Special masters on campus

Chapter 607 It's Xu Jiaying!

Chapter 607 It's Xu Jiaying!

"What! Let a Tunghai University student named Chen Dong be in charge of this case?"

The entire meeting room burst into exclamation!

"Isn't that the college student who called just now?"

"Tell him that his name is Chen Dong, and he is a student of Tunghai University!"

"Director Xiao, are you joking?" Deputy Director Cao asked in disbelief with his mouth open.

"Do you think I look like I'm joking?" Seeing that Director Xiao's eyes were wide open, he was obviously shocked.

"But why on earth did the province allow a college student to solve this case? It's ridiculous for a college student to preside over the case!" Then Deputy Director Cao wanted to cry. This kind of thing has never happened in the Donghai City Police Department since it was established for so many years. It happened, let alone Donghai City, even the whole of China has never heard of such a thing.If this matter gets out, won't the major media be blown up?

"It was the chief whose daughter was also missing asked the provincial department to do this. We just need to help Chen Dong solve the case." Director Xiao said.

"The chief asked it! Could it be that the chief whose daughter is missing still knows Chen Dong!" Deputy Director Cao's mouth was open, this news shocked him just as Director Xiao said that Chen Dong was in charge of the case!If this is true, if I offend Situ Xiadan, I offend her boyfriend, and then my position as the deputy director is in danger!

"It turned out to be the chief's request!"

"But it's absurd for us policemen to lay hands on a college student. If it gets out, won't our colleagues in other places laugh at us?"

"Exactly! Isn't it a joke to put a college student in charge of such an important case?"

There was another discussion in the conference room.

"Hmph! Letting him solve the case does not necessarily mean that he will be able to solve the case. If he can't solve the case, then we should continue to solve the case in the end?" Deputy Director Cao said.

"That's right!"

"If I beat him to death, I wouldn't believe that a college student could solve such a case!"

The meeting room echoed, after all, it is not only absurd for a college student to be in charge of such an important case, but it will also embarrass them, the police.It's a pity that they didn't know that once a case involving a cultivator was involved, they would have no control over it.

"Okay, don't talk about it. If we can solve the case in the first time, I don't think the higher-ups will make such a decision. In the final analysis, we will not live up to it!" Director Xiao said sharply, and the superior made such an instruction. In fact, the most embarrassing thing is him, the bureau chief.

"But Director Xiao, no one can let a student be responsible for solving the case! And he just said that the bonus should be 50 yuan! It's very difficult for the superior to approve this!" Deputy Director Cao said quickly Well, if Situ Xiadan's boyfriend really solves the case, he will be humiliated.

"Deputy Director Cao, if you dare to issue a military order, you will definitely be able to solve the case. I will apply to the superior right now." Director Xiao said to Deputy Director Cao.

"This..." Deputy Director Cao was speechless all of a sudden. If he really has this ability, why not wait until now?
"Who else dares to say that he can solve the case, stand up now, and I will immediately apply to the superior." Director Xiao looked at everyone in the conference room.

"This..." Everyone lowered their heads. This case can be said to be the most difficult case they have ever encountered in their entire lives. The entire police force has been fighting for three days and three nights, and so far there is still no clue. .Who dares to say that they can solve the case?
"Hmph!" Director Xiao didn't get angry when he saw these unsatisfactory subordinates.

"Captain Zhao, call Vice Captain Situ and say I'm looking for Chen Dong!" Director Xiao looked at Captain Zhao.


At the same time, a Maserati outside the police compound.

Chen Dong put down the phone and returned it to Situ Xiadan.

"How is it? What did Director Xiao say?" Situ Xiadan asked nervously.

"I want 50 from him." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"50! What are you thinking, scumbag!" Situ Xiadan's face turned pale for a moment, she knew that she might have caused trouble this time.

"Do I need more than 50 yuan for such an important case? Besides, the practitioner is doing the right thing. I'm risking my life. Isn't 50 yuan more?" Chen Dong shrugged.

"You! What did Director Xiao say?" Situ Xiadan didn't know how to tell Chen Dong. Anyway, he was in trouble this time. If he really couldn't solve the case, he would definitely be suspended from his job.

"He asked me to study hard at school." Chen Dong said with a relaxed face.

"This!" Situ Xiadan was completely speechless, and she knew that with her Uncle Xiao's temper, she would definitely not agree to Chen Dong's request.

"It's over, it's over, I'm in trouble now." Situ Xiadan's face suddenly became ugly.

"What are you afraid of? Let's solve the case." Chen Dong reached out and patted Situ Xiadan on the shoulder.

"Do you have any clues?" Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong and asked.

"No." Chen Dong said naturally.

"Do you have any suspect targets?" Situ Xiadan then asked.

"Not yet." Chen Dong blurted out.

"You! Then how can we solve the case! Uncle Xiao is my father's old comrade-in-arms, and this time I have completely lost my face!" Situ Xia Dan stomped his feet angrily.

"Okay, okay, I'm making you happy. Don't worry, as long as a cultivator does this kind of thing, I should be able to find some clues. And I'm worried about the lack of resources for cultivation, so I can just catch this person from him. Take away something as punishment." Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"Cultivation resources?" Although Situ Xiadan knew that there were really powerful practitioners in this world, she, a policewoman, naturally didn't know about more cultivation matters.

"That's right, cultivation resources. For practitioners, cultivation resources may be as important as their lives. Taking away cultivation resources is equivalent to killing half of their lives." Chen Dong smiled.

"Then what should we do now?" Situ Xiadan asked with a vague understanding.

"Didn't you say that a similar case of a female college student's disappearance happened just now?" Chen Dong said.

"That's right, the location is near the east gate of Tunghai University, and this case is even more special." Situ Xiadan said with a serious expression, and when it came to business, she returned to her original appearance.

"Oh? What kind of special method?" Chen Dong didn't wrinkle slightly.

"The missing female college student is the daughter of a chief. Now the city and the province are under great pressure. She has urged us to solve the case as soon as possible." Situ Xia Danliu frowned. The pressure on her is too much now big.

"What! The East Gate of Tunghai University is still the daughter of a head!" Chen Dong's face changed suddenly. How many people in Donghai City can be called the head?And the crime happened at the east gate of Tunghai University, isn't that near Xu Jiaying's home?
(End of this chapter)

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