Special masters on campus

Chapter 618 It's Me, I'm Chen Dong

Chapter 618 It's Me, I'm Chen Dong

A moment later, the third basement floor of Tenglong Building.

This used to be the important place of Tenglong Building, and no one was allowed to enter except Li Jianye himself.

At this moment, the basement was completely dark because there was no electricity, but in this darkness, a few faint crying sounds could be faintly heard echoing in the corridor of the basement.But this sound can never be heard on the ground.

In a certain basement on the third basement floor, several girls curled up in a corner and cuddled together, crying continuously.

Human beings are naturally afraid of dark men, not to mention these weak girls?
Moreover, these girls don't even know who they are locked up here, and what those people want to do, they are completely trapped in endless fear and despair.

Among them was Xu Jiaying. At this moment, she was completely in despair. They kept shouting, but they found that they seemed to be forgotten by the world.No one responded, no one knew they were trapped here, and they didn't know what fate awaited them.

"Mom and Dad, and Chen... Where are you, Dong Chen? Will you come to me? Huh..." Xu Jiaying is an introverted and weak girl. She didn't even dare to watch martial arts movies before, so how could she accept it? Now this encounter.When she fell into despair, she found that she had lost her parents, and another figure appeared in her mind.

"Chen Dong...can you still help me heal..."

"Boom!" And at this moment, a huge roar made the whole basement tremble!
"Ah!" All the girls screamed.

However, after a violent vibration, the entire basement fell into deathly silence again.

"Help! Help!" I don't know which girl shouted first, and then several other girls also shouted. The loud noise just now might be someone who discovered this place, which made them already desperate. See a glimmer of hope.

At the same time, the entrance to the elevator on the third floor underground.

"Boom!" The originally closed elevator door was punched open from inside, and the two steel door panels were twisted and deformed instantly and flew out.

A figure came out of the elevator, to be precise, it should be two figures, but one of them was held by another person.

"Which room is the person locked in?" Chen Dong said in a cold voice.

"Ahem, the third room on the left." Li Jianye said in a cold voice. The order of the Cultivation Alliance is no longer important to him. His only purpose is to survive and seek revenge!
Chen Dong carried Li Jianye to the third room on the left.

"Help! Woohoo!" Sure enough, Chen Dong heard a faint shout coming from the room.

At this moment, the few girls in the room had no strength to shout anymore. They had been shouting for a long time, how could they have the strength to continue shouting even though they were already weak?The continuous shouting just now had exhausted their last strength and hope.

"It's useless, no one will come to save us."

"We're done, woo, mom and dad..."

There was a burst of crying in the basement, and an atmosphere of despair enveloped the darkness.

"Boom!" And just when these girls were all in despair, the door that was completely locked was suddenly opened!

The entire basement suddenly fell silent, and the girls who were already in despair obviously didn't react.

"Huh!" At this moment, a golden flame lit up at the door, and a tall figure appeared in front of these girls.

I saw that the boy was 1.8 meters tall, with short sunny and capable hair. Although his appearance was not so handsome, his sharp-edged face had such an irresistible attraction to every girl.

At this time, Xu Jiaying in the room raised her head. When she saw this person's face clearly, she couldn't believe it at all.She once imagined that when her father came back, she even imagined that Chen Dong would come to rescue her, but she thought it was just her own fantasy, knowing that she saw this familiar face.

"Student Xu Jiaying, are you okay?" Chen Dong stood at the door and asked.

"Chen Dong... Is Chen Dong really you?" Xu Jiaying quickly stood up and ran to Chen Dong.

"Yes, it's me, I'm Chen Dong, I'm fine now, everyone's fine." Chen Dong said softly, Xu Jiaying is the kind of little girl who makes all men easy to be sympathetic, and at this moment her long The look of hair scattered on the face is even more distressing.

"It's okay." Chen Dong stretched out his right hand to brush up the messy hair on Xu Jiaying's face.

"Chen Dong is really you! Woohoo!" Seeing that Xu Jiaying threw herself into Chen Dong's arms all of a sudden, she was too scared, really too scared, at this moment she had forgotten what it means to be shy, she knew that she I could see Chen Dong again, even if I was still hiding in a corner and watching him secretly.

At this time, several other girls in the room also leaned over, and they understood Xu Jiaying's reaction, this boy who looked similar to their age was not here to harm them but to save them.

"It's okay, everything is over." Chen Dong patted Xu Jiaying's back.

"Chen Dong, I..." At this moment, Xu Jiaying seemed to realize that she was in Chen Dong's arms and stood up quickly, her face turned red to the ears.

"Thank you Chen Dong."

"What are you talking about, we are classmates, shouldn't I save you?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Student..." Xu Jiaying seemed to feel a little lost in her heart.

"Your father and the police should be outside the building now. I'll send you up first." Chen Dong looked at Xu Jiaying and several other girls and said, 100% safety cannot be guaranteed here yet, so these girls should be transferred to a safe place first. place in order to avoid any accidents.

"Okay!" Xu Jiaying nodded.

"Thank you, classmate!" Several other girls also thanked Chen Dong excitedly. They would never have thought that they would be rescued by such a handsome boy. All this seemed to happen in a fairy tale .

"Everyone follow me closely." Chen Dong turned and walked out of the basement, Xu Jiaying and several other girls followed closely behind Chen Dong.

And Xu Jiaying probably unconsciously grabbed Chen Dong's arm because of the extreme fear in her heart, exposing Chen Dong's arm tightly.

Chen Dong smiled slightly, but didn't say anything.

When everyone walked out of the basement, a ball of flames floated above the corridor like a lamp, but these girls thought it was a lamp and didn't realize that it was a ball of flame.

And a figure covered in blood was lying in the corridor in a state of embarrassment, and a white flame was floating above his eyebrows. As long as he dared to move a little, this flame would ignite him.

Li Jianye knew how scary Mars was, he could only watch Chen Dong take him away but he didn't dare to move.

"Ah! Chen Dong! Chen Dong! I, Li Jianye, will definitely kill you with my own hands! Ah!" When Chen Dong walked up with a few girls, there was a shrill roar in the dark corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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