to be a little bit amused by Chen Dong's anger. A college student doesn't want to stay in college. He said that he could solve the case and demanded that the bonus be raised to 50 yuan, which is extremely absurd.

"I think no one in Donghai City can solve this case except me. Even if someone can solve the case, it is definitely not from your Donghai Police Station." There seemed to be a hint of a smile in Chen Dong's voice.

"You!" Director Xiao was obviously irritated by Chen Dong's words. He, the dignified chief of the Donghai Police Department, was laughed at by a student who smelled like a baby. If he was not a policeman, he would still be in front of him He has long been angry at the face of so many subordinates!

"Hehe! Thank you for your encouragement! Our Donghai City Police Department will definitely solve this case!" Director Xiao hung up the phone holding back the anger in his heart.

"Ridiculous! Extremely ridiculous! Comrade Situ Xiadan is really disorganized and undisciplined! It's fine to go out on a private date, but let... Hey, what is the face of our Donghai City Police Department! How can we go to Donghai City in the future? Handle the case!" Deputy Director Cao said with a heartbroken look.

"Okay! What else can you say besides the word absurd?" Director Xiao waited for Deputy Director Cao to take a look.

"Director Xiao, I'm thinking about the reputation of our Donghai Police Station..." Deputy Director Cao said with an aggrieved face.

"For the sake of the reputation of our police station, you have the ability to solve the case!" Chief Xiao said sharply.

"This..." Deputy Director Cao quickly lowered his head.

"And you, the backbone of the police station! Why is our police station under such contempt today? Isn't it because we didn't do our own job well? If we can't solve the case today, it's just one person who doesn't believe us today, and the entire East China Sea will The citizens of the city will not believe us!" Director Xiao looked around at the crowd.

"Yes!" Everyone lowered their heads, and no one dared to speak at this time.

"As for the discipline that Comrade Situ Xiadan violated, I will naturally deal with it in accordance with the rules and regulations of our police station. Now everyone must focus on solving the case!" Director Xiao continued.

"Boom!" At this moment, the door of the meeting room was pushed open again, and a policeman hurried in.

"Director Xiao, we have received a report from citizens again, and another missing case of a female college student has occurred near Tokai University of Technology!"

"What!" Director Xiao's face turned red, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"It happened again! This is the fifth time!"

"This murderer is too arrogant, he didn't notice our police at all!"

"The key is that we don't have any clues. If it goes on like this, maybe it will happen tomorrow!"

All the backbone police officers in the meeting room couldn't sit still.

"Okay! What are you still sitting here for, why don't you hurry up and solve the case!" Director Xiao said with a gloomy face, the pressure on him now was unprecedentedly huge.If the case can't be solved, not only he, the police chief, may not be able to sit down, but the reputation of the entire Donghai City Police Department will also be ruined in his hands!
"Is it really like what the student said, no one in our Donghai Police Station can solve the case?" Chief Xiao thought to himself.

"Yes!" Director Xiao said, who would dare to sit still, only to see the backbone of the police station in the conference room get up and prepare to leave.

"Ringling!" At this moment, the phone in the meeting room suddenly rang.

"Hello! Donghai City Police Station." The policeman who came in just now answered the phone.

"The chief is looking for you." The policeman handed the phone to Chief Xiao.

"Hi, I'm Xiao Deming." Director Xiao said angrily.

"But!" But in the next second, his expression suddenly became serious.

"Yes! I understand! I'll do it right away, please don't worry, the leader!" Director Xiao put down the phone after finishing speaking.

"What's the situation, Director?" Everyone in the conference room, including Deputy Director Cao, looked at Director Xiao.

"The province just issued an order to find a student from Donghai University named Chen Dong to take charge of this case!" Director Xiao said in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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