Chapter 619

Nine p.m.

Donghai city center.

The loud noise from the Tenglong Building shocked most of the city.

The police in Donghai City evacuated all residents within a radius of one kilometer from Tenglong Building on the grounds of blasting dangerous buildings.

However, the news about this incident and the several recent kidnapping cases began to spread, so that all major media in Donghai City came to report.

All of a sudden, newspapers, television broadcasts and the Internet were full of news that a college student from Tunghai University bravely entered the Tenglong Building to negotiate with gangsters to save lives.

Major TV stations and Internet media also reported live on the matter, and this sensational news occupied the headlines of major media this night.

It's just that these media can only wait for news outside the blockade.

At this moment, the downstairs of the Tenglong Building is quiet, most people have been evacuated, only a few cars are still parked near the building.

In addition to Xu Jiji and the Zhanlong special team on call at any time, Director Xiao and Deputy Director Cao of the Donghai City Police Department also insisted on standing on the front line.

"Director Xiao, this matter is too big now. It can be said that everyone in the city knows about it. If this Chen Dong can't save people, or even the safety of the hostages is threatened, then the matter will become a big deal. This responsibility... "Deputy Director Cao whispered to Xiao Deming, he didn't want to ruin his official career because of such impulsive behavior of a student.

Xiao Deming stared fixedly at Tenglong Building.

"If you think you can do it, go ahead."

"I..." Deputy Director Cao was speechless for a moment, he was not stupid, there was such a big movement in the building that the whole building was about to collapse, wouldn't he die if he went in!
"Come on, it's bad luck for everyone!" Deputy Director Cao said angrily, spreading his hands.

And Xu Jicheng naturally heard what he said, but he didn't say anything but kept staring at Tenglong Building.Even if his daughter was still inside, no matter how calm he was, how could he not be worried as a father?Although Chen Dong's strength has indeed surpassed his own, but after all, Li Jianye is a master who has been famous for many years, so it can be said that he has no bottom now.

"Someone has come out!" At this moment, someone suddenly shouted, and suddenly there was a bright light at the gate of Tenglong Building, and then several figures walked out of the building.

"Everyone, don't move!" Xu Jicheng said quickly, and he stepped forward. If it was Li Jianye who walked out, then the others would die if they went up rashly!

And as Xu Jicheng walked forward alone, the ten members of the Dragon Slaying Special Forces Team quickly dispersed, all raising their guns to aim at the few figures who walked out of the building.

"Father!" And when Xu Chenggong just entered the building, Xu Jiaying recognized her father immediately and rushed forward to throw herself into Xu Chengcheng's arms.

"Father! I thought I'd never see you again..." Xu Jiaying's suppressed emotions finally broke out at this moment.

"Okay, everything's fine, it's fine..." No matter how old-fashioned Xu Jiji is, he is still an ordinary father at this moment.

"Father, it was classmate Chen Dong who saved me." At this moment, Xu Jiaying thought of Chen Dong.

"Thank you Xiaodong." Xu Jicheng looked at Chen Dong and said.

"It's nothing Uncle Xu, this is what we should do, and don't forget that we have a common purpose." Chen Dong smiled, turned around and entered the building again.

"Chen Dong..." Seeing Chen Dong walking into the building again, Xu Jiaying became nervous.

"My child, let him go. You are not from the same world. He has more important things to do, and even I can't see his future." Xu Jicheng looked at Chen Dong's back and said meaningfully.

"People who are not from the same world..." A trace of sadness flashed in Xu Jiaying's eyes.

"Da... da..." The sound of Chen Dong's footsteps echoed in the quiet underground corridor like a pool of stagnant water.

Li Jianye, who was curled up in the corridor, shuddered unconsciously when he heard footsteps.

"Li Jianye, what the hell is wrong with you! How can you be afraid of that junior Chen Dong! Even if he becomes stronger, it is because he borrowed the power of other people! That's right, it must be like this. As long as you live, you will definitely be able to take revenge! No! He wants my spirit stone! Hahaha! Junior Chen Dong, you are a junior after all, you want to hit the Golden Core stage, right? You want my cultivation resources, right? You will die a miserable death, and the entire Donghai City will I will be buried with you!" Li Jianye was ecstatic as if he suddenly thought of something.

At this moment, Chen Dong came over.

"It seems that you are indeed a smart person. Now we can start our transaction, and exchange your life for your cultivation resources." Chen Dong squatted down and looked at Li Jianye with a smile.

"Chen Dong hopes that you will keep your word!" Li Jianye said with narrowed eyes.

"Don't worry! I, Chen Dong, always mean what I say." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched.

"Okay! My cultivation resources are in this basement, but they are on the fourth floor, and I need to open them myself." Li Jianye said.

"Yes!" Chen Dong stretched out his hand and lifted Li Jianye up.

"You!" Li Jianye was trembling with anger, but there was nothing he could do. Not to mention that he was seriously injured and even had trouble walking. Even in his heyday, he couldn't fight against Chen Dong. He could only endure it!
Soon the two came to the end of the third basement.

"It's here." Li Jianye said.

"Boom!" But Chen Dong threw Li Jianye on the ground with a thud like throwing garbage.

But seeing that Li Jianye didn't complain, but struggled to get up from the ground and slowly walked to a wall.

"Hmph! Chen Dong, although you are strong now, you are still too tender after all! Do you think I will give you the cultivation resources I have saved up all my life so easily? Dreaming!" Li Jianye sneered in his heart, and saw him palm Pressed against the wall.

With a sound of "hum!", the ground in front of Chen Dong vibrated for a while, and then a hole was revealed.

And when this hole appeared, the entire corridor was instantly illuminated by a blue light.

"This is aura! Very strong aura!" Chen Dong's eyes flashed. It seems that Li Jianye, an old boy who has been entrenched in the secular world for so many years, has not gained nothing or has accumulated a lot of wealth.

"This is here. All my cultivation resources are here. If I hadn't been seriously injured back then, and I have been healing my injuries all these years, these cultivation resources are enough for me to hit the Golden Core stage. It's a pity..." Li Jianye looked helpless.

"Not bad." Chen Dong smiled.

"You've got Chen Dong's stuff, so can I go?" Li Jianye said.

"Okay, let's go." Chen Dong said.

"Is that true?" Li Jianye's expression changed, obviously he didn't expect that Chen Dong would really let him go.

"Of course, if I find out what kind of tricks you are playing, I am confident that you will not be able to get out of the basement." Chen Dong said with a smile, how could he not know what Li Jianye was thinking?

"Don't worry! The thing is right there, I definitely didn't have any tricks!" Although Li Jianye said so, he sneered in his heart, "Chen Dong, you are still too tender after all! As long as you dare to step into this basement, you will touch my heart Formation, all the spirit stones inside will explode, and you will be buried dead!

Li Jianye watched Chen Dong walk towards the entrance while backing away, then accelerated and fled towards the upper floor!

(End of this chapter)

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